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Who id144
When Fri, Oct 17th 2014 - 11:00 until Fri, Oct 17th 2014 - 17:30
Where Czech Center, Rytířská 539/31, Prague - Old town, Czech Republic
Kinect: Interaction for design and art
workshop is part of Signal festival Prague
We will explore the possibilities of depth sensors such as Kinect in the context of site-specific art and interactive installations.
These sensors do not see how things look, they see where things are. This allows us to use the for complex yet easy to create interactions for public and private space. During the workshop, we will design and prototype public art installation using sensor Kinect and PC. We will also explore basics of binary logic, how could we use it in real space and real situations for public games, social experiments, interaction design? We will use the creative coding framework VVVV, however prior knowledge of this tool is not required. Workshop is suitable for artist and designers curious about innovative tools.
Workshop instructor is Andrej Boleslavsky. Reserve your place, workshop capacity is limited to 10 people. Participation fee is 19EUR. The workshop will be held in Slovak, or English per request/need.
If possible, please bring your own laptop with the Windows operating system, Kinect sensor and install VVVV.
Who Luper
When Sat, Oct 18th 2014 - 10:50 until Sun, Oct 19th 2014 - 05:50
Where Podnik , bubenská 1, ORCO building, Prague, Czech Republic
★ Interplanetary meeting for VJs bringing their own beamer ★
BYOB is a series of one-night-exhibitions hosting artists and their projectors. It gives the opportunity to people involved in VJing and other live visual arts to get in touch and connect, sharing their skills and showing their work to other colleagues.
► BYOB Prague is part of SIGNAL Festival Prague 2014 ◄
We offer you accommodation, dinner, a power socket and the opportunity to participate in "one of the top 10 light art festivals in Europe"! Just bring your projector, your creativity and good vibes!!
WHEN - 18.10.2014
INFO - /-/
PHOTO - /-/
Who colorsound
When Mon, Nov 3rd 2014 - 17:00 until Fri, Nov 7th 2014 - 21:00
Where Granada, Edificio Rey Chico, Paseo de los Tristes s/n. C.P.18010. Granada, Granada, Spain
Iniciarse en la programación con VVVV y Arduino, con la perspectiva de la fusión entre las técnicas escénicas convencionales y el diseño multimedia interactivo. Poder utilizar periféricos convencionales para activación de sensores más complejos y viceversa. Adaptación de Video a diversas superficies.
vvvv aplicación de programación gráfica. Introducción a la aplicación. Conociendo la interface. Vídeo y Audio.
Procesado. Entradas y salidas. Mapeado de datos. Tipos de datos. Tipos de salidas. Animación gráfica. Visionado de proyectos. Tipos de Nodos. Tipos de Spreads. Patches y subpatches. Camaras para tracking e Infrarojos.
Conexionado sensores y dispositivos electrónicos. vvvv y aurduino. Comunicación aplicaciones y dispositivos. Osc, Dmx, Kinect, Nodos para Mapping.
Dudas y Elaboración Proyecto
Técnicos de Video, técnicos de iluminación, Diseñadores de iluminación, Escenógrafos, V.J, Estudiantes de Bellas Artes, audiovisuales o Electrónica, master de Artes Escénicas, escuelas de teatro y F.P, ingenieros informáticos… Todo entusiasta, estudiante y profesional con intereses en las nuevas tecnologías, electrónica, programación, audiovisuales…
Hasta el 17 de octubre.
Abraham Manzanares (Colorsound)
When Sat, Nov 29th 2014 - 19:00 until Sat, Nov 29th 2014 - 19:00
Where Ringlokschuppen Ruhr, Am Schloß Broich 38, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany
Öffnet alle Gehäuse und geschlossenen Systeme. Zerstört und rekonstruiert. Der Raum ist weit. Die Zeit fließt zyklisch. Geschichte ist ein Recyclinghof. Die Herrschaft des Glatten und des Glänzenden zerfällt. Das Zeitalter der Unperfektion bricht an. Reformatiert die Realität.
Die Umstülpung unseres Gedächtnis in die jederzeit verfügbare Maschine ist vollzogen, die Umcodierung unserer freigewordenen Hirnkapazitäten ist nun voranzutreiben.
Aus den physischen Überresten, dem psychoaktiven Abfall und den noch glimmenden Fundstücken der vergangenen, wissenschaftlich und medial zerprägten, digitalen Epoche, entwickeln Künstler_innen performative Versuchsanordnungen und Licht-Klang Maschinen.
Audiovisuelle Experimente zwischen Labor und Bühne die verblüffen, irritieren – und am Ende vertraute Seh- und Hörgewohnheiten zur Disposition stellen.
