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Θ Theta: Sensory Feedback System is an interactive installation for two people that generates images in the mind of one user with the help of the neuronal activity of a second user. It is a feedback loop that both users close by wearing each one a EEG device and looking into blinking lights that are synchronized to the frequency of the other user's neural oscillation. The lights blink so fast that the mind tries to give them meaning creating patterns and forms that resemble real objects, scenes or landscapes.
Neural activity is codified in light and both brains communicate with each other using a non-human language. It is a syntax composed of frequency and amplitude of bioelectrical signals that travel through cellular membranes because of visual stimulation.
Finally i have the time to discover FieldTrip an amazing library done by Kyle McLean
Lets patch some nice visuals
A reactive choreography of the digital and the physical.
Inspiration Wall is a spatial kinetic installation situated in the foyer of the Innovation Center. Being processual, dynamic and interactive, the installation symbolizes the interplay between inspiration and innovation, and giving the foyer its unique identity.
The dynamic interaction between the physical movement of the screens and the virtual movement of the images follows a generative choreography. The screens interact with the moving images and vice versa.
The moving images are created processually and in real-time, within a predefined spectrum. The numerous scenes are generated on the basis of ten ‘visual worlds’. Their generative elements create ever-changing visuals. The abstract imagery is inspired by four material properties – crystalline, cellular, molecular, and fluid. Four graphic ‘transitions’ seamlessly interconnect the individual scenes.
The installation changes its appearance over the course of the day. Depending on the scene, the installation responds to the visitors. With more people moving through the foyer, the dynamics of the choreography increase. The special screens shine brighter at the onset of darkness, making the installation protrusive to viewers outside the building. With the decline in numbers of visitors towards the end of the day, the choreography calms down.
In collaboration with ART+COM Studios.
Software: VVVV, VL
More information here:
Camera / Editing: Robert Arnold
Video ©schnellebuntebilder/ART+COM Studios
Hi all,
we'd like to share our latest VVVV / VL project.
In collaboration with ART+COM. We breathed life into a kinetic installation, which explores a dynamic interaction between the digital and the physical. In this choreography the screens interact with generative images and vice versa in real time.
More information and project video:
All the visuals are procedurally created in VVVV to interact with the movement of the screens.
We researched a couple of generative algorithms and approaches for this project and implemented a deferred shading pipeline for raymarched content. This was used for 3D reaction diffusion and growth systems and also to shade the 3D fluid system we've been developing over the last year.
lasal supported us with a couple of conents. A fair part of the project was implemented in VL. For example the pre-simulation of the screen movements, which ensured valid driving data for the motors. We also used the VL based timeline of lasal and implemented a content switcher system in VL, which selected contents based on a set of rules and distributed scene parameters like colors between the content patches.
Content Motion-Reel:
credits superphysical for rendering, noodles for mesh effects, VL for application control - animation, generating timeline, controlling MIDI for sound etc., ableton + reaktor for sound
credits Emilio Cordero Checa - Susana Viñolo
We used humidity and temperature sensors to modify the color and intensity of light.
The water is a constant in the life of Bilbao, by the river that runs through the city, the moisture of the atmosphere and almost daily rain.
Punto de rocío 11.5 is an interactive light installation inspired by the study of the city of Bilbao by its humidity. Like stalactites formed in the area of Deusto bridge, we invaded an uninhabited space, giving it life again through technology and light.
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