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TURBA is a networked system consisting of 64 neural oscillators, which have been randomly linked and are subject to variables of interconnection.
Thus, any behavior generated by these oscillators is programmed explicitly: no sound, no movement, no pattern are products of a specific and previous approach, but are the result of the network structure and their connective processes. None of its components is the engine or timer for that behavior, but all act contagiously among them.
The oscillators perform, but have no plans.
But if this system receives feedback from the cadences that he generates, the work creates disturbingly similar rhythms to the movement of an organic body, carrying the workpiece to emergent behaviors of synchrony, chaos or collapses ...
more information:
LEXUS HYBRID ZERO - ‘Zero tunnel’ installation
Korea International Motorshow
created by Binder-a
Collaboration between dotdotdot and Mathrioshka
Architecture & Design: Alessandro Masserdotti, Fabrizio Pignoloni, Giovanna Gardi, Llaura Dellamotta
Interface & Software: Vadim Smakhtin, Eduard Haiman
Pont Saint Martin, Italy, 2013
Music: Kid Koala - Speed Of Light, Page 102
Real-time/generative sound/space/topography sketch.
Planck postulated that the energy of light is proportional to the frequency, and the constant that relates them is known as Planck's constant, h. His work led to Albert Einstein determining that light exists in discrete quanta of energy, or photons.
Client: Styrolution
Agency: dreiform, Cologne
Development & Production: GROSSE8 , Cologne
Here is how we think, here is how we make it, here is how we feel it. That's how we work.
Click on CC to view english subtitles.
video: Paul Prudence
music: Ivan Pavlov / COH
'100% hand-made computer sound' and generative real-time video system. An interpretation of a track from COH's latest work 'TO BEAT'
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