Who robotanton, korriander, joreg and more
When Fri, Sep 26th 2014 until Sun, Sep 28th 2014
Where Arena Glashaus, Eichenstraße 4, Berlin, Germany
This years edition of the retune conference has some vvvv going on. For your convenience i compiled the following summary:
prototyping interfaces
korriander and Mark Lukas of the team behind the great book will give you an introduction into connecting things to and tinkering with vvvv. See:
vvvv intro
robotanton and joreg will give you an easy introduction to vvvv focusing on image manipulation/layering a la photoshop but in realtime. See:
choreographic coding lab
While not strictly a vvvv-only event the CCL will quite likely feature at least some vvvv as at least some people involved in this are quite familiar with it. See:
Apart from the workshops their line-up of speakers looks quite fresh to me. And in the evening i remember them serving drinks. So get your ticket now and see you there.
Who Open Constructs, Multitouch Berlin, Media Architecture Institute
When Thu, Nov 20th 2014 - 09:00 until Thu, Nov 20th 2014 - 22:00
Where Godsbanen Cultural Production Center, Skovgaardsgade 3, Aarhus, Denmark
Festival Website MAB 2014
Workshop Link
This workshop proposes a new way to look at the interweaving of the natural world and urban life through the use of new media and architecture. Rather than trying to fully control / manage the relationship between the natural and built environment with computation (and its metaphors) this proposal sets out to augment the natural world. Thus creating artificial environments that evokes the organic. An architecture that artificially amplifies the experiences of nature that is diminishing in the urban context.
Who colorsound
When Wed, Sep 24th 2014 - 17:00 until Fri, Sep 26th 2014 - 22:00
Where Sala Conservas. Carrer Sant Pau, 58 Baixos. Barcelona., Germany
El objetivo del taller es dar al asistente un acercamiento e iniciación a la herramienta vvvv. (
vvvv es un entorno de programación gráfica diseñado para la creación, generación y manipulación de vídeo y audio a tiempo real, la interacción con interfaces físicas o la gestión de sistemas de proyección multimedia a gran escala y su interacción simultánea con multitud de usuarios.
La versatilidad de los entornos de programación gráfica como vvvv ofrecen al usuario la posibilidad de satisfacer sus necesidades concretas, desarrollando para cada caso, distintas herramientas que pueden ser usadas en multitud de aplicaciones en todo tipo de entornos audiovisuales, multimedia e interactivos.
En este workshop nos acercaremos a vvvv para entender su funcionamiento y lo utilizaremos en distintas aplicaciones de Mapping y sistemas de Multiproyección.
Técnic@s de Video, técnic@s de iluminación, Diseñador@s de iluminación, Escenógraf@s, Vjs, Estudiantes de Bellas Artes, audiovisuales o Electrónica, master de Artes Escénicas, escuelas de teatro y F.P, ingenier@s informátic@s... Tod@ entusiasta, estudiante y profesional con intereses en las nuevas tecnologías, electrónica, programación, audiovisuales...
Cada alumno debe traer su propio portatil preferiblemente con windows 7 instalado.En clase se instalara el software adecuado.
vvvv aplicación de programación gráfica. Introducción a la aplicación. Conociendo la interface. Vídeo y Audio.
Procesado. Entradas y salidas. Mapeado de datos. Tipos de datos. Tipos de salidas. Animación gráfica. Visionado de proyectos. Tipos de Nodos. Tipos de Spreads. Patches y subpatches.
Multiproyeccion y Sincronizacion de ordenadores,Nodos para Mapping.
Abraham Manzanares (Colorsound)
Mas info :
Who Enzo Varriale aka Lanvideosource
When Fri, Sep 19th 2014 - 11:00 until Sun, Sep 21st 2014 - 20:00
Brainwaves and art in VVVV
3-days workshop in Moscow Russia about EEG and art
Workshop led by Enzo Varriale (aka Lanvideosource)
A hands-on workshop about neuro-technology and art, with a focus on Emotiv software and hardware. The workshop will start with an introduction on EEG signal and how it can be manipulated to perform different kinds of data visualizations and sonifications by using the famous multipurpose toolkit VVVV. During the workshop different techniques and protocols will be introduced to design real-time EEG-based interfaces for Art or neuro-feedback applications.
During the first day of workshop, Emotiv hardware and software will be explained, demonstrating how to interface it with VVVV environment. This workshop edition will also cover the techniques and tools that will enable participants with a higher level of skills to capture and process the raw EEG signal, coming directly from the headset, in VVVV. Two methods will be explained to capture raw EEG signal, one for non-research versions of Emotiv EPOC and one (more reliable) for EPOC Research edition owners.
