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Dear patchers,

this is vvvv beta 42, with mostly one significant change over the previous release:

Offline Installers

32bit Version: core addons
64bit Version: core addons

joreg, Thursday, Jun 17th 2021 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

Dear patchers,

this is vvvv beta 41, with mostly 3 changes over the previous release:

Offline Installers

32bit Version: core addons
64bit Version: core addons

joreg, Monday, Feb 22nd 2021 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

Here we go,

this is vvvv beta40, combining the coziness of vvvv beta with the latest version of VL - the self proclaimed "future of visual programming".

Highlights of this release:

  • A fix for working with Spout and DX11
  • Update to the latest version of VL

Through the integration with the latest version of VL, we're now again on par with the VL version that comes with vvvv gamma. This means that with vvvv beta40 you can now use the same latest versions of nugets, that you can use with the vvvv gamma 2020.1.x series.

Why should you update? Because this gives you access to the latest developments on these libraries:

  • VL.OpenCV
  • VL.Audio
  • VL.MediaFoundation
  • VL.Elementa
  • VL.Devices.RealSense
  • VL.Devices.Astra
  • VL.Devices.Kinect
  • VL.Devices.Kinect2
  • VL.Devices.AzureKinect
  • VL.Devices.Nuitrack
  • VL.Devices.LeapOrion
  • VL.Devices.WinTab

and so many more.

To learn how to install nugets please consult this documentation.

EDIT 18 02 2021:
Replaced beta40 with beta40.1, because an issue emerged that made the installer of beta40 to fail under certain conditions. So beta40.1 is exactly the same as beta40, except with the installer issues fixed.

Offline Installer

32bit Version: core addons
64bit Version: core addons

joreg, Tuesday, Jul 7th 2020 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

helo evvvveryone,

this is vvvv beta39.1, a bug-fix release. It does not yet include the anticipated update to latest VL, which we save for upcoming beta40. We just want to get another stable version out before such a bigger update that including latest VL will mean.

Remember that via VL you have access to many more goodies. Here is a convenient list of VL nugets that work with this release. To learn how to install nugets please consult this documentation and then use these commands to install them:

Nugets requiring a specific version to work with beta39.1
(To use the latest version of these nugets you'll have to wait for upcoming beta40 or use gamma2020.1)

 nuget install VL.OpenCV -Version 0.2.141-alpha
 nuget install VL.Devices.Kinect2 -Version 0.1.45-alpha
 nuget install VL.Devices.Realsense -Version 0.1.7-alpha
 nuget install VL.GStreamer -Version 1.0.18-gadcd7f95e5
Nugets that do not require a specific version, but still the prerelease flag:

 nuget install VL.Audio -pre
 nuget install VL.IO.M2MQTT -pre
 nuget install VL.IO.NetMQ -pre
 nuget install VL.2D.DollarQ -pre
 nuget install VL.2D.Voronoi -pre
 nuget install VL.Animation.ParticleSystem -pre
 nuget install VL.ColorBlender -pre
 nuget install VL.ColorThief -pre
Nugets that have a proper release already and thus don't require the prerelease flag:

 nuget install VL.DBSCAN
 nuget install VL.StringExtensions
 nuget install VL.2D.Simplify
 nuget install VL.InfluxDB

If you have other public nugets that you tested to work with this release, please post them in the comments below!

We regret to inform you that we no longer offer an installer for this release! Please simply unzip this into a good place on your disk. Then run config.exe to install additional requirements, before running vvvv.exe
joreg, Tuesday, May 5th 2020 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

Patcher People!

