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Some testing for an audiovisual concert:
Everything is generated in realtime using the input of two electronic instruments (saxophone:Akai EWI 4000s; keyboard: Akai MPK 49).
We just play the instruments, make music and also visual. delicious... :)
about the realization
audio - i generate midi within vvvv, ableton live plays the sound
video - fully generated within vvvv, according to the midi
everything works perfectly in realtime, 60fps
music: Jan Jelinek (Loop-finding-jazz-records) - Moiré (Piano and Organ)
alva noto . prototype 9
taken from alva noto . prototypes
© 2000 mille plateaux
you can find a bunch of frames from the video in this flickr set
DATAFLUX investigates the possibilities of using live software patches to render synesthetic audio and visual installations. The piece uses a software counting mechanism to step between scenes and sequences. Projections are beamed onto a motorised mirror allowing for wider displacement which is also triggered via the same system. Size and locations for the reshaping white squares are changed on every beat, allowing for the movement streams that you can see, this relocation creates an internal message that allows the software to fluidly render these changes. It is this concept of a hidden working system that I aim to represent with this work. I want to visually represent the mechanics of the software program.
As of yet this installation will last one minute twenty before the viewer will be presented with a loop point, however with inclusions such as randomizers and out of phase oscillations there is the possibility of an artificially generated sequence with perpetual transformation. The sound is made up of four pre-rendered two channel linear streams that are re-triggered every 30 seconds, developed in a way to seem to be a more complex live point to point triggering system (the lack of a fully live soundscape was due to lack of developmental time). Heavy sub bass information was present and a strobe effect is also triggered once every 60 seconds. These extreme audiovisual elements were included to heighten the sensory effects the work has on the participant, and to attempt to draw a connection between virtual and physical/environmental intricacies. The installation aims to represent the notion of pushing capacities in order to assist in envisaging further developments. The layout of the pillars are based on the existence of a fixed large pillar located in the centre of the room.
I am planning for Engimatica in February to more dynamically represent a digitally choreographed environment. To my indiscretion and perhaps paradoxically, Enigmatica will be made up of a completely pre-rendered looping linear stream, there will be no live software elements.
music: Flying Lotus - Shifty (1983)
this runs realtime 60fps in full hd, and it's also a process to generate the final still image, rendered at 25600x14400
testing particlesGPU (behaviour: 3d verlet tube splines) with a wip advanced realtime rendering:
running at 60 fps.
A different approach to the angle evaluation for objects; now they're aligned with the plane.
...can't wait to see this with SSAO and softshadows.. ;)
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