@sapo, nice find :)
v-v-v-v v-v-v-v v-v-vv v-v-v-v vaaaaaaaaaaaaa http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=go44YFiTRE0
@everyoneishappy: maanhaaaacks!
Our new robot overlords will be spread http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=YQIMGV5vtd4
@Jog, I'll do ....ASAP
@chile can you please try this with alpha27.1?
@Devs ; Camera (transform Soft image) and other important nodes doesn't show in node list it only does by "Open in Patch" ?
apply now: http://t-m-a.de/cynetart/cfp-2012?lang=en
windows nodes are fun jaja!
generative vvvv design for our robot! https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/419575_335831563116152_100000679335762_1101234_221608190_n.jpg
I am coming to Berlin to VJ 18 feb: http://vimeo.com/35136972 can someone here lend/rent a projektor to me cheap? contact info on my u-page.
y'all are welcome in my house, in Utrecht just 30 mins away
http://vimeo.com/35884808 something i did for "Bring your own Beamer" Session in Düsseldorf
what ya doing there bo? I'm there thursday or friday I think
i'm in amsterdam from tomorrow evening till feb 3d morning. any beer/tequila/coffeeshop please skype andrey.bo.27
"you set a pinattribute of "IsSingle=true" as described here: pin attributes"
@ joreg: to work with usb host picoprojectors ?
@gaz. thats true)
@nissidis:already knew? pluginspecs/
Russian roulette anyone? http://vimeo.com/35782736
Hi all, where I can find more for the ISpread<T> list ?
@bo27:ye..i've 2x20m...waterproof
@karistouf: you set a pinattribute of "IsSingle=true" as described here: pin attributes
@h99 great! i'm on skype for anything :)
@sapo I'm working on that keyboard, didn't forget it
Great Stuff Guys!! :D
http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/2346/vvvv2012012717132387.jpg working nights on new stuff
Multipass render engine packing now... will upload in a few minutes. ;)
AMAZING STUFF today's Patcher Kutcha...
Really great meeting at Milan !!! Sorry but Patcher Kutcha session of tomorrow (2012-01-29) is canceled.
live from Milano, MultiRenderEngine presentation right now..
@microdee: wow: http://vimeo.com/35311617
Merci alg
vvvvevvvmaster: i dont see al my bookmarks in "my bookmarks tab". why?
@karistouf yes, or universal IO
@apnoe, you missed something amazing.. (saw it in the Melkweg) http://vimeo.com/24502224
seems everybody already knows it - i just got it,..wow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emUq3WskiHM&feature=related
1080p GLSL livecoding, on a $25 computer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-vBbqamNBU
@alg and elliot: so for pico projectors, will prefer minihdmi thats right ?
hey Gontz, I'm writing you!
thx skyliner!
Has anybody got an EXR import for VVVV yet?(or simple command line implementation). Otherwise looking at implementing FreeImage
great vux!!! I have a question for you about a possible implementation of DX11. See you saturday ...
hey, we're having a nice interactive installation project and could use a helping hand in patching. is not a big but a beautiful job
Can IOBox can has input pin for columns rows and pages?
wish i could be there. happy patching, guys! ;)
for those coming, see you in Milan for Patcher Kucha saturday :)
@alg - ah right. if it's disabling aero, chances are it's disabling DirectX (that's what AirDisplay does)
@elliotwoods checked, not working. Somehow it's hiding my ATI adapter.
@elliotwoods i will try, but it's even disabling aero.
But try the Device config pin for your Renderer to see if a manual setting helps
@alg / karistouf - unlike some other devices, it doesn't seem to be DisplayLink USB (so can't use your GPU automatically).
Acer usb is hell. I'm have c112 and it's not working with VVVV gpu renders.
Anybody using a picoprojector with vvvv? (nomad around a coffee stage designing)? Acer usb ok c110? http://www.rueducommerce.fr/TV-Hifi-Home-Cinema/Videoprojecteur/Videoprojecteurs-ultra-portables/ACER/4846472-Mini-Videoprojecteur-1000-1-USB-2-0-C110...
evaluate pin is king
evaluate pin rocks
New Audio-responsive bass music video done in VVVV & After-Effects with synced Twitch plugin. Feedback please! http://vimeo.com/34791833
see you at Patcher Kucha in milan!
@lasal: Good! Snapshot to wiki corrects aspect ratio on fullscreen.
@Ventolin: A sort of slitscan: lastclock-0.3-(remake)
VideoIn. Transform: Slit-Scan for vvvv? > http://formandcode.com/code-examples/transform-slit-scan
@all who had troubles with the kinect: i put more infos on openni-plugin (regarding 32bit versions of needed software)
@all who had problems with red nodes in b27 (eg. with contributions) please try latest alpha and report back: downloads/alphas
hum conclusion is: kinnectt and drivers are not at all ok. painfull time...
@_Chile: valid at my userpage))
@bo27; Whats your email ?
still having red nodes with openni: openni-plugin#comment-75226
@bo27 Yep ! Thanks !!!
@I_am_from_Chile: nice using! growthFX from christmas salad?
@ UNC + bo27 ,Thanks for making Dynamic clouds Posible ...
need more tutorials on C# & VVVV :'(
hi joreg. ok for contribs setup. moving to kinnect contrib thread, troubles with vvvv and rednodes
@karistouf: i added usage instructions to openni-plugin and no v1.2 and v1.3 only work in b27
and can they work in beta26?
a vvvvery stupid question: where to put OpenNI files in beta27?
Next VVVV workshop in Manchester http://vimeo.com/35460703
happy happy!
happy chinese new year vvvvolks !
Anyone testing PCL (PointCloudLibrary)? Fast Triangulation is so cooool..
i have problem with OpenNI kinect
yes! i like the feature very much and have seen that it's prepared... but, if not all backlinks are caught it's kinda useless ;) thx
@sebl: such a functionality is there but not yet fully rolled out, see eg: text (ex9)
what about backlinks in the Node Reference? like: nodeLinks from forums go to related discussions and so on...
Lightmare: you have to switch drivers in the device manager
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