Once again later than we hoped for, but here it is: vvvv beta 39 in all its glory! Many thanks go to everyone who reported issues with the release-candidates! Here are the highlights:

What's new in vvvv beta 39


  • Finally we ship an installer! Just a few clicks and you should have vvvv beta running. Note how this also optionally installs the addonpack
    • NOTE: By default it installs to C:\vvvv, because it won't work in C:\Program Files...
  • The default patch-window size is increased
  • By default new patches now save to %User%\Documents\vvvv\beta\Sketches. Like this you can quickly find your recently created patches via a new main menu entry: Recent Patches
  • We've added two shortcuts to the main menu:
    • Show Installed Packs: opens explorer pointing to the \packs directory
    • Download Contributions: opens a browser pointing to the contributions page


  • Control IOBoxes from any webbrowser (desktop of mobile) using RCP. See the helppatch of Rabbit (RCP) for details.
  • Easy to use WebSocket (Network Client) node
  • New fancy shader nodes: PBR (DX11.Effects), PBRInstanced (DX11.Effects), PBRTextured (DX11.Effects), PBRTexturedInstanced (DX11.Effects)

New in VL

If you're also using VL already, good for you, because here you'll find even more goodies you will benefit from:

Besides those, it is important to understand that with VL you also have access to numerous more libraries that have been released recently. A lot of new packs these days come as nugets. For an overview, see VL packs on nuget.org and you can use them all in vvvv beta, via VL...

Learn VL

This is a good moment to get started with VL. Note that everything you learn and do with VL can later be applied to the upcoming vvvv gamma since VL is what both vvvv beta and gamma share. If you haven't already, check out these Tutorials and HowTos!

Have a good patch,
Yours, vvvv

PS: People who liked this release also liked The vvvv Show-Off-Reel

We regret to inform you that we no longer offer an installer for this release! Please simply unzip this into a good place on your disk. Then run config.exe to install additional requirements, before running vvvv.exe
joreg, Saturday, Dec 7th 2019 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

Please welcome beta38.1,

which basically, only fixes one bug that got introduced with the beta38 release and prevented certain VL patches from loading up.
Sorry about that! Heads will roll in quality management, guaranteed!

Apart from that, you see some new swizzle nodes as well as more help texts for nodes in our core library. Also, the VL splash screen is not top-most anymore.

And if you haven't already, now is a good time to testdrive our two "prerelease" packages that both come with plenty of examples to explore:

  • VL.OpenCV for all your computervision tasks
  • VL.Skia for all your 2d rendering needs

And for the very brave there is a lot of good stuff ready for testing in the work-in-progress section in the forum.

That's about it,
for now,

gregsn, Thursday, Dec 13th 2018 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 3 comments  


Another release just out of the gray only 2.5 months after the previous. How come?

The last beta37 release proofed to be quite stable, hardly any too concerning bug reports, but we have a breaking change to introduce and think this is a good moment. Hear us out:

If you're a vvvv-only user, you're safe. This release only has minor changes compared to beta37, so there shouldn't be any reason for you not to upgrade. Horray!

If you're also using VL, we're afraid, but swallow this:

.vl documents saved with beta38 are not backwards compatible with beta37!

Since there are hardly any other changes, we recommend you also switch as soon as possible and never look back...

So why the breaking change?

It's about how values get stored in IO boxes and pins. They now use the same serialization technique we already introduced as a node set for beta37. This means that we can store any data inside patches for which a serializer is registered - be it a spread of values, a dictionary or even a custom record:

A spread of values in b37 and b38

And as a second example a dictionary from string to value

A dictionary of values in b37 and b37

It might not look as much yet but it is a first step to get proper IO boxes back.

So apart from that another worth mentioning improvement is a new short cut called Ctrl+K which creates pins for the selected pads and puts them on the Create and Split operations of the containing patch


All other changes can be found the as usual in the Changelog.


Elias, Tuesday, Nov 20th 2018 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 4 comments  

Release Highlights

This release comes with a cleaned up VL core library. We also made sure that the node set feels more explorable just by making basic nodes more visible than others. Advanced, experimental or obsolete nodes now don't hide in different packages but can be opted into the list of nodes, while browsing the library.

