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When Fri, Feb 28th 2014 - 16:02 until Sat, Mar 1st 2014 - 16:02
Where STEIM Concert Space, Utrechtsedwarsstraat 134, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Trasformatorio is about settling and developing an annual laboratory for performative arts in a remote community in Sicily: Montelbano Elicona (province Messina). This laboratory focuses on the development of contemporary site-specific performances informed by the human and geographical landscape as well as implementations of a philosophy of near-to-zero- environmental impact.
Marije Baalman and Alberto Novello will host a workshop employing techniques that could be of use in these site specific contexts. The aim of the workshop is to explore various body based sensing technologies, such as acceleromenters, bend/stretch sensors and muscle sensors, for sonification in performative contexts.
Using the Sense/Stage wireless sensing platform we will look into mapping strategies for the sensor data to transform body movements into gesture-controlled sound instruments. Examples will be given in SuperCollider and Max/MSP; the sensor data can be received in SuperCollider, PureData, and Max/MSP. After initial introduction of the concepts and framework, each participant will be able to explore different possibilities, and share experiences with the other participants. At the end of the workshop we will be able to do a little jam of the different instruments created.
DATE: 1st of March, 2014
TIME: 10:00 / 18:00
LOCATION: STEIM Concert Space, Utrechtsedwarsstraat 134 Amsterdam
COSTS: €40
This workshop is limited to 15 participants!!
more information:
Who elliotwoods
When Sat, Feb 8th 2014 - 10:00 until Sun, Feb 9th 2014 - 18:00
Where EWHA ECC, Seoul, South Korea
Introducing VVVV, a toolkit for working with new media canvases, you can learn how to work with projectors, 3D scanners, generative animation and interaction using this rapid development tool. No prior VVVV experience is required, but any prior experience will be helpful.
Required Preparation : Laptop with Windows XP or later version(it must not be running in virtualization, such as Parallels, VMware on Mac. Bootcamp is fine)
VVVV should be installed in advance: downloads
Labtop Video Graphics Cards should be in the top 350 of this list (
VVVV: Creative coding without code
본 워크샵은 미디어아트 중심에서 새로운 미디어 캔버스로 다양하게 활용되고 있는 VVVV 툴을 이해하고 실험해보는 것을 목표로 한다. 이를 통해 프로젝터의 이해, 3D 스캐닝, 제너레이티브 모션 및 인터랙션의 구현을 빠르고 깊이있게 구현할 수 있는 VVVV와 배경 등을 배울 수 있는 좋은 기회가 될 것이다.
VVVV 초보 사용자, 비사용자 지원 가능
전혀 경험이 없어도 무관함
필수 준비물 :VVVV가 설치된 개인 노트북 (Windows XP 혹은 상위버전, Mac 지원안함)
노트북 그래픽카드는 다음 리스트의 350안에 들어있는지 확인해야 함
워크샵을 통해서(혹은 워크샵 이후)적용하고싶은 프로젝트의 아이디어
영국 맨체스터 출신의 엘리엇 우즈는 디지털 미디어 아티스트이자, 테크니션이며 큐레이터이자 교육자로 활동하고 있다. 그는 사람과 시각적 디자인 기술(주로 프로젝터, 카메라, 그래픽 컴퓨테이션) 사이의 인터랙션에 대한 현재와 미래를 창조하고 있다. 이를 위해 서울에 기반을 둔 실험적 아트, 디자인, 기술 스튜디오인 김치앤칩스(Kimchi and Chips)를 설립, 운영하고 있다. 특히 수학적 위치를 가진 3D입자들로 구성되어 형태의 변형이 가능한 나무와 가상 불꽃의 향연으로 표현된 작품으로 알려져 있다. 또한 엘리엇은 ScreenLab Residency and ScreenLab Conference programme의 큐레이터로서 디지털 미디어 아트 제작 실습 과정을 개발하고 디지털과 현대 예술 영역 사이의 대화를 이끌어내고자 끊임없는 시도를 하고 있다. 그는 예술적 질문에 대한 답을 찾기 위해 체계적인 접근을 시도하는 동시에 그의 주 전공인 물리학을 결합하여 추상적인 시스템을 활용, 감각적 인식이 가능한 인터페이스를 만들어 낸다. openFrameworks와 VVVV플랫폼 개발에 기여한 바 있는 엘리엇의 코드는 GitHub를 통해 확인할 수 있다.
