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credits Tatiana Plakhova, Eduard Haiman, Vadim Smakhtin, V4W.ENKO. Big thanks to unc and dottore for the help with shaders and VVVV community for making all this possible.
Generative real-time audio-visual installation, produced for BMW.
credits Students: Jan Barth (jancouver), Roman Stefan Grasy (roman_g), Mark Lukas, Markus Lorenz Schilling (dl-110) Academics: Prof. Hartmut Bohnacker, Prof. Ralf Dringenberg
Interaction designers develop our digital everyday life. They concept, sketch and create new possibilities of interaction, which are evaluated with functional and technical prototypes.
The book “Prototyping Interfaces – Interactive Sketches with VVVV” covers within 280 pages the applied handling of interactive sketches with the visual programming language VVVV.
credits Studio Kreft
Zen Station by Jannis Kilian Kreft, Concept 2003/2004, Produced in 2008, premiered at the NODE 08 festival and a real beta 13 classic, is now a permanent installation @ the Städtische Galerie Meiningen. Go play it!
Gallery Link:
credits Bartholomäus Traubeck. Thanks to: Karla Spiluttini, Pro-ject Audio, Ivo Francx, Rohol, Land Salzburg.
A tree’s year rings are analysed for their strength, thickness and rate of growth. This data serves as basis for a generative process that outputs piano music based on the year ring data. Those are analyzed for their thickness and growth rate and are then mapped to a scale which is again defined by the overall appeareance of the wood (ranging from dark to light and from strong texture to light texture). The foundation for the music is certainly found in the defined ruleset of programming and hardware setup, but the data acquired from every tree interprets this ruleset very differently.
Project page + video:
credits pics by
stage design including light and mapping on styrofoam at pratersauna, vienna, 15.11.2011. live: azari & III + when saints go machine
credits SITD [NL] SAPO [IT] V2_ [NL]
Byte by Byte, Sensible is rising again. 4D interactive Coordination Projection. Preparing for ISMAR 2012
Still no perfect Kinect plugin to use... so i'll use them all for one day.
Music is originally built for a 6-channels setup, made with Csound, Max/MSP and Reaper.
Video made with VVVV and Max/MSP connected via OSC.
credits students: fabian kreuzer markus lorenz schilling academics: prof. hans krämer prof. steffen süpple
Goal of the project is to simplify the process of food management. Our main focus was the technical and the communicative aspect.
And a short video of the 2nd level.(not resolving it) More soon!
Some press coverage:
Remember, Jump & Run //
Himmel & Hölle is a realtime realworld Jump & Run experience in space.
You need good memory, balance & physical fitness to master the 9 levels and make your way to heaven.
At the beginning of each level the fields you must jump on start to rotate in random combinations
(i.e. 1,3,6,7,8,7,8).
You must jump the correct combination into heaven and then back to start. The difficulty increases with every level while you make your way from a friendly blue to a fearful red environment. Jumping on a forbidden field results in destroying the gamefield for the entire level. If you miss a field and set your foot on the floor the Marelle collpases. You must jump on one foot only.
Rich realtime 3d graphics with physical behaviours, augmented chalk drawings, black light, 3-d sounddesign, super fast tracking with Radar Touch by Lang AG, a 7m x 3,50m wide gamefield....
Designed & programmed @ DeinLieblingsgestalter Studio Frankfurt am Main by Jannis Kilian Kreft, Sounddesign Simon Sanchez & Jannis Kilian Kreft, Patched in vvvv, Tracking device used: Radar Touch by Lang AG, Shot @ Nuit Blanche 4 Metz. Thank yous go to: NB4, Lang AG, Satis&fy, DeinLieblingsgestalter staff, Markus Berger, Tobias Schwirten, Simon Sanchez, Pscherry, Phlegma, the Irrklang implementation team, Severin Pscherer, Kalle, Luc Fachetti, Julien Floria, Ecôle Gaston Hoffmann Metz, supporters & my friends!
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