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Who Hadasi
When Wed, Feb 27th 2013 - 18:30 until Wed, Feb 27th 2013 - 22:30
Where The Water Poet, 9-11 Folgate Street, Spitafields, E1 6BX, London, United Kingdom

If you made it to Node, come down for a drink and a natter. If you didn't, come down for a quick drink and a natter. If you have no idea what Node was and you're completely new to vvvv, come and have a drink and a natter. If you... just come join us next week, in a nice pub, where you can talk shop to your heart's content.

All the best,


PS please note this is a pub, not Modern Jago, but its nearby.

Hadasi, Wednesday, Feb 20th 2013 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 2 comments  

Who Hadasi, Gaz
When Wed, Jan 30th 2013 - 18:00 until Wed, Jan 30th 2013 - 21:00
Where Modern Jago, Club Row, Shoreditch, E2 7ES, London, United Kingdom

V4W RotME2

V4Wednesday introduces Retina of the Mind’s Eye, the name coming from the David Cronenburg's cult classic, Videodrome, a channel that permanently alters the viewer's perceptions.

Guest curated by CivicTV, this is an evening evening with the technologist and musician Bioni Samp, featuring a number of hacker/musicians performing audio visual pieces

We will be showcasing the work of 20 artists including four live performances from Bioni Samp, James B L Hollands, Letraruido & Tom Webster and Andrea Ruffino & Rebecca Salvadori. I might get in the mix too.

Full artist run down here Book [ http://v4w-retina-of-the-minds-eye.eventbrite.co.uk|Here}


(Edit for event booking details)

Hadasi, Friday, Jan 25th 2013 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 1 comments  

Who MrVux, Hadasi, Gaz
When Tue, Jan 15th 2013 - 18:30 until Tue, Jan 15th 2013 - 21:30
Where Modern Jago, Club Row, Shoreditch, E2 7ES, London, United Kingdom

V4Wednesday Shader Night 15/01/15

Most people reading this will know who Julien Vulliet is. For those who don't, run vvvv, open the node browser and type 'Vux.'

Julien's contributions have been pretty substantial, so if he spends over a year on one, its going to be special, and its going to take some explaining...

On this talk Julien will speak about graphics pipeline evolution, from Fixed Function to first Shader Pipeline,

Then will show the latest stages made available in DirectX11 and how they can be used in a diverse range of applications - generative graphics, image processing, interactive systems, speed optimizations...

Then he will show the inner workings of the pipeline and how some new techniques can be implemented in a different, cleaner and more efficient way.

Demos have been trickling out and having seen this technology in the flesh, this isn't something you'll want to miss.

Entry is free as usual, but book here.

Take care,


Hadasi, Friday, Jan 11th 2013 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 6 comments  

Who luper
When Fri, Jan 25th 2013 - 18:00 until Sun, Jan 27th 2013 - 04:00
Where www.facebook.com/GalerieTiskarna, Opatovická 18, Prague, Czech Republic

BYOB is a celebration of the new world we live in and a glimpse of what computing could look like in the future. Today the internet is confined to screens. Tomorrow information will surround us, composing our surfaces, defining our spaces, enmeshing itself with the ether. A moving image is never an object, and when it is coupled with the increased flexibility of portable projection, the realm of experience quickly expands. Rafaël Rozendaal, www.newrafael.com/83-byobs-so-far/

If you got a projector and you are ready to share your art, pack your gear and come! for info, questions, hosting etc mail to sarchiapone@yahoo.com


Where: www.facebook.com/GalerieTiskarna
Opatovická 18, 11000 Prague
photo: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151274668359098.484165.792779097

Luper, Tuesday, Jan 8th 2013 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

When Mon, Jan 21st 2013 until Mon, Jan 21st 2013
Where VENICE, Italy

Karina Smigla Bobinski


Toolkit Festival 2013
Venice, Italy, May 9-10-11, 2013
International Open Call
Deadline: January 21, 2013

Toolkit Festival is back. After the success of the two previous editions (Venice, Italy, 2011-2012), the committee has decided to promote an international call to determinate the participation of artists for the 2013 edition. Toolkit Festival will be held once again in Venice, Italy, on May 9-10-11, 2013.

Toolkit Festival is a festival dedicate to interactive and multimedia art and it has been conceived by Martin Romeo. It gained attention and success within the national artistic community in a short lapse of time, involving numerous institutions and professional artists in the field of New Media Art.

