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credits thanks tmp for
A meditation on the state of our own diminishing environment is transformed here into a contemplation about environments outside of our blue green planet and the potential consequences of reaching them.
The installation uses the contrast between the material used (cold, inanimate and perpetually repeated) and the landscape (live, organic, and unique) which the shaped materials represents.
Each visitor can explore their own unique human footprint on the surface of Mars and simultaneously reflect on the relationship humanity has with its surroundings, both immediate and in the distant future.
Play with the shader: cellularautomata-dx11.texturefx
credits Instance noodles powered
Geometrica Studio, based on Madrid gets a new shape...
After long time trying to grow a business brand , i decided to create my own label... reasons are various, mainly focused about missing people around using the same tool (and ideas...) as me.
Actually i started with a new project based on promote and create new media arts under 4v around Spain and everywhere... Sounds interesting but i still keep my commercial clients as well.
After Node, even that i was another observer, lot of ideas came to my mind, and i just can say thanks to everybody who are part of this community.
I post this as an "update" info blog, just to show my last work.
"Human Roots its an interpretation of the relation between human technology and nature, covering reality with instances of earth material."
Thanks a lot to everyoneishappy for instance noodlees:
"the best way to make people understand concepts its to unify them"
Thanks a lot to colorsound too, a big mate and inspiration for me.
Images are rendered originally at more than 4k so i wish to see them on paper soon, for an exposition in madrid.
This is just a preview of human covered models.
Here is my new website, powered by vvvv.js , so better experience in chrome desktop browsers.
credits Light design Andrej Boleslavský & Mária Júdová Documentation Theresa Baumgartner, Zoya Bassi, Mária Júdová
Samuel Kerridge, Andrej Boleslavský & Mária Júdová controlling a system of live coding that responds in real time to the audio source, a system of intense lighting surrounds the performer, creating a sense of motion acting as a counterpart to the sound. The illusion of a moving shadow.
Premiered at Berlin Atonal 2015.
credits alas6enlaplaya,ideasconalma,item-media,colorsound
Openinig of the vodafone Smart Center in Seville, I+D+i dedicated to the investigation of bigdata solutions and promotion of connected cities. Placed in the Parque Tecnológico de la Cartuja, this center will allow to the administrations to access to intelligent services that stimulate the efficiency, the management and the improvement in the quality of life of the cities.
For this Opening to the public and introduction to the institutions,some developments that were implying the use of the new technologies and the interaction between users were made.
Among them, a few interactive tables that were allowing to the assistants to order drinks by simply placing empty glasses in the table, at the same time some animations showing the main aims and ideas of the building spirit.
An idea produced by / and developed by and .
credits ibercover,lectrovision,colorsound
Digital Window in the Skybridge,s Elevator at Kingdom Tower.Saudi Arabia .
The Kingdom Tower,s Elevator in Riyadh city - Saudi Arabia.
Lifts people up to the aerial bridge called "Skybridge". It reaches 300 meters of altitude.
The elevator indoors does not have physical windows but since the 12th of may 2015 , it reopen to the public with a 4k screens system, which allow the visitor to enjoy an awesome experience.
Showing the city of Riyadh in a fabulous 3D recreation,the installation takes care of the time of the day and the direction of the lift "UP-DOWN" to display the right content and provide a joyful experience.
credits cppstudios,colorsound
ABB - YuMi Show Stage At the 2015 Hanover Industry Trade Fair, visitors were captivated by the ABB interactive presentation introducing “YuMi”- the true and innovative collaboration of man and robot. The installation, displayed on and before the ABB stage, was shown on four, interconnected presentation surfaces:
Visitors were offered a spectacular interplay in the form of a high quality, audio-visual composition, displayed on a monitoring architecture coordinated precisely with Marc Gassert’s moderation. YuMi actions before the eyes of the audience and boundless experimental stations, where visitors could spontaneously try out YuMi’s functions for themselves.