Elliot Woods is a digital media artist, technologist, curator, educator from Manchester UK. He creates provocations towards future interactions between humans and socio-visual design technologies (principally projectors, cameras and graphical computation). Towards this goal, Elliot co-founded Kimchi and Chips, an experimental art / design / technology studio based in Seoul. He is known for transforming a tree into an addressable array of voxels and for throwing augmented fireballs. He is a curator of the ScreenLab Residency and ScreenLab Conference programmes, which develop digital media arts practice, and encourage the dialogue between digital and contemporary art cultures. He applies his academic background in physics to produce sense-able interfaces with abstract systems, whilst applying a methodical approach to artistic enquiry. Elliot is a contributor to the openFrameworks project (a ubiquitous toolkit for creative coding), and an open source contributor to the VVVV platform. His code is available open source and for free on GitHub.
As part of The Distortion Field conference.
Please use this form to book a place.
Who elliotwoods, EWHA, CreativeApplications
When Fri, Feb 7th 2014 - 16:00 until Fri, Feb 7th 2014 - 22:00
Where Samsung Hall, EWHA ECC, Seoul, South Korea
Curated in collaboration between EWHA’s Cross Media Lab, Kimchi and Chips and CreativeApplications.Net, The 「Distortion Field」 objective is to facilitate a productive ‘scenius’ that nurtures creative intersections, exchanges and networks between practitioners in art, media, performance and technology. It aims to describe the effect of audience’s participation upon artist’s intention, the opportunity for audience collaboration within new media creations, and the professional framing of artworks through curation and documentation.
New technologies whether mechanical, biological or electronic are playing a major role in shaping contemporary digital art production. Unfortunately the discussion related to how this work is communicated often remains in the dark. Whereas “interactive” is commonly applied to “new” digital art production, in most cases these systems are simple, responsive and reactive. 「Distortion Field」 aims to reveal more complex feedback systems where the audience is an active participant and a contributor in both the experience and dissemination of this work.
More details on:
CreativeApplications.Net article
THE DISTORTION FIELD 2014 official site (with tickets)
Who hierro, screamer, bcaa
When Sat, Jan 25th 2014 - 19:25 until Sat, Jan 25th 2014 - 19:25
Where RichMix, London, United Kingdom
After Royal Opera House, BLOOD show keeps on goin around :D
When Sat, Jan 25th 2014 - 21:00 until Sat, Jan 25th 2014 - 22:30
Where Teatro Fondamenta Nuove, Sestiere Cannaregio 5013, Venice, Italy
| The Method |
spettacolo di danza interattiva
di Martin Romeo
coreografia | Nicoletta Cabassi
danzatori | Cristine Sonia Baraga e Andrea Zardi
musiche | Stefano D'Alessio
evento in collaborazione con Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, Toolkit Festival e Università IUAV di Venezia
Gli incroci tra linguaggi e discipline artistiche sono sempre al centro dell’attenzione del Teatro Fondamenta Nuove di Venezia.
È certamente questo il caso di The Method, spettacolo di danza interattiva ideato dall’artista neomediale Martin Romeo che debutterà sabato 25 gennaio alle ore 21 in un evento speciale che si preannuncia da non perdere e che è caratterizzato dalla felice collaborazione con la Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, il Toolkit Festival e l’Università Iuav di Venezia.
The Method è un'opera ai confini tra performance e installazione e s’inserisce all’interno del progetto artistico di Martin Romeo, focalizzato sull’esplorazione del corpo umano in relazione con la tecnologia digitale. Il lavoro dell’artista, ora in residenza presso la Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa, implica l’utilizzo della tecnologia finalizzata alla costruzione d’installazioni e spettacoli di danza interattiva in cui lo spettatore, avvicinandosi all’opera, annulli il proprio ruolo di osservatore passivo.
L’idea di creare uno spettacolo in cui confluiscono proiezioni digitali e danza contemporanea nasce dall'intenzione di far convergere diverse forme artistiche in un'unica esperienza, in cui i ruoli del performer e del regista non siano più nettamente distinti, ma si fondano coinvolgendo anche il pubblico in una dimensione totalizzante.
In The Method i due danzatori Cristine Sonia Baraga e Andrea Zardi, su coreografia di Nicoletta Cabassi e accompagnati dalle musiche di Stefano D'Alessio, daranno vita ad un’opera dall'autorialità multipla in cui l’aspetto interattivo connetterà danza, musica e scenografia digitale. Lo spettacolo culminerà in un’installazione permanente che sarà esposta presso la sede della Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa in Piazza San Marco a Venezia in occasione della mostra finale degli studi.
The Method è stato preceduto dalla performance interattiva Label che Martin Romeo ha presentato al Teatro Miela di Trieste nel 2011, nell’ex Chiesa di Santa Marta a Venezia e al Centro Culturale Trevi di Bolzano nel 2012 e infine al Kilowatt Festival di Sansepolcro nel 2013. Il progetto continuerà durante una residenza artistica presso Inside-Out Art Museum di Pechino a partire da febbraio 2014.
