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The ArchiBio project discovers phenomena that surround us everywhere, yet they remain invisible. The growth of bacteria, fungi and plants, life of an ant colony – the beauty of these phenomena escapes our attention, because they exist on a different scale or in a different time beyond our perception. ArchiBio videomapping unfolds the beauty of microscopic worlds enlarged to a giant size in the public space. It poses a question whether the relationship between nature and technology really is antagonistic, or whether the man-made technologies represent just another branch on the evolutionary tree. It is fascinating that all life forms around us share the same operating system with us, humans, DNA. What will happen once our technologies learn how to cooperate with it? Will genetic modification bring destruction or progress?
The project is being created especially for the Prague festival of light, Signal Festival. The preparatory work includes creative, technology and scientific research. The author will be using 3D scanning technologies, 3D printers and computer-controlled cutting machines to make special cultivation pots the shape of which will copy chosen architecture.
Featured by Czech the light
Commissioned by Signal
Partner LVR
Video Mária Júdová,
Music Ambienteer - Ecclesia
Special thanks:
Jan Buriánek,
Iva Dobiášová
Radka Hanečková
Jakub Hybler
Marko Júda
team Signal
Project by Andrej Boleslavský
Generative visual tool for entering "flowing" state of mind (recording of live session).
Emotiv Epoc headset was used for EEG realtime scan of the spectator, while observing generated visuals on the screen. When beta rhythm was dominating in spectator's EEG (normal/alert state), hypnotic opart pattern with dynamics correlating to beta intensity was shown, which led to more "dreamy" state (more alpha rhythm). When alpha started to dominate over beta, pattern was interrupted by some generic 3D visuals to break that hypno state and get back to normal; and so on.
Created as an exercise at Art and Brainwaves workshop by Enzo Varriale (Polytechnic Museum, Moscow)
To be enhanced, extended and released as a standalone installation.
credits Marcello Gómez Maureira, Carolien Teunisse
Where the obstruction of light is often an unwanted artefact in projection-based AR installations, we explore shadows as dynamic canvases for supplementary projections. In defining shadow areas with your own body, visual information can be discovered in a playful way.
Visual art, educative content presentation, and gameful design converge to bring forth an interactive display that augments exhibition models in museum
Kinect, 2 projectors, vvvv
Digital Slaves created Fragment in Space with Olivier Ratsi (Antivj) a art piece composed of real time mapping, LED frames and electronics.
Fragment in Space is a light and sound sculpture whose elements are suspended by transparent strings and via hooks attached to the ceiling grid.
These elements are fragmented in a space according to a dynamical layout which increases the suspended state and offers the spectators depending on their positions a variety of points of view.
Modular, the system is adaptable to its exhibition space.
In this configuration, the facility was located in the center of the room occupied 13 m2 and a height of 3m.
The installation consists of 14 elements in red half translucent Plexiglas and six units composed of an aluminium structure embedded LEDs.
These elements can be independently illuminated in three variants; fully, partially or not at all according to a language, based on the lighting or extinguishing the final 44 parts.
This luminous scenography synchronized with a sound design brings the temporal dimension of the work.
Credits :
Photos, Vidéo : Olivier Ratsi
Thomas Vaquié : sound design
Julien Guinard : LED development
Support : Arcadi, Théâtre de l'Agora, scène nationale d'Évry et de l'Essonne, Stereolux
Digital Slaves developped a mapping system for the Cave Empt (CE) runaway during the Tokyo Fashion Week 2012.
Cave Empt (CE) is the creator of A Bathing Ape and directed by Toby and Sk8thing.
Art Direction : Superbien
Digital Slaves was consulted to imagine an immersive structure composed of LED and projection mapping for the 150th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Japan.
The opening ceremony of "Swiss Days" was held on 6 February 2014 in Tokyo.
Clients : Swiss Embassy Japan / Sunny Side Up / Whatif / Eat Creative
Motion Design : Guillaume Pinto (WHATIF Inc.) / Louis De Castro (NYX Visual)
Sound Design : Lucas Valentine (AMBUSH®)
Digital Slaves created a special immersive mapping scenography for Womb Adventure 2012 in Tokyo.
It was the 12th edition of this electronic festival at Makuhari Messe with more than 10 000 people.
Line Up : Richie Hawtin - Daddy G (Massive Attack) - Nina Kravitz - Darren Emerson - Mark E - Asy & more
Digital Slaves was consulted to set up an immersive and interactive LED art piece into the Skjoldtunnelen in Bergen, Norway.
Clients : Bybanen AS / Gisle Froyland
Credits : Servando & Oddvard
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