thanks kiilo for the info - but is is off since years... no?
For security reason, you must upgrade to php 4.1.1 at least if your register_globals is turned on. See
suppinger oder rosario?
omg. wonderful software.this is what I'm looking for
hey dude
hehe... pitch on pot
concerning the khronos thing please compare i've also done a v4/shader version of the timewarp effect some time ago..will have to dig that out one day..
just got into 4v for three days or so, but now i love it. greetinX to other v4ddicted :)
You too sanch, I know guys like 3D superstuff ;p
Joreg you should check it out :)
Very cool project im interested in finally has an online version:
anybody ever tried ? if so please tell us what it is cool for
waiting for the cold days..
uh. merci.
ai z. you didn't miss it. we did. will be included with 9.1 again. meanwhile get it from here
say, where is mister trautner in beta9? did i miss something here?
HardSteppa asked if somebody at the Dookfest Lounge works with vvvv, 'cause he wants to see a professional work with vvvv
I know 95% here is German, but please talk english for the other 5% (I am Dutch =)
Wird bei den Live Visuals in der DookFest Lounge auch mit vvvv gearbeitet werden? Würd ja gern mal nem Profi über die Schulter schauen... =)
i'd like to know more about screenshot 1562, brainwaves filtering. who did this?
updated link in the galeria. funny princesses they have in japan!
new meso project page as announced on the blog: correct me!
yes you are. site is totally outdated. to be reworked sometime 2006/2007.
ah those animals responsible for mindblowing orchestras! the opening picture is confusing. am i on the list?
and with a bunch of SMD-Parts. sometime...
with some musik? an guadn!
send me some handkäse!!!!
A lovely seashell patch, much thanks sanch!!! peace
Much respect to the programmers of vvvv!!! This thing is awesome!! Thank u for such a cool app!
did that. nothing changes.
try connecting a TexCoords node to the quad that doesn't show the videotexture
sorry. i am the one who is connected to martin schaffranski to whon you talked today on the phone.. had a offer for hardware/ programming from max a few days ago.
if its not working, please start a new forum post and attach your patch..
latest directx, latest drivers?
its a geforce 4 420, the vvvv is 33beta9
what graphic card are you using?
if you disconnect all texture transforms, the texture should be 1:1 on the object.
and if i take one of the girlpowertextures ( eg. earth) then the complete rectangle gets a single color-> is the scla e of the texture too big ?
because, if i disconnect the video, the pure rectangle shows up. i did. maybe my texture shows up, but it is scaled false ? or transformed false ?
did you set waitforframe to 100?
heelp ! please. my texture on my 3d-objects dont show up.
hi there... i am new to vvvv. i have problems with textures: the video that i map onto filestream-videotexture-rectangle-renderer dx9 doesnt show up. why ?
ahm ... yes !
dx9 3d
hi, I've started a page for the split flap project. especially to find people interested in reusing the cases!
@tonfilm. this isnt good style. the mesh-dis. mov loads at first. users like me just surfing around will get annoyed by auto-playback and large-filesize movies in sites
see a video of the amazing quaternion julia set fractal:
hope nobody is offended by my move: i removed all projects from the news blog and put them in the galeria blog.
of course i can but i dont want to do the tiki-implementation -_-
hell yea you can pass variables to flash and back or it can communicate to the server by itself (through php) ever since i started using flash forms my sites' guestbooks don't get spammed anymore :)
hey, sehr cool, dass sich mit der seite ständig was tut, aber bitte: "v4 sternchen a multi..." durch ein germansprachlich korrektes (und viel hübscheres) "–" ersetzen. und dieses blau.... ich weiss net.
i dont need to if we wont use this anylonger ;)
you can simply pass params to the flash obj via the embed tag?
i am sure there are communication interfaces
@gc: bad idea, how will a flashform know what user is logged in?
cool russian :-)
just a suggestion: spambots can't deal very well with flash forms ;)
hope so ..
any russians among our users?
o.O русско?
that's correct
what the hell is up with the menu!??! i see russian?!
the raymarching julia set with that resolution is damn slow (< 1 fps) :)
no, sorry. maybe there will be, but definitely not soon
will there be a mac version soon ?
nice detail in new julia! still raymarching? how fast is that?
actually it is supposed to. yes. no promise here though.
alos. the new Galeria is now filled with all the projects. please fill free to complete information at your own projects
will beta9.1 come out in november still, or should i stick to beta 8 doing a project?
not yet. but beta9.1 will suffice you
hello, is it possible to output video via firewire directly into dvcam?
i like the new header.
@dmoc: julias screenshot #1509
Thanks Max. I just found it. Is #vvvv channel found on any other servers? Chatzilla doesn't include an ident svr and even if it did I don't want to open the port.
irc problems: have you checked
@tonfilm: next time you have a spam attack, I'll point you to the mySQL command-line interface. It's just 2 clicks with the right query.
i think that link is not "similar" but must actually the original code, no?
I have the same problemm, how do I join the VVVV IRC ?? (not much help in FAQ)
@Anon: re irc://irc.belwue. de/vvvv I'm using ChatZilla on Firefox and just keep getting Closing Link: dmocunknown@x.x.x.x (Unauthorized connection) (I have deleted my ip address from the above)
@gregsn: what screen shot?
the patch itself is not that interesting and there's similar but better documented shadercode available here
That is F-ing cool!
wow, would you like to share the patch ... ? i'm very intrested ..
it's a raymarcher done in pixel shader
how is it done ?
wow, this screenshot is just wow!
ha! i just discovered that this OK photolab thing is running wild... anyone interessted in a exkursion to mannheim hauptbahnhof?
you have mozilla? simple open this url irc://
How to get irc authorisation? Also Ctrl-F1 not working (33beta9)
deleted tons of spam ... fighted live aganist 200 spam bots ... and hope i win ! :)
vvvvisual @ hfg_of_main
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