But this release also comes with features for you to clean up. Frames help to structure VL patches in a visual way, groups, and categories in a structural way. You even can tweak the visibility of your nodes in the node browser and by that distinguish rather advanced or still experimental nodes from the daily node set. Library developers will also love the feature to make certain helper nodes internal so that they are free to change or delete them at any time in the future.

A lighter VL

Less VL documents get opened by default, leading to a faster startup and making the navigation menu more meaningful. Less ".Net Packages" get shipped leading to a smaller download and a lighter ".Net Packages" dependency menu. Process nodes now are lighter in terms of memory allocation.

Entry points and document management

We introduce a new way of making a VL patch run. Up to now you always had to drop a VL node into vvvv to make it actually run.
Now you can define an "entry point" in VL, leading to one running instance of that patch.


This is the first release that supports the VL.Skia library.
It comes with a huge stack of example patches.


Debugging should feel much more intuitive, as it now allows to inspect the exact state of the patches for the moment when something went wrong.

Baby, don’t make me spell it out for you

All in all this release makes VL easier to learn, use and develop for.


HTMLTexture now for DX11 and more


VL: Corelib Cleanup
VL: Frame Your Patches
VL: Groups and Categories
VL: Serialization
VL: Improved File IO
VL: Patch Your Own Mainloops

gregsn, Wednesday, Sep 5th 2018 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  
Symbiosis: VL handling the heavy load for VVVV

this is a big one!

in the works for more than half a year, it is finally out: beta36 comes with a lot of new stuff for both vvvv and vl. many thanks to everyone who helped us tweak the release by reporting problems with the release candidates. but now please have a look at the following list of highlights of this release:



for many more details, please consult the changelog as linked to below.

so where are we at? with the nobrainer access to .NET libraries now at hand the question "can vvvv/vl do X?" has just become even less relevant. chances are that if you have a .NET library that you want to use in vvvv/vl you can just do so. extending the node libraries of vvvv and vl is therefore now much easier than it has ever been since in many cases not even c# has to be written anymore.

also with the added possibility to create DX11 buffers and images/textures in vl, dx11-heavy projects can gain a lot of performance by doing their CPU heavy parts in vl, possibly using the new AsyncLoop and AsyncTask regions to finally use the power of all your CPUs cores without the need to run multiple instances of vvvv.

consider this release the foundation of all the good things to come. it is now on you to make use of all these new possibilities. we're looking forward to your questions and contributions and to showing you the other things up our sleeves..


joreg, Tuesday, Mar 20th 2018 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 6 comments  

A few more glitches came up right after the last release, so here we go again, welcome beta35.8!

The most important fix is that the code completion in the C# editor works again (thanks @vux for reporting). It was kinda broken since beta35. All the other fixes target mainly VL (thanks @björn).

And here are some more highlights taped for you:

See you at NODE!


Elias, Sunday, Jun 25th 2017 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

anonymous user login


~21d ago

joreg: END OF SHOUTBOX! As this page has is now legacy, it will no longer feature new content. For latest news, see: http://vvvv.org

~1mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S0204 is out: Custom Widgets with Dear ImGui: https://youtube.com/live/nrXfpn5V9h0

~1mth ago

joreg: New user registration is currently disabled as we're moving to a new login provider: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/reclaiming-vvvv.org/

~2mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E03 is out: Logging: https://youtube.com/live/OpUrJjTXBxM

~2mth ago

~2mth ago

joreg: Follow TobyK on his Advent of Code: https://www.twitch.tv/tobyklight

~2mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E02 is out: Saving & Loading UI State: https://www.youtube.com/live/GJQGVxA1pIQ

~2mth ago

joreg: We now have a presence on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vvvv-group

~2mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E01 is out: Buttons & Sliders with Dear ImGui: https://www.youtube.com/live/PuuTilbqd9w

~2mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E00 is out: Sensors & Servos with Arduino: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/vvvvtv-is-back-with-season-2/