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now we got something here this time...
besides a couple of fixes as you can see in the changelog we'd like to particularly point your interest to the fine (and massive) drop of arduino/firmata girlpowers by jens.a.e to whom we're also of course still greatful for the arduino/firmata nodes that come with this very same pack already since quite a while now. those are finally the demos he promised from his node13 workshop + some more as it seems. find them under:
gut patch!
If i am not mistaken there are only minor changes this time:
With all kinect nodes FOV is now given in cylces (was a mix of radians or degrees). Also the rotations for ms-kinect face are now cycles.
The Gui2d modules work again, but have a bug in multitouch mode.
Everything else just as good as before.
only two new nodes this time:
this brand new addonpack for beta30 notably brings fixes for
+ a new node by herbst: AsXElement (JSON)
full details in the changelog. we bow to all contributors..
as always fanks a lot to all contributors and testers...
note that the x64-pack has some bits missing, see: vvvv-64bit
this is the first addonpack for beta28.1. for now you get:
sounds not much but can give you a performance-gain in case you used those nodes. it also fixes an issue where patches from before beta28 got corrupt in beta28 when Select (Value Advanced) was used with default bin size of 1.
more user contributed stuff is already in the pipeline for the next pack...
rendering by unc
this is the first beta28 addonpack.
it comes with a bunch of new stuff by unc regarding realtime cubemapping, ie modules for conversions between different formats. and lecloneur spent you all a humble bundle of 30 TextureFX modules. just type his name into the NodeBrowser to see the list.
there is a new TypeWriter (String) based on original code by bo27 that should come quite handy for creating onscreen keyboards.
besides that a series of fixes and new nodes by yours truly vux and woei as documented in the change-log.
remember: everything thats in the addonpack (and more) is open-source:
...and this is the suitable addonpack for beta27.2
just like the core-release this contains only fixes (with a little exception by vux) who sneaked in a new kinect node.
get this to make your patching pleasure complete. more new stuff announced for beta28...
this is the addonpack of beta27.1
with some great new stuff:
unc improved some bits with the TextureFX and even included some new ones.
and also check the
directory which has some new goodies.
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