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Hi there, David Gann aka tekcor here from and In the past months I spent a lot of time working with VVVV.JS.
I had an amazing time and developed a workflow which works good for me. In this 1 hour video i am talking about the creation of the new web page Since I got lost a little bit on the track I also talk about my ideas of creating an isometric mmo game with vvvv and vvvv.js and other random thoughts that came to my mind.
You need to have some time for it and I dont know if it is me talking so slow or if the bunch of thougts realy takes so long to express.
Have fun.
credits choreography: Raphael Hillebrand and Christian Mio Loclair design and code: Christian Mio Loclair Technical Direction: Nikola Pieper video production: Waltz Binaire
Bright beams cut the room, replacing complete darkness. They glow in threatening white as they reach to the ceiling in mathematical precision. Two men step into the room as scan matrices sense their bodies. They become sliced into their components, rearranged and manipulated by light till the moment they decide to break the dictatorship of machine and find nothing left – but themselves.
Pow is a piece by the urban choreographers Raphael Hillebrand and Christian Mio Loclair. It combines interdisciplinary expertise reaching from computer generated art and scientific human computer interaction to urban choreography.
more information:
ClinK is a collaborative project by Markus Schuricht, Felix Deufel and Paul Schengber, which challenges the boundaries of the human, auditive and visual perception.
The large interactive audiovisual installation consisting of 30 speakers in a handcrafted dome construction with 360° projection enables its visitors to explore modulations and movements of sounds and visual objects in 3D space.
Each body and its dynamic attributes are directly transformed into predictable audio feedback and transformations of visual objects. Manipulate sound sources and move them through space in a way that their exact position concretely and vividly occur in front of you.
Everything realised with vvvv:
Search Space is an interactive installation that reconstructs text messages by using genetic algorithms. The messages are being processed through a large body of generic text that resonates to search terms. Like a reversed echo chamber, the system gradually alters and adapts to incoming information until the closest possible state is achieved. (Tobias Gremmler, Adam Zeke)
credits Tobias Gremmler, Adam Zeke
credits Artist Martìn Romeo Dancer Cristine Sonia Baraga Music Stefano D'Alessio
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