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Just a little improvisation with my saxophone testing realtime pitch detection (fiddle object, maxforlive). Seems it works quite well!!! :) excited...
Now i'll look at getting data from other acustic instruments:
could use i2m musicport also for guitar and bass single notes.
suggestions? :)
realtime video:
realtime audio analysis: ableton Live + MaxForLive
The LiveLog is an interactive application, that visualizes sport statistics in a graphical way.
Sport statistics are usually twodimensional tables with a lot of numbers. The LiveLog steps into the third dimension and – through that – gets another information layer.
My data source was a basketball game of the NBA – Game 1 of the final series 2010 between the L.A. Lakers and the Boston Celtics. On their website, the NBA provides the whole game information tabularly. TheLiveLog reads the data with the programm VVVV and so it builds the fundament for the application.
Music: Beastie Boys
This scenography was made for the Uniqlo birthday Party at the Rothchild fundation.
Digital Slaves did the LED content with their favorite library vvvv.
Production : Visual System
anamorphic mapping object by unlicht (unheilbar & lichterloh)
After "anna.null" has remained a concept in our drawers, we followed an invitation by the sound:frame festival 2011 to realize "anna.eins", as part of the festival's exhibition.
"anna.eins" is all about deconstructing space, challenging perception, demanding truth.
While the spectator is forced to wander around to find this single perspective, where all the distorted parts unite to form a recognizable object, fragile becomes heavy, small becomes big and confusion seems to, how about truth?
Audiosensitive Visuals by Michel Winterberg ©
for the Music School Wettingen
20th Anniversary Celebration 2010
Music composition by Christoph Baumann ©
dem kontrolleur is nix zu schweur.
Kontrolleur is a proof of concept open source general purpose remote controlling app for Android written in Processing. It displays (using simple autolayout) interface elements (slider, button,...) that are being pushed to it via OSC by the target application and sends back values to given OSC addresses on the target application. In this demo used with vvvv.
Scavi di Ercolano,
evento promosso dal Museo MAV in collaborazione con la Regione Campania ed il Consorzio Costa del Vesuvio, patrocinato dalla Provincia di Napoli e dal Comune di Ercolano.
Un ambiente suggestivo e fruibile da tutti, grazie alla proiezione sul fronte sud degli Scavi di effetti animati.
Archeological projection mapping 3D
The Social Cave
The Social Cave project is an interactive installation developed by 24 international students of the Research Lab Non-Linear Solution Unit directed by Caterina Tiazzoldi and in collaboration with interaction designer Mirko Arcese (
Using the last 3d motion capture technology like Kinect&OpenNi, plus VVVV, managed by custom software, this application "reads" human behaviours combining two different stages into one virtual space; where the phisycal limit represented by a wall, becames the interactive social scene.
The design engaged the students in the challenge of organizing an assembly of 100% recycled and 100% recyclable polystyrene polygons. Thanks to the interactive platform, the Social Cave is an installation that explores the idea of socialization into the contemporary age by a reinterpretation of the
physical and digital meeting.
Marzo/March 2011
installazione interattiva/interactive installation
TorreEverest | Vicenza | Italy face, one building
...two faces, two buildings
made with vvvv
Shanarà is a very nice and particular bar in Rome, the bar table, 700 x 50 cms, is fully multitouch, to match bar style and artistic image.
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