@sanch, thanks... And that controller of yours... wow :)
@sanch, i have to admit ur controller looks a lot better than my russian design knob box ;) is the pc inside the box?
the sanchette http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=sanchette
posted my stickyKey under patches instead of modules. sorry
@ernshot : some texture path are missing and a shader to , but nice
I uploaded the patch for those symmetric screenshots I posted, if anyone's interested.
good night
@screenshoter, been meaning to get round to that! Cheers!
get some room in your flat 'till october!
thanks zepi, when will you come here ?
great french stuff!
i really dont think that the vid is too long... just the music could take a little more nuttyness.
se french on handkäse again?
yeah i have to make it again and change the music , so that´s will be shorter
@sanch, have to agree...its too long and some tension built up is missing, some climax...go for 1 min reel
morpho say that is to long but , you can have a look : http://www.sanchtv.net/video/sanchtv-demo-divx.avi
"that hopefully will make its way into consumer computer market in time" -- we´ve been waiting for this for years
Any one up for the challenge of coding this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zp-y3ZNaCqs
ja. there have been some minor fixes to xpath andor xslt nodes for 9.10 (still waiting for a better bugreport about why 9.10 wouldn't do for you)
@joreg: keymaker doesnt work for me in 9.2. does it need 9.10??
yes. its great ! i just boygrouped from stuttgart to dortmund :)
somebody into hamachi ? seems very interesting..
yea sanch, retrospect !
there is a screen shoot here http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-browse_image.php?imageId=1788 , but i will put the patch online soon
@sanch: Great work on the retromachine! Will you make the patch available for download?
@vincent: fixed that
can't see the forums!!
@sanch...i wanna see the module... i tried myself but didn't manage (:
...quite often when i play with the "clear"-pin.
my dx9 renderer does the same thing from time to time
little tutorial on how to freak out on keyboard, rocknroll: http://www.fazed.org/video/view/?filename=rocknroll.mov
Hacking AIBO with vvvv http://www.noderecords.de/node3000/020200/index.php?itemid=200
how did you do the "disrupted renderer DX9"? was it by accident or by default?
@west. made by me. I will some more tests and maybe upload that patch.
Who made that VJ tool?? Looks great!! :)
hi sanch! volute and retro machines are realy nice! best!
@oschatz: bug fixed _
@u7 & w: i am awaitung our phpsql wizards.. dont want to press delete 666 times..
Does that spammer get paid to do that?? Great work indeed Sanch!! :)
can some admin delete the annoying posts on the 'breaking the loop' thread...cheers
Wow! How the hell did you do them!
master sanch...good work :)
looks cool, sanch
i use the steer module from the fovball patch , and apply transform on a linear spread and queue >> grid, i wiil put the module online
hey thanks it´s just the grid
are they based on that rope object or on the dynamic mesh nodes?
cool new pics sanch...
http://www.quest3d.com/index.php?id=102 has directx object exporters for several versions of Lightwave, Autocad, 3dsmax, Maya, Cinema 4d and Softimage.
Interesting ideas in my head right know. Check the Forum: http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=6068&topics_threshold=0&topics_offset=0&topics_sort_mode=lastPost_desc&topics_find=&...
anybody about to wrap this in freeframe?
dmoc...thanx for reminding me of this tracker. i used boujou so far but i give this a go ..
Interesting? http://www.digilab.uni-hannover.de/docs/manual.html
give me some time. there are still a few bugs wich have to be fixed first..
i am indeed keen on that webIF-thing!
iBar Pong, patched with v4 http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-download_file.php?fileId=718
@bjoern..yeah i know that one but i'm more interested in interfacing without special indicator like LED gloves etc. but the g-speak stuff is kewl anayway
maybe you can introduce it here: http://www.g-speak.com/
yeah very cool works
@west, cheers mate :)
@u7angel, that basic gesture presentation interface looks lkike something from 2032, it is very, very cool!!
Check this stuff I am going to hook up to vvvv: http://img22.imageshack.us/img22/2976/midisetup9mh.jpg
yipie got my 3 year old dellnotebook back from service. they inserted me a shader capable graphics adapter (nvidiago5200). the old one wasnt shader capable at all. goo things still happen
also found another sister some days ago, the gui is rendered too ... : http://www.vsxu.com/
updates of Contour ColorTracker CamShiftTracker plugins: http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=UserPagemarc_s
another sister http://www.harrisondigitalmedia.com/
maybe it can be programmed with a dmx protocol to drive lightning gear. but im not so sure about the analog outs of that thing... seems to have just three pwm outs?
That Ardeno is sooooo cool!! (now I need to figure out a purpose for it ;) )
im waiting for that bluetooth arduino... cool...
first 2 chapter of the tutorial arduino ls. VVVV are finshed ... how to get the board and delivery time is now clear, too. http://vvvv.meso.net/tiki-index.php?page=arduino01
very very simple ? hope u don't underestimate v4 ;)
yes i know about max msp jitter but it is so more complicated, vvvv is very very simple compared to that but thanks anyway
@bioessay, or use maxmsp/jitter which is available for macs.
if u wanna pay why don't u just buy a pc ;)
some help i must have this on mac, and pay for it because this program is GREAT
i would love to see this running on macs :(
hello first time here
mh yeah that gui thing. need just some motivation to start with :)
Hehe, great to hear m8!! Hope you got it hooked up to vvvv now!! Ow.. we still need to dig intoo those buttons, some day... ;)
it just was broken got a new one.
hey west i got that rgb spot finally working... thanks again for your help...
ui, there where more than 700 vvvv downloads during the last week ...
videosize fixed
@cat, cheers...but the bloody video is far too big, anyone tried to implement a flash file into the vvvviki ? would come handy in terms of the FLV format which is very effecient
MrBenefit: sounds pretty interesting, can't await next infos
@u7angel Lovely Pond!
then get on with it ...the tutorial of course ;)
@u7angel -- he ... the tut is not yet finished :) nor idea ... bought it at a wrkshp. but gonna ask them. b$
how long did it take for the delivery of the arduino board...it's definetely better than picaxe because faster
@benefit, very cool hardware toy...this board, i did something similar with picaxe boards..might put it on my site
kewl !
yo, now its upgraded for 9.10. beta release soon !
@tonfilm...i was just kidding
he mr.tonfilm...any progress on ur TFSCtool ? jan 06 is over ;)
who is "dommeruk" on del.icio.us ? thx for the credits!
Great work, buy carisoprodol, dunno what it is.. but smells like SPAMM!! (and it smells BAD!!)
greetinx from the evening in kaiserslautern (:
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