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credits dotdotdot
hi vvvvolks,
as promise here another installation made in 2010 by dotdotdot, it is a Dynamic 3D mapped scenography designed for the program Viva La Crisi.
more information here
produced for Rai Educational
21st May to 6th August 2010
credits Elliot Woods Kyle McDonald
Interact by changing your viewpoint from within the room. Specific viewpoints cause the mirrors to show defined shapes, others create abstract composition of lines and color.
Elliot Woods
Kyle McDonald
Eno Henze
Jeanne Charlotte Vogt
Festival production
David Brüll
Valérie-Françoise Vogt
Many thanks to vux and Dottore :)
Hi evvvverybody,
first of all i have to say SHAME ON ME for non posting projects since a long time here...
for few reasons... first of all i'm lazy... than i'm not always up to date buying vvvv licences (but don't tell this to the vvvv group guys)
last but not least, we are very bad documenting our projects... (if I may advise you, this should be the most important part of every installations).
Any way, like a “New Year's promise" or better as "after #NODE13's promise" i will post our best installations, done in the last 3 years, starting from this... once a week.
So, lets talk about this installation done in 2010 that i'm really proud... done by dotdotdot together with elliotwood of the kimchiandchips studio and gaz of uberact.
credits DIDIF - DUBIT
Made in real-time with vvvv
Notes from the release:
Dubit Untitled002 / CONNECTION 2013
The Humans need communication and connection with others in order to develop a clear view of their living environment for understand themselves and for be happy of not be alone.
This project is the connections between minds and places, voiding distances and evolving in communication.
DIDIF has made the Live 3D animation that synchronizes the frequencies and Dubit generated the Hz.
Untitled002 is the second step of a series of Audio compositions connected to generic projects such Video, Sound Design, Media etc.
Presented by
SOLUXION LAB | Mastering / Sound Design / Mixdown
credits wirmachenbunt, Atelier Markgraph GmbH
Touch to drive ! Planethybrid is a touchscreen exhibit, allowing you to drive the E-Class with just one finger. Experience a quite different Mercedes-Benz exhibit, containing sheeps, a penguin and a fusion rocket.
Check Video here:
Check Video here:
credits wirmachenbunt, Mutabor Design GmbH
three responsive animations in hi-res
Check Video here:
Check Video here:
credits [a:rpia:r] sound, videogram lights, sunrise event
credits see below..
IFA 2012
Consumer Electronics Tradeshow
Berlin, Germany
Interactive 3D Realtime Animation
Distributed Rendering on 68 PCs
2 x 34 Smart Viera LED-LCD 55” Full HD TV Screens
2 x 34 ASRock Vision 3D Mini PCs
2 x 4 iPad 2
For TAMSCHICK MEDIA+SPACE we developed a huge installation at the IFA 2012 tradeshow in Berlin on 68 x 55” Panasonic Smart Viera LED-LCD TV Screens that runs a realtime animation of a underwater scenery and sea-animals that can be triggered from 8 iPads around the TV Monument. Each Panasonic screen is rendering a part of the whole scene in full HD resolution. The animals where animated in by Studio Fabian. Every animal got their own trademark sound by Taucher Sound. Additional VVVV support came from Überact.
A Project of TAMSCHICK MEDIA+SPACE GmbH for Panasonic Marketing Europe GmbH
Creative Lead/Director: Marc Tamschick
Concept Development: Jan Köpper
Project Management: Claudia Baumgartner
Production Manager: Steffen Armbruster
VVVV Artists: Philipp Rahlenbeck, Gareth Griffith, Abraham Manzanares
(Interaction Design, 3D Simulation, Software Development)
In collaboration with:
Taucher Sound, Berlin
Studio Fabian, Berlin
Überact, London
Kids had projection with kinect, microphone, controller, and sunvox running on nexus7 for their enjoyment.
Slovakia, Zilina - Stanica Zarecie
Cultural centre Stanica, in the building of old and still operating train station Zilina-Zariecie, is (since 2003) linking independent venue, artistic laboratory and activists’ collective. On the white map of nowadays we would like to be a culture node - creative, educative and critical. We continue the story of a small train station where people use to stop when passing by and share news and experiences from their travels.
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