dumb question! it's possible to change the font? at least the size..
@microdee: PCL porting to vvvv is a must
@sunep: for me anywhere, and specify path into plug pin
where to place the QR-code date in the new folder structure?
@all please try again. maybe fixed. anttweakbar
Wow, thats incredible. I've seen some painting synth's but that one takes the cake.
Just amazing this one too http://vimeo.com/36466564
Cloud gate, stunning! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Cl7Lxw9vJw&feature=player_embedded
@elektromeier: 3d object converter and together with blender migth work. I used Rhino.
my artnet reciever has no reception under beta27 until i change the universe but stops then after a few seconds.any ideas what to do?
texture input is still impossible in plugins? or i missed something?
http://www.brekel.com/?p=749 now who will create a vvvv implementation?:D
ahh i checked blender and found out it just can export thanks
@elektromeier: blender 2.49 or BELOW (2.5 or above cannot import .x files)
anyone knows a good way to convert x.files generated in v4 to a usable format which can imported in other software?
thanks elektromeier. did some first generative 3d prints with vvvv today :D
vvvv alpha27.1 needs some testing. get it from downloads/alphas and see changelogs: change log & addons change log
@CeeYaa: really cool one (Y)
please enjoy! anttweakbar
but this is todays best haha http://tiny.cc/anqp2
@Urbankind thats better ;) http://vimeo.com/32969330
Awesome ! http://vimeo.com/36321631
Tekcor: sites/all/modules/general/pubdlcnt/pubdlcnt.php?file=http://vvvv.org/sites/default/files/uploads/SpreadedMeshsaver.v4p&nid=76034 did it vry quickly, normals and texcoords not done yet but should be easy to add...
Yet another show with vvvv and whitecat http://t.ymlp269.net/uhsaaaewsearaeemagau/click.php
hm how do i create a single mesh from primitive geometrys and spreaded transform?
playground https://vimeo.com/36473718
@zepi:skynet is becoming self aware
spreaded helicopters: http://www.epicfail.com/2012/02/04/nano-quadrotors-win/
Thanks devvvvs, I owe you a few bananas next time we meet :)
@rexmtl im going to foulab later ...
@wxmtl YES im in Montreal please contact me in the IRC chat or skype
I need help learning VVVV. Anyone in Montreal willing to help> I'm desperate
Ah haahh. So many contributions, so little time.. Thanks guys!
@mrboni: indeed Eric working on few extra features and will be in 27.1 addonpack
I think its part of Vux's Christmas patch. Assimp, I think it was called.
what happened to that 3d file format importer that surfaced not that long ago? Did it get released?
@ft -> irc pls
just avoid string and enum conversions!
@manuel: i am still using b23 for some running projects. np at all.
@manuel: i m using beta23 on 2 shows created with it. No change of version. No redevelopement. Beta23 very ok
Hello vvvvorld!
who's still using b23 ?
@ggml - beautiful scary.
@joreg & poof: Both great! See Eames original: http://www.powersof10.com/film
new joint http://youtu.be/VWgKVsZCt8o
Oh, my students spammed all blog ). Sorry for this, i think they was inspired )
hey thats pretty cool, kinda reminds me of zoomquilt http://zoomquilt2.madmindworx.com/zoomquilt2.swf
@Benladouche - i've had bad experience with the 'vgas are all active' presumption. But it should be true. I use 5 DVI (->HDMI)
@microdee - incompatible with th2g's :)! adapter issues. i'd recommend a th2g instead.
@Benladouche: check: AMD Eyefinity Validated Dongles
@elliotwoods: what was the pain? the management of the monitors separately?
last catalyst driver works or may i keep the drivers on the CD ?
ok thanks, i suspected as much. i read on a forum, a minidisplay/VGA is compulsory active, do you approuve ?
@Benladouche : you need active adapters. Check http://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=startech+active+minidp#sclient=psy-ab&hl=en&safe=off&authuser=0&tbm=shop&source=hp&q=MDP2DVI...
hi can you send me your email? My collective bought ATI 6770,we cant connect 5 disp.only 3 can be activ thanks in advance. John
New MRE version released
@microdee - i used one of the ZOTAC geforce's with 1DVI+4DP out. Mostly a pain as the outputs aren't 'real'. internal th2go
@skyliner, there is this old thread, perhaps the software is uptated since then: using-softth-with-vvvv
I made this Water Dragon : http://vimeo.com/36265942
after some research i found out it has a splitter chip integrated in it http://goo.gl/Wo7Ug it converts 1 display port to 2 HDMI
anybody has some experience with this? http://goo.gl/z0UOo (does it have span-mode (like eyefinity) or 3 extended monitors?)
Useful for vvvv.js? http://smp.if.uj.edu.pl/~mkol/il2js/
Anyone going to SxSW next month?
@elliotwoods ok, thx. I will pull it and check )
now i've moved i'm pretty happy. a bit more complicated to manage an open source contrib, but easier to build/update/addonpack
@alg - I (little bit reluctantly) moved to vvvv-sdk https://github.com/elliotwoods/vvvv-sdk/tree/opencv/vvvv45/addonpack/src/nodes/plugins/Image .
@elliot when you planning to push the changes to the repo?
and we're back. :). @dujoducom - elias + co did an awesome job!
wow, I have been away for awhile and totally missed the plugin development improvements. Mind bogglingly awesome c# integration!!
p.s. everyone, please dont comment on the opencv contrib for a moment! slow connection from far away :)
@vvvvebmaster. if someone edits a post whilst i'm uploading a contrib, i have to reupload. also a comment counts as an edit..
@berlins: meet up these days?
yes elliot ! yhxs for start up ! it will ease automations a lot !
First binary update to the OpenCV plugin in quite some time! opencv-plugin-(alpha)
Made a new app for loading VVVV patches on startup vvvv.external.startupcontrol
Updated the Vlc plugin in Contributions. I hope it works well for everyone using beta27...
Its unc rasberring ????
KaVVVVeemaschine preview: http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=364671820209537
Raspberry shaders http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-vBbqamNBU
i know there is a bgsubstraction.fx somewhere here.any ideas?
video tutorial
http://vimeo.com/36048029 Realtime ultra realistic skin rendering. Whohoo
real time absolute realism http://vimeo.com/36048029 @dottore @unc
http://vimeo.com/36049753 << a little test of Kinect and vvvv! Thanks to all developers who have helped me along!!
http://i.imgur.com/DEpPD.jpg ICS on Nexus One
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