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An underground lake, enhanced by an LED installation. The mirror lake is located 150 meters below the surface. A ferry picks up the visitors at one end of the lake and takes them to the opposite shore under an artificial sky of growing salt crystals that are reflected in the surface of the lake.
A realtime simulation done with our toolkit of choice vvvv can be watched on Youtube (by a.karlen/3deluxe).
A precise projection on a scale model of the mine-shafts in the Berchtesgaden salt mine, allowing individual animations on each of the parts of the model.
The MESO Team:
Sebastian Oschatz, David Brüll, Tebjan Halm, Björn Schwarzer, Max Wolf
(c) 2007 by MESO Digital Interiors GmbH
Deep down underneath the “Salzberg” mountain a secret world awaits your discovery. For many years, only the salt miners in Berchtesgaden were allowed to enter the complex tunnel system. Today, part of the mine – which has been in operation for over 500 years now – is open to all fans of adventure who wish to get to know the place where the famous Bad Reichenhall brand salt originates. Salt is an indispensable part of our lives.
MESO was commissioned by 3deluxe to further elaborate on the sketched exhibits in terms of concept and interaction design. MESO was also responsible for programming and setup on site. The exhibition is open daily since 2007
The L-shaped multi touch table is equipped with four computers each operating one of the four screens embedded in the table top. The four screens of the freestanding exhibit can be operated by the users from the long side. Each screen shows the image of a city from a bird´s eye view with nine different types of Audi cars driving through the streets.
With a movement of his hand the user can choose a car. A window opens presenting a number of efficiency features related to this virtual car. The user can now browse through the menu items with another movement of his hand.
After a design concept by Mutabor, MESO Digital Interiors was responsible for the detailed interaction design, technical development, touch technology and programming based on our toolkit of choice VVVV. Graphic and Exhibit design by Mutabor.
The MESO-Team: Max Wolf, Tebjan Halm, Katharina Mayrhofer, Björn Schwarzer, Sebastian Oschatz
(c) 2009 by MESO Digital Interiors GmbH
Energy Landscape -- Telescopes
Three stylized telescopes were developed to present EnBW´s different energy production sources. The telescopes are adjusted towards a landscape projection but when the visitor looks through it he does not see the real surrounding but one generated by a miniature monitor installed inside the telescopes. The different energy sources were added into the landscape and additional information about the energy production sources given. Content for the telescopes was built and developed by Strukt .
Smart Home -- Magic table
The other exhibit developed by MESO Digital Interiors is the Smart Home table. The simple white table is used as a control and information center. With the help of small glass cubes placed on specific points of the table information about EnBWs products for homes and households are presented on the huge projection screen placed directly in front of the table.
The MESO Team:
Max Wolf, Ingolf Heinsch, Jochen Leinberger,
Jörg Obenauer, Sebastian Oschatz
(c) 2009 by MESO Digital Interiors GmbH
World's Stock of Energy, Energy Mix Table, Low-energy house, Energy Efficiency - a quick quiz.
Our client FLASKAMP commissioned MESO with the design and technical development for the four exhibits for Energy Efficiency Roadshow 2009, a project of the Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie touring through major German cities to promote the topic of energy efficiency.
While this certainly is not one of our largest projects, it is possibly the most internationally present one so far.
And it's a good laugh, too. The Football Globe Germany is slanted to tour from Tokyo to Paris to Milan to Zurich before "it's coming home" (excuse the pun) to Berlin for the opening of the "2006 FIFA World Cup™" on june 8th, 2006.
Sponsored by the National DFB Cultural Foundation, commissioned by artistic and cultural programme curator Andre Heller to the Art+Sports GmbH and designed by our all-time favorite client 3deluxe, this project gave us the task of planning and realizing the infotainment stations that deliver its message to the people.
The digital centerpiece next to two info-browser stations is a corner flag dance game. Show off your love for football by celebrating a goal like the pros -- with a little dance interlude on the corner flag. Your performance will be recorded and broadcast via
Needless to say, in karaoke-happy Japan we've seen quite a few spectacular appearances already.
The Football Globe Germany is designed to be a symbol, an urban meeting place and a multimedia installation.
The sculptural project consists of a dynamically formed white base supporting an illuminated ball that merges the shapes of globe and football. Inside the sphere is an installation consisting of 510 cold-cathode tubes that are controlled individually. The tubes are bent into circles of different sizes and arranged to form an extremely complex spatial constellation. This creates a large number of different lighting effects whose powerful pulses symbolise the extremely positive energy arising from the keen global anticipation for the Football World Cup.
VVVV is being used to control all aspects of the globe, both the games by MESO Digital Interiors and the light installation by the prolific light designer/technologist Andreas Karlen: VVVV creates the realtime responses on three interactive infotainment stations embedded in the base of the ball, and it controls 510 cold-cathode tubes that turn the ball into a stunning nighttime light sculpture.
The light installation is now on permanent display at the Deutscher Fussballbund Headquarter in Frankfurt am Main.
Concept and realisation: Art + Sports GmbH, Frankfurt; Producer: Robert Hofferer, Project Manager: Christian Bauer.
Overall design, content, graphic identity: 3deluxe, Wiesbaden.
The team at MESO Digital Interiors:
Sebastian Oschatz, Sven Bauer, Benedikt Groß, Tebjan Halm, Tobias Teickner, John Eichenseer, Joreg, Sebastian Gregor.
(c) 2005 MESO Digital Interiors GmbH
Under the creative lead of and commissioned by Atelier Markgraph MESO Digital Interiors was responsible for the implementation of the software for some more Exhibits touring through the automotive fairs in Detroit, Geneva, Paris, Detroit and Geneva again in various modifications.
The MESO Team: Sebastian Oschatz, Tebjan Halm, Björn Schwarzer, David Brüll, Max Wolf
(c) 2007 MESO Digital Interiors
credits Chris Plant/catweasel, Claudia Paz, Nicholas Cheung, Cesar Castro
I was commissioned to program this Art piece and Interactive Installation design by Claudia Paz and Nicholas Cheung for BCP institutional building in San Isidro, the center of the commercial district of Lima - Perú
Ecue drives the LEDs from a DVI feed from vvvv and also does the scheduling, the touch panel is made of 72 Sensacel tiles.
There are 5 layers of iFlex 270pixels high and 9 wide, and the poles have archi points at their tips making a total of 26,182 pixels
credits stain, ::vtol::
“...the time is out of joint” - Shakespeare
This staging is an algorithmic interpretation of "Comedy of errors" by William Shakespeare where luminescent lamps perform the play in accompaniment of generative sound and graphics - all based on the original text.
Here lamps are actors, and projected scenery represents constantly flowing river. Text is the structural basis and joint of the time.
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