During the second part of the workshop, participants (individuals or in group) will try to design their own audiovisual patches to interface their brain with their Art...
The last day of workshop will be dedicated to a showcase of the works developed by participants.
The workshop was initially produced in collaboration with iMAL, as a part of the “Tangible Feelings” symposium. (
Thanks to Emotiv® (
Thanks to Q&U Lab, Berlin for Neurotransmitter software ( )
Useful links: , , , , ,
Tech required:
Good or medium knowledge of VVVV is required. Each participant must be equipped with a PC (or a MAC with bootcamp), Windows 7 and VVVV (version b32.1) with the latest add-on pack installed ( downloads ). Patches are tested on 32 bit version of VVVV on a windows 7 (32 bit) machine. Patches will likely work on different hardware configurations and other version of VVVV, though this is not guaranteed. Participants that own a Emotiv EPOC headset are invited to bring their own!
Workshop materials provided by the organization:
Participants will be provided with the necessary software to interface with the Emotiv EPOC hardware from VVVV. Participants will also be given a number of audio and video patches as practical examples from which to develop their own art interfaces controlled by brainwaves.
Workshop language: English (with the support of a Russian-speaker)
Topics covered:
Workshop is free of charge by you need to fill apply form before 14 of september
Workshop presented by Polytechnical Museum and MIGZ as a part of «Polytech.Science.Art» program.
Who Martìn Romeo, Luca Pozzi and Andrea Santini
When Fri, Sep 26th 2014 - 11:00 until Sun, Sep 28th 2014 - 18:00
Where Officina delle Zattere, Fondamenta Nani, Dorsoduro 947 , Venice, Italy
26-27-28 SEPTEMBER - Venice
Toolkit Festival presents an educational program: 3 workshops will take place on the 26, 27 and 28 of september 2014. The workshops will focus on multimedia practise and new technologies used in contemporary art.
The 3-days courses will take place simoultaneously in Venice, they will last 3 days and they will allow to investigate both theoretical and practical paths.
They will be held by tutors with a strong experience in the respective fields of research: interactive and digital scenogaphy (Martin Romeo), multidisciplnary connections between art and science and augmented reality (Luca Pozzi), sound-design (Andrea Santini).
The three workshops focus on three different fields of research, but they have a common purpose, which is to get the participants to learn specific tools in order to be able to create a personal artistic project.
On the final day there will be a collective moment, opened to public, in which the concrete results of the courses will be shown, in order to open critical and dynamic discussion about digital and interactive art, and to stimolate the exchange of experience among the differents facets in the multimedia research.
Who Abduct
When Sun, Sep 7th 2014 - 19:07 until Sun, Sep 7th 2014 - 23:07
Where MÜSZI Community and art center , Blaha Lujza square 1., 1085 Budapest (Corvin Shopping Mall III.), Entrance from the Somogyi Bèla, big green door With muszi logo, Ring the bell if the door is closed, Budapest, Hungary
Shuffle Room is an interactive audiovisual installation designed to completely submerge the audience in a rich 360º navigable sonic environment.
The piece uses a quadrophonic audio engine and an edge-blending multichannel projection transforming the room into an immersive audiovisual experience where converged mashups of abstract geometric objects and micro sound textures are emitted at high intensity and frequency, while they are also constantly seamlessly coordinated in a coherent whole.
Centrally located, a monolith shaped physical object enables the audience to have complete control over their surrounding using said multi-touch interaction device. It invites participation of the audience, and once it receives feedback from an audience member, the whole space awakes with activity, provokes further experimentation by the observer. Their fingertips now become the environment, and the observer becomes a conductor of his own audio visual experience.
The exhibition explores the possibilities of a limited space and represents an ever-evolving state of shape and sound where new patterns are constantly emerged and rearranged. It creates dialogue between the audience and the environment exploring modes of interaction and responsiveness, input and output, human intuition and curiosity.
Inside the custom built touch reactive interface, a real-time simulation software is situated, making use of various technologies and protocols all routed up in VVVV in conjunction with custom programmed audio engine running in Usine.
Participating in this exhibition, the observer is highly empowered to become part of the exhibition, part of the world he is now in charge of manipulating. The sheer spontaneity of interacting and changing such a complete set of multimedia, fully covering the main senses, introduces a specific state of mind that is unique and leaves an imprint with lasting effects.
Shuffle Room is developed as a collaborative work between Saso Puckovski (MKD) and Rodrigo Guzman (MEX), to be premiered on 7th of September at the art centre MÜSZi in Budapest, Hungary.
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