The title for the edition of Toolkit Festival 2013 is “Contemplative Pathways”. The goal is to give a global point of view, to show a vision of what occurs in the same time as performer and observer in the interactive area. The observer is invited to create with his own presence, to inhibit his view on the comprehension of singular elements.
The participation is free and open to artists of every nationality of age between 20 and 35 years old. The deadline for the subscription is January 21st 2013.

Please visit www.toolkitfestival.com

Toolkit Festival 2
Toolkit Festival 2
Toolkit Festival 2
Martin Romeo, Thursday, Jan 3rd 2013 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

Who ARTEK[LAB]; + Casa del lector
When Wed, Jan 16th 2013 - 11:00 until Fri, Jan 18th 2013 - 19:00
Where Casa del lector. MATADERO , Madrid, Spain

La Biblioteca Digital
Ante los nuevos paradigmas surgidos desde la sociedad de la información y las nuevas
tecnologías, la biblioteca se mantiene como un puente entre el conocimiento y el ser humano.
De alguna manera Internet es la gran biblioteca de Babel, sin embargo son los usuarios
los que la organizan, seleccionan y dan sentido. Imaginando ahora la Biblioteca del futuro, Internet se hará física.
Durante los próximos 16, 17 y 18 de enero, navegaremos por la información en mundos
viajaremos por las novelas de realidad virtual y escribiremos nuestros diarios en red.
En este taller se trabajará el concepto de biblioteca digital, especialmente desde el punto
de vista tecnológico, estudiando las diferentes herramientas de software y hardware contemporáneas.
Concretamente se trabajará la ideación, desarrollo y prototipado real de entornos de realidad virtual,
realidad aumentada e interacción con el software multipropósito VVVV.

Más información y programa : http://casalector.fundaciongsr.com/240/Taller-La-Biblioteca-Aument.

Interactive Interface in openarch.cc
ARTEKLAB, Saturday, Dec 22nd 2012 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

Who Andres Alvarez (vjc4)
When Mon, Feb 4th 2013 - 18:00 until Fri, Feb 8th 2013 - 22:00
Where Telenoika BCN, Carrer Sant Pau, 58 - Barcelona - Catalunya - ES, Barcelona , Spain

Dia 1:
Introduccion al vvvv
La idea de este workshop de 4 horas es dar una introduccion basica al VVVV,instalacion, optimizacion de recursos, funcionamiento del programa, interfaz,operaciones basicas, logica del programa, tipos de nodos, gui, tutorial

Dia 2:
Continuacion de nodos basicos, practica de pacheo y generacion de sus propios paches, introduccion a los Renders y transformaciones.

Dia 3:
Utilisacion de VVVV para Video. introduccion a los PixelShaders, que son, como funcionan, como escribirlos, manipulacion de videos en VVVV, mapping/seteo de multiples proyectores/pantallas de led.

Dia 4:
Coneccion del vvvv con multiples hardwares, kinect skelleton, dmx, osc, iphone,ipad,arduino, motores servos, sensores.
La idea de este workshop es mostrar el vvvv como una herramienta, para propositos artisticos, comerciales, y de investigación. En el ultimo dia la idea es poder definir una idea de un proyecto y llevarla a cabo entre los asistentes, explorando asi la programacion colectiva, y las diferentes soluciones a un problema determinado.
El vvvv es una herramienta ideal para cualquier usuario de pc que quiera empezar a programar y ver sus resultados de forma casi inmediata. Es utilizada mundial mente para televicion, investigación, operaciones de luces, robotica, e instalaciones interactivas.

inscripciones http://www.telenoika.net/
Contacto http://mynewpixel.wordpress.com/category/workshop/

andresc4, Friday, Dec 14th 2012 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 1 comments  

When Fri, Dec 14th 2012 - 20:00 until Sat, Dec 15th 2012 - 01:00
Where Letters Are My Friends, Boppstr. 7, Berlin, Germany

Tickets to the event are sold out!

But here we have a live stream for the people at home, who are not so lucky to attend our vlagshipstore opening:

Schedule (Berlin time):

20:00 doors open
21:00 happy vvvv, product launch
~22:30 dottore + vux presentation
23.30 live techno jazz by tonfilm

tonfilm, Friday, Dec 14th 2012 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 17 comments  

Who elliotwoods, Joanie_AntiVJ, kylemcdonald, joelgethinlewis
When Wed, Dec 5th 2012 - 18:30 until Wed, Dec 5th 2012 - 21:30
Where University of Salford, MediaCityUK, Manchester, Germany

Click here to book a free place at this eventhttp://bit.ly/screenlab0x02.

