@evvvvil ooh that electric fog at 2:30
Yo bros I'm live on Twitch showing my vj tool made in vvvv with my new raymarching library. https://www.twitch.tv/evvvvil_
Playing with Shapes in Schéma 0.1.1a with vvvv beta based audio analysis https://youtu.be/EbdbSbtwrvA
Tonight 10pm Euro time I will be showing my updated raymarching library for vvvv. https://www.twitch.tv/evvvvil_ Be there or be a doo doo head.
For those interested in Precious Plastic https://davehakkens.nl/update/workspace-sale/
I wish you happy stacking! Schéma 0.1.0 alpha out now! https://schema.scenic.tools/coming-out-now/
@Patxi7: nire plazer!
thanks Joreg for yesterdays workshop!
@evvvvil: masterpiece!
"Monster Things" result of improvised live coding session on Twitch. 92 lines of bloody shader code. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/wdSfzh
we got one ticket cancelation for the reactive patching webinar this evening. get the spot.first come first serve: https://nodeforum.org/announcements/introduction-to-reactive-patching-with-vvvv-gamma/
we got a cancellation for reactive patching this evening. first come first serve: https://nodeforum.org/announcements/introduction-to-reactive-patching-with-vvvv-gamma/
Final call for Friday's "Building a game" webinar. Join us to take your next step in vvvv gamma: https://nodeforum.org/announcements/building-a-game-from-scratch-with-vvvv-gamma/
my vvvv experimental cinema bonanza :] megananosampler_part_1 https://youtu.be/2QEXy5Z3mO8
@evvvvil you are a mutant of the highest order!
@io you beat me to it!
Synthwaves and circles, Schéma generative visuals streaming now, I'll leave it for the night. https://www.twitch.tv/dominikjancik
Final call for tonights webinar: Introduction to Object Oriented Patching. Starting 6pm CET: https://nodeforum.org/announcements/introduction-to-object-oriented-patching-2/
thanks @vasilis: glad you liked it!
Excellent webinar today! Thanks @Joreg
"Friday Giro Fever" result of live shader coding improv on twitch. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/wdXBzs
a quick sampler of a/v experiments from 2008-14 can't wait for vvvvgamma+ vl.stride+next vl.audio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUQfU7twIo8
Podcast of the life and amazing discoveries of Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p08b5j7g
...and we've just added a bunch more webinars for may: vvvv-gamma-webinars-in-may
Hope to see you this evening in therapy! https://therapy.domj.net/
...already 2.1.1 actually... :)
VL.Elementa update to v2.1.0 available :) vl.elementa
We have a (bugfix) release! Please welcome: vvvv50beta39.1
@joreg: Cheers! I have already got my ticket!
@vasilis next chance for getting started with vvvv gamma this thursday!
First bunch of webinars for May is up: vvvv-gamma-webinars-in-may Still more to come...
Put some light in a window, get it on the map: http://holocenter.org/light-windows
@metrowave thanks and ja, too bad...there will be more opportunities!
@joreg, david great interactive gamma workshop, too bad halfway I lost connection and couldn't rejoin!!
Join us at Midweek Patch Therapy this evening, starting 17:30. Bring your patches, projects, troubles and stories. https://therapy.domj.net/
Reminder: 2. worldwide #vvvv meetup tonight: 2.-worldwide-vvvv-meetup with quite the lineup...
Visual programming in Dreams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syjrCSXd-0s
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZpowQlrNt8 impressed by the transitions
Midweek Patch Therapy this evening, starting 17:30 CET. Come join us with your patches and ideas. https://therapy.domj.net/
@graphicuserinterface It all depends on porting gamma to .NET Standard. After that, who knows what can be done :) https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/using-vl-with-unity-or-unreal-engine/13775/7
is there any "gamma4unity" in the plans?
gamma could be more prominent on the Downloads page - I didn't see it first without a heading of it's own
@yar @noobusdeer: i tried with subs but it doesn't translate. i have it from a credible source though that your talking makes sense..
vvvv-Telegram (for beta) was just updated and should work again :) vvvv-telegram
@joreg, but anyway later we will tell about ours streams more on forum
@joreg, thanks! It possible to watch this with auto-sub, but correctness is not guaranteed
Thanks @joreg for posting our channel with stream records!
@domj i will!
это выглядит интересно #vvvv https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG41Vm1E3_1QVu_rorgQ8ag
Thanks a lot @joreg! Hope to see you come by sometime soon :)
This is gold: Highlights of the first patching therapy: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVnRhHlkxdpoDeh6AwfJcLptwjH0jshfm @domj many thanks for your efforts!
penderecki is dead. Viva Penderecki! https://vimeo.com/407476714
Join Midweek Patch Therapy https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/come-join-midweek-patch-therapy/18430
VL.IO.NDI is now on github. Latest info here: https://discourse.vvvv.org/t/vl-ndi/16733/39
thanks to you joreg :)
@karistouf: great, thanks for sharing!
merci catweasel :)
@karistouf Wonderful!
Burning Man's going virtual this year. https://journal.burningman.org/2020/04/news/official-announcements/brc-2020-update/
Shadertoy for your face! https://shaderbooth.com/?85daa=
https://vimeo.com/405806502 30mn realtime. Merci Joreg and all the crew for this beautifull tool, merci Clemens for D.O.P.E
both, problem in ffmpeg was that windows do not have a title to grab
@kamome: you mean the patch or the Renderer? either way nothing built-in yet. You'd use sth like https://obsproject.com/
hei is there any way to record gamma patch / renderer with ffmpeg ?
Hi @Joreg..I'm interested in "Getting started with vvvv gamma"
@vasilis we'll add more. which one are you interested in?
missed my chance again...sold out!!!
@joreg thanks for sharing!!
new webinar dates: vvvv-gamma-webinars-in-april
Everyone go checkout this growing list of #vvvv beta tutorials by Takuma Nakata: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLK3HDkvkLePS9UKCVw1o_eb09Ocws6Wcr Thanks for those!
"Energy Confinement": Result of Tuesday's improvised live coding session on Twitch. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/WslyDl
@siyah Yes! macOs support ... more like a distant dream but hey ;)
such a great news @devvvvs ps.I'm dreaming osx version (:
Congratulations @devvvvs!!!! :)
what a treat it is to sample the microdevil_intersect help patch from time to time
"FM-2030's messenger": Result of Tuesday's improvised live coding session on Twitch. 106 lines of shader code. https://www.shadertoy.com/view/3slyRX
Thanks @Takuma, nice job!
thanx cat, i would have missed the streaming...
https://youtu.be/Mwu9PWRXsW4 live streaming now!
@david @joreg Thanks!! great to have feedback. Made another one today with vertexnoise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4AG-qQqWjjI
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