joreg, I did not install correctly, now it is really ok. Thank you so much!
microsoft brings out SDK 4 kinect? - (german)
@eglod: if you have the addonpack installed correctly: vvvvXY\addonpack\plugins\*.dll you should have ColladaFile node in nodebrowser
is anyone going to OFFF?
joreg, I got it, I think. DLL drag to *.v4p. ok.
Thank you joreg. But I can only DLLs with name Collada find in adonpack. There is no plugin to use. What could I do?
@eglod: collada plugin is in the addonpack.
Please, could somebody tell me where to find Collada plugin, it is not in addonpack. eglod
chiptunes rock, innit?
hehehe, I just installed crack.exe with the sound on :D its the little touches I love with you guys...
Hmmm, don't seem to be able to open the CodeEditor. :(
cool! thx woei!
nice release boys, thanks for listening to your fanbase :)
tuiodecoder got a new friend:
according to the users map seems there is a revvvvolution in st.petersburg
@antokhio: thx & sorry. here's the bugfix
@woei: check pls Select (Transform)
My Kinect refuses to run in vvvv, sigh!
wow, nice birthday present for me! thanks vvvv team!
i need my daily dose of crack.exe!!1
Sounds like a great release to me:) thanks guys!
bugfix releases are important (and appreciated), too! thanks devs!
thanks devvvvs !
Somewhere over the rainbow... how nice!!
twitter this:
" vuole un attimo" cit. Dottore
@dEp: that's matt swobodas blog. really nice stuff there..
if vvvv stuck till logoff you can use: TASKKILL /F /IM vvvv.exe works in .bat file
i read i read... knowing you are in hard task ! anyway may the force be with you ;-)
sorry karistouf. next release won't be a feature release...
selling LG HS200G LED projector, 30.000 h lamp lifetime, contact me for special price:
@vux and elias: good luck for texture in in plug in ! a lot are waiting for you ! ;-)
you can join ##vvvv also via webchat:
@all: alpha25.1 testers needed! please join us on irc channel ##vvvv
@xd: k, just a note on redist: its installer is missleading. running it only unzips. you need to find and run setup then manually!
@joreg, I'm not sure which dx9 install i've used. I'll test again on another couple of machines and post on forum again.
@deformer: check phun!
@ddf & fibo: Oh guys, eventually a bit of italian macho humor on V4 forum as well! We were all missing it!
did you use webinstaller to install dx9 or redistributable?
had to install lastest(june) slimDX release to get collada mesh working. donwloaded
on our testsystems only latest directx was required. did you use webinstaller for that?
@xd_nitro: strange then. we are shipping all slimdx now with vvvv. we've tested on clean systems that no slimdx installation required
@joreg. so problem is with beta25
@joreg, woops didn't mean 25.1, got confused with 24.1
@xd_nitro: removed your posting. no 25.1 talk on the forums (to minimize confusions). pls join us on ##vvvv for that.
@bilderbuchi: did you install .NET 4.0 if yes, be aware of it
grazie fibo! anche dalla tipa
grazie fibo! anche dalla tipa
grazie fibo! anche dalla tipa
anybody got tips re: vvvv errors? ? makes sunday afternoon patching impossible :-(
many thanks fibo
anybody wants a spiral :) qualcuno vuole una spirale ( per la tipa :) ahahah
@jonferra: ah yeahhh... convinced !
more kinect shader particles:
ahhhh need the WavePlayer to be fixed in beta25 :/. and my patch's no more working in older versions :(
@mrboni: why should it be less efficient? you got every frame available, what multi out do you need more?
@manuel - cheers, queue does work, but is it not less efficient? And a multi out version would be cool
Gada ya Masr' !
kinect + 264k particles + music
@mrboni: queue??
what about the NODE splash above ? its over isnt it ?
and one with an output for each delayed bang, like the trigger node in MaxMSP...
Hey devvvvs, can we get a framedelay with a (frame count) input to save stacking them? :)
And....there gone again.
00ps -linear spread- empty blogs :P
criticism needed
vvvvshout to everyone!!! /)
was a firewall problem!!! solved it!!! SORRY!!!
seems UDP nodes are broken in 45beta25??? only on my system???? HELP
sounds interesting:
@dottore rocks!
@dottore: wow!
game over, you won vvvv, dottore.
@screamer awesome, beautifully simple as ever. Thanks
@tempus: for reorder pins simply put it in horizontal order you want. it dosen't matter the y, just the x of the ioboxes
Can you re-order IO pins when subpatching? The order seems arbitrary ??
@dottore: oulalalala !
@hierro: you are already in my list. My mail is my user name at
@dottore: wow
it's like being inside a coral reef! keep em coming :)
@mo_hack : what u mean with map ?
@karistouf : just add me on skype then i can send u also email, should be easy :D
for camera control??
anyone know how to map an xbox 360 cotroller in vvvv???
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