Martin Romeo è un artista multimediale la cui ricerca è rivolta all’arte interattiva, spaziando tra videoinstallazioni e performance di danza. Nato a Carrara nel 1986, cresce a Buenos Aires fino al ritorno in Italia nel 1999. Partecipa a numerosi festival internazionali, tra cui il Festival of Youth Experimental Art Projects in Bielorussia e il 29° International Sarajevo Winter Festival in Bosnia-Erzegovina. I suoi lavori sono stati esposti presso i Musei Capitolini alla Centrale Montemartini di Roma, in Slovenia a Maribor (capitale europea della cultura 2012), e a varie biennali tra cui la 54° Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte di Venezia, all’interno del Padiglione Italia di Porto Vecchio a Trieste, e la 15° Biennale del Mediterraneo a Salonicco in Grecia. Come direttore artistico del Toolkit Festival di Venezia è riuscito a creare un punto d’incontro per l’arte interattiva in Italia.
Who Abduct, tekcor
When Wed, Jan 15th 2014 - 14:00 until Fri, Jan 17th 2014 - 23:08
Where Drugstore Belgrad, Bulevar Vojvode Bojovića 4, 11000 Belgrad, Serbia
Peter Kirn / Fluid Architecture Workshop
Transforming space with responsive sound, projection
When we imagine architectural space, we return to a millennia-long tradition of things that are fixed and solid, made of wood and stone, brick and steel. But increasingly-pervasive digital technology means media that can change: data, pixels, and generated image and sound.
In this hands-on workshop, we'll experiment with ways of molding those media to make a space that changes. We'll take input from microphones, cameras, and sensors, including the Kinect camera, and see how the computer can respond to presence in a space. We'll also look at how generated sound and music, imagery, or data visualization can translate these inputs to a space.
Examples will be given in free, open-source, cross-platform tools, including the Processing creative coding environment and Pure Data patching tool.
Some experience with one of these is recommended to get more out of the workshop, but is not required; we'll also have some examples that absolute beginners can use for experimentation.
Please do bring a laptop running Windows or OS X (or, if you're comfortable with it, Linux).
Who Jannis Kilian Kreft,
When Tue, Jan 14th 2014 - 19:00 until Tue, Jan 14th 2014 - 20:30
Where Muthesius Kunsthochschule, Legienstr. 35, 24103 Kiel, Germany
I will give a speech @ Muthesius Kunsthochschule Kiel about my work as a media artist and designer with heavy vvvv use since beta 13 !
A thank you! to Christian Engler (u7angel) for the invitation!
Who Rote Libelle & VJ Jannis Kilian Kreft
When Sat, Jan 11th 2014 - 23:30 until Sun, Jan 12th 2014 - 05:00
Where Circus, Bleichstraße 46, 60313 Frankfurt, Germany
ROTE LIBELLE @ CIRCUS #4 / SAMSTAG 11.01.14 / starting at 2300h / 6€ /
Who, Docks
When Thu, Jan 9th 2014 - 17:00 until Sun, Jan 12th 2014 - 17:00
Where DOCKS, Spielbudenplatz 19, Hamburg, Germany
Back to the roots ist vom 09.01. bis zum 12.01. das Motto in der bekannten Party- und Konzertlocation direkt an der Reeperbahn, denn 114 Jahre zuvor öffnete an selber Stelle das erste Lichtspielhaus Deutschlands. Eberhard Knopf präsentierte seinen Gästen hier im Jahr 1900 mit dem „Lebenden Laufbild“ eine Sensation und führte sie an eine ganz neue Form der Kunst heran. Nun ist es Zeit der Geschichte neues Leben einzuhauchen.
Hamburger Lichtkünstler zeigen drei Tage lang, wie aus dem technischen Wandel heraus eine neue Kunstform entstanden ist. Während die Prinzenbar in einer 360° Projektion erstrahlt, wird es in anderen Ecken der Locations Workshops und interaktive Ausstellungen geben. Klassische Musik trifft auf moderne Technik und Technopartys werden live visuell bespielt.
There will be a VVVV Beginner Workshop on Saturday(DMX/Arduino)
More infos on
PS: Sorry for German Text!
Who joreg
When Thu, Dec 19th 2013 - 10:30 until Thu, Dec 19th 2013 - 18:00
Where Habegger AG, Riedthofstrasse 124, Regensdorf, Switzerland
As in the last two years i'll be hosting a vvvv workshop during the Habegger AcademyDays in december.
Have a look at their workshop program. They have 4 full days of workshops on a range of topics covering design, management and technical stuff.
The vvvv workshop will not be for total noobs. I will assume you have already gone through the tutorials and we'll touch more advanced topics such as shader-/plugin programming and multiscreen/boygrouping applications. Hope to see some of you there.
Ah and most likely the course will be held in german..Hier gehts zur Anmeldung.
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