The basic technical parameters of the YuMi demo stage, developed by CPP Studios on behalf of ABB, are as follows:
27 High-definition displays controlled by a vvvv application, with over 8,000 pixel-wide video delivered by eight PCs running in parallel. In addition, 5 brand new YuMi robots controlled via a custom timeline-based application.
YuMi, "You and Me", was introduced here as “the first real collaborative robot”, which, with its two arms equipped with a total of 14 joints or handles, can efficiently work together with man. A sensory security system makes the need for any physical protective barriers redundant.
The collaboration was demonstrated “live” at the trade fair: Interaction between the moving robots and audience was barrier-free. It was also the norm for members of the audience to trigger the robots’ security mechanism and thus stop their movement. The robot control application, developed by CPP, enabled the robots to be reset via the software - without impairing the performance.
In his moderation, Marc Gassert was able to independently run the show by remote control and thus immediately respond to the reactions of the audience
All the robots’ movements are generated over an exo-skeleton and subsequently integrated within the show. The skeleton and the recording of data were newly developed, designed and manufactured from scratch.
credits LAB BINÆR
The State Textile and Industry Museum »tim« in Augsburg is a wonderful place to dive into the worldwide history of the textile industry. (
Fashion always has been a big thing in the history of mankind but the conditions for the workers have been and still are pretty questionable:
Sweat, blood, dust, noise, chemicals, mechanical power and lots more of raw materials are processed in huge numbers.
An abandoned building called »Basilika« is one of the last remaining, not yet affected by the gentrification, contemporary witnesses of a time when Augsburg was a big player in the textile industry and it is placed vis-a-vis the »tim«.
In the context of an artist intervention for the fifth anniversary of the museum we created an audiovisual installation for this building.
The performance show takes about 10 minutes and is divided into two very opposed parts:
The first part interpretes aspects of the production process, is black and white and pretty noisy. It is controlled in realtime by an original punch card that normally is used to weave a towel with the lettering »Made in Augsburg« on a loom.
The second part is colorful, enjoyable and with a very contemporary style even though the footage are patterns of cloth from 1806 to 1988 which we digitalized for the project.
For the sounddesign we use samples of original weaving machines and analog synthesizers.
The artwork tries to illustrate the schizophrenia of the industry that is still pervasive although far away for most of us.
In a digital culture of apparent, virtual and intangibles realities, of artifacts without soul and disembodied thoughts, Angels (Tribute to Giordano) is a software entity located in the unlikely boundary between a spiritual dimension and other purely technological. If a cyborg is a cybernetic organism result of hybridization between a machine and a body, tell me, how do you imagine the hybridization combining the meaning of the notion of spirit with a technological genesis of 0s and 1s?
credits Concept, Lighting design/ Mária Júdová Choreography, Dance/ Markéta Kuttnerová Sound programming/ Petr Zabrodský Hardware, Software/ Andrej Boleslavský
Outcome of the residency in Swiss Theatre Roxy based upon our previous bio-interactive dance performance body(input);.
A solo dance speculating on a parasitic relationship between the physical body and technology. It is concerned with the gradual extension of the human senses, the way we perceive the world, ourselves, our physical body and our abilities through innovation. On the other hand it also reflects the increasingly complex technologies that adapt, evolve and become more autonomous.
The interactive light generated according to the dancer’s biological function is used as a metaphor of technology. The way light reacts on the dancer changes during the performance, and thus it also defines their relationship and autonomy. At some point the light reacts accurately on the dancer’s heartbeat, breath and muscle activity, otherwhile the light behaves independently on the input data as an autonomous entity. The focus of the performance is therefore on the ambiguity of the situation in which we find ourselves nowadays and the new questions arising from it.
Thanks to/ Sven Heier, Yves Regenass,Benny Hauser, Mitch Gruss, Opendot, Kristína Dúhová, Miloš Vojtechovský
Supported by/ Roxy Birsfelden, Migros culture percentage, FAMU
Ambient for dance nights, shot 2014-15 in Bucharest, London and Ibiza
Sound is Petre Inspirescu - Paranoia Prima
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