@dultonawa do you mean a square in 3D space or a cube?
How can I make 3D square using grideditor(EX9)!!!
i love lamp
@tgd thanks!
sorry all respatial-edgeblend. check comments on the contribution for fix
happy halloween!
Speech by vux node works on windows 8 without having to install anything :) :) :) :)
Finally, another event: bit.ly/ScJUgE Y wait ages for a bus...
@manuel is gamma working ?
@manuel I got a 6970 (6950) and it doens t work, weird
@io I used it with 2 6850 and no problem
@elliot: sounds great, tell us more about it...
Any insight on Spatial edge Blend shader on ATI ?
what is the maximum distance of (usable) kinect depth data? thank you!
back in France, I was honored to meet you all Berliner. Big Up !
good morning! I hope that the frankinstorm will not spoil this morning
good morning everybody :)
@microdee, @alg thanks!
@swisswiss: AsString (EX9.Texture)
hey! is there an exact opposite of this(dynamictexture (ex9.texture string))? node ?
@sunep sorry and thx for your help. getflagcount-node-or-something-like-that
what is GetFlagCount? and you should post questions like this in the forum
hello vvvvboys. Is there any GetFlagCount node or something like that? I cant find it. Sorry to ask you such a dumb question....
@microdee Why you using compatibility mode? I'm using vvvv without it for about 2 month- all working good.
@mino: vvvv works perfectly on windows 8. just put it in Windows 7 compatibility mode
@Tonfilm question if you get a chance: building-a-mesh-from-a-spread-of-other-meshes
in boygroup some of renderer clients doesn't work in fullscreen. Why?
a,does the multiScreen divice more screen can lose many pixels? when i use 6400*1200 pic,i can't see clearly single render,how?
looking into using vvvv+oF at the #ScreenLab residency with joanie antivj & kyle mcdonald. boygrouped opengl stereo.
elliot, this time you've gone too far.. :D
VVVV and #openFrameworks sitting in a tree. Int-er-op-a-bil-i-ty
@vento: Very useful link, Thank you
Artists & Ad Agencies http://www.scribd.com/doc/110907265/Golan-Levin-ETA-2012#page=1
@gerrit: vvvvery nice!
@gerrit very nice!
New Mapping experiments: https://vimeo.com/52222104 and https://vimeo.com/52236173
windows8 anyone?
btw, live 9 and push: https://www.ableton.com/en/push/
@lecloner @tonifilm cool be there too
see you then! quite some vvvv people will be there, i guess..
I'm in Berlin tonight at Platoon Kunsthalle for BYOB event. http://www.kunsthalle.com/berlin/events/bring-your-own-beamer
uff another langauge to learn
@dawoof python not so easy, but for mongo http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/CSharp+Language+Center
how can i use python within vvvv? i need to connect to MongoDB?
mrboni: scale
anyone know how to convert a transform using a right hand coord system to left handed in vvvv?
@gontz - great - seend this? -http://12bubbles.com/2012/03/24/live-coding-base-on-bret-victors-inventing-on-principle-talk/
Creative Interactive Gesture Camera Developer Kit http://click.intel.com/intelsdk/Creative_Interactive_Gesture_Camera_Developer_Kit-P2061.aspx
bugfix! mre-mdmod
http://worrydream.com/LearnableProgramming/ Food for thought
Subbania - a game: http://ektomarch.com/blog/?p=48
Bridge in Paris http://t.co/3jvgSKTN
searching for example patches using the ms kinect sdk...
print-printer <- please test ;)
help needing modify svvvvitcher .. any help will be awesome ! svvvvitcher-modifications
@lasal: thanks for the link! reminds me of this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=auXBKEp2UX0 and this: http://vimeo.com/43434888
@lasal: i find this documentation very interessting too!
@ quirin, Noir: Ron Resch, great curious mind
@lasal: For the geometry lovers: great!!!
spatial edge blend works perfectly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCXIzVoB_GM&feature=share
Ruben's tubes on speed, I like it :)
ron resch
Fire Equalizer https://vimeo.com/37587421
For the geometry lovers: https://vimeo.com/36122966
Sorry, late posting todays N&C meetup: http://bit.ly/V95JOS
thanks guest ;)
want to buy a kinect... whats the difference between this two aricles ?: http://www.amazon.de/Microsoft-Kinect-Sensor-for-Windows/dp/B0072O6E7K/ref=sr_1_21?ie=UTF8&qid=1350488672&sr=8-21 and http://www.amazon.de/Xbox-360-Kinect-Sensor-Adventures/dp/B003H4QT7Y/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1350488666&sr=8-1
wrong "even more..." link for addons in downloads/alphas
phidget anyone? phidget-rotary-encoder-not-showing-up cheers!
Anyone used multiple cheap Korg Nano Fader Kontrol in vvvv? (before I get more)
Marco's TED Talk introduced in Japanese TV just now!
thanks ggml good solution!
why wont this download for me? does this not run on mac
@tekcor tonfilm patches#fft recorder
is audio analysis of a wav working with NRT rendering?
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