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credits Client: Humanscale | Concept & Design: Todd Bracher & Studio TheGreenEyl | Technical director: Andreas Schmelas | Sound design: Marian Mentrup | Video: Maco Film Venice | Photography: David Zanardi
Bodies in Motion is an immersive light installation created by Todd Bracher and Studio TheGreenEyl for Humanscale at Milan Design Week 2019.
The installation is inspired by Humanscale’s history as pioneers in human factors and natural ergonomics, bringing a scientific approach to furniture design. A related influence was the research psychophysicist Gunnar Johansson in 1973, which involved placing lights on key points of the human body to highlight movement. Situated in the warehouse of Ventura Centrale in Milan, the work features a minimal representation of the human body formed of lights that respond to the movements of visitors. As visitor's bodies are scanned, 15 motorised lights project tightly-focussed white beams onto a screen fifteen metres away. The points of light on the screen correspond to key points of the person's body including the head, shoulders, elbows, hands, sternum, hips, knees or feet. Each person that interacts triggers a specific visual and sound experience that is tightly synced across the two.
Year: 2019
Client: Humanscale
Concept & Design: Todd Bracher & Studio TheGreenEyl
Technical director: Andreas Schmelas
Sound design: Marian Mentrup
Video: Maco Film Venice & Dezeen
Photography: David Zanardi
HERE Technologies is one of the leading players in the field of digital mapping and location data. Premiering for CES 2019 in Las Vegas, we developed a consistent narrative applicable to all elements of the brand appearance. The systemic concept took the entire visitor experience into account including strategy, scenography, content development, interaction design, visualization, and technical implementation. Furthermore, it is designed to roll out for a variety of events and experience centers beyond CES.
Teh MESO-Team
Alec Woodward Mitchel, Anna Rack, Alessia Corsini, Daniel Henning, Daniel Maaz, Nina Dauer, Fabio Thiel, Johannes Lemke, Joakim Reinert, Johannes Scherg, David Brüll, Woeishi Lean, Sebastian Oschatz, Johanno Heß, Henry Hilge, Kim Angie Cicuttin, Majo Balko, Frank Brammer, Hannes Raff, Ian Rodriguez, Patrick Seuffert, David Morasz, Michel Rubner, Andreas Behl, Marcus Michaely
Abstract animated sci-fi movie for fulldome.
Real time motion graphics, designed and rendered in vvvv.
Made with modular raymarching system FieldTrip by Kyle McLean
audio by DEATHVOX>>>
Water Illumination is an audiovisual project that presents documentary video of water surface, filmed in bright sunlight. The video is explored with algorithmic methods, which create sound waves and change the representation of video. This research, breaking in the documentary, shapes the new perception of observed substance.
Presence of the technology allows to learn something new, and at the same time changes observed phenomena of the reality and environmental factors. Comparing what is happening with the preceding information of personal experience, one can note the permanency in phenomenon essence perception. The documentary video, showing water droplets and the shining sunlight refracted in them, continues to exist despite the digital transformation.
The continuity of the observer's connection with reality allows us to feel the dynamics of changes in environment, where the use of resources and technologies changes the foundations of the life cycle.
Presented in abstract form, the image of water appeals to unconscious and sensory experience, it is reflected in the deep understanding of reality.
Video, realtime computer graphics and sound.
Presented at ECHO exhibition at Proun Moscow 2018
FOREST is the result of a visual exploration around forests and organic environments.
Built with real-time 4K animations, generated with photogrammetry scan and custom system made with VVVV.
More pics here:
Music: Sweet Unrest, Apparat, 2011
Permanent reactive light installation located in Haifa, Israel.
The work explores variations of hexagonal grid led stripes along the walls and ceiling of the corridor.
The tangent of the hexagons to each other forming several other forms such as cube, parallelogram, rhombus, trapezoid, triangle, arrow, x shape and diagonal.
Audio analysis of sounds from the road and passing people manipulates the light.
The work is a of cooperation product of Intel, Haifa municipality and Hadar community.
Saron Paz - Curator, Entrepreneur
Shaul Tzemach - Creative, Production
Marko Ritter - Supervision
Amir Markovitch - Technical Support
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