ScreenLab in collaboration with the As Yet Impossible series of public lectures would like to invite you to an evening of artistic presentation and discussion at MediaCityUK. You will meet the ScreenLab 0x02 artists who will present the results of their residency at the 'Octave', the University of Salford's Virtual Reality suite, and its flagship facility at MediaCityUK. The evening includes talks from participating and guest artists, the opening of the ScreenLab exhibition, and a panel discussion to debate ‘favourable conditions for creating art of significance within contemporary digital environments’.

ScreenLab 0x02 involves three internationally-renowned digital media artists working in Salford to further the dialogue and techniques at the arts-technology crossover. By utilising the state-of-the-art facilities at the University of Salford, the artists will prototype new works and ideas, sharing their results and process.

The residency aims to facilitate artists to lead their own research and to develop their practice. Student involvement with the residency will enable them to gain valuable skills and experience.

The three resident artists participating in ScreenLab 0x02 Residency MediaCityUK are:

Kyle McDonald (USA) is a Brooklyn-based artist working with ‘sounds and codes’, exploring translation, contextualisation and similarity. With a background in philosophy and computer science, his works integrate intricate processes and structures with accessible, playful realisations that often have a ‘do-it-yourself’, open-source aesthetic. Kyle is a regular contributor to open-source arts-engineering initiatives such as OpenFrameworks, having developed a number of extensions which provide connectivity to powerful image processing and computer vision libraries. In recent years, Kyle has applied these techniques to problems in 3D scene capture, first using structured light techniques and later with the Microsoft Kinect sensor.

Joanie Lemercier (France) is a visual artist based in Bristol and runs the visual label AntiVJ. The focus of Joanie’s work is the use of projected light in the real world, and its influence on our perception. Joanie uses architectural projections, installations, stage design and audiovisual performances on stage. He has presented his work at electronic music festivals, public outdoor spaces and in galleries across Europe, South America, Canada, the USA and Asia, including The Armoury (New York), New Songdo city (South Korea), Nuit Blanche Bruxelles (Belgium), Breda cathedral (Netherlands) and Onedotzero at the British Film Institute London.

Joel Gethin Lewis (UK) uses art, technology and design to create experiences that take people into the moment to impart lasting memories. Lewis first studied Mathematics and Computer Science at Imperial College London before completing an MA in Interaction Design at the Royal College of Art in 2003. Post-graduation, he worked at Benetton’s communication research centre, Fabrica, in Italy before returning to London as the interaction designer at United Visual Artists – collaborating and touring with Battles, U2 and Massive Attack, and creating installation works Monolith, Volume andHereafter. After discovering OpenFrameworks in 2007, Lewis co-foundedHellicar & Lewis in 2008 with art director and designer Pete Hellicar.

The guest artists and practitioners for the presentation evening are:

Drew Hemment (UK) is an artist, curator and researcher based in Manchester. He is founder and CEO of FutureEverything, the UK’s award-winning digital culture festival and innovation lab; Associate Director of research lab ImaginationLancaster at Lancaster University, rated among the top three UK universities for research in art and design; and Deputy Director of knowledge exchange hub CX (The Creative Exchange), which is funded by £4m from the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC). Drew was winner of the Lever Prize 2010, shortlisted for Big Chip International Award for Innovation 2010, and received an Honorary Mention at Prix Ars Electronica 2008 for the artwork Loca: Set To Discoverable.

Steve Symons (UK) is a sound artist known for an innovative series of sonic augmented reality projects titled 'aura' and as a member of the award winning Owl Project with Simon Blackmore and Antony Hall. Simon creates digital systems for his own use, which are often released for artists and musicians as free and open-source tools, and with Owl Project makes and performs with sculptural sonic interfaces that critique human desire for technology. Steve was nominated for the Northern Art Prize and awarded the Best of Manchester 2009. A part of collaborative group Owl Project Steve, along with production manager Ed Carter, holds one of the ‘Artists Taking the Lead’ commissions as part of the Cultural Olympiad.

Filip Visnjic (Serbia) is an architect, lecturer, curator and new media technologist born in Belgrade and now living in London. He specialises in directing web, new media and architectural projects while also contributing to a number of blogs and magazines about art, design and technology. He is an editor-in-chief at CreativeApplications.Net, co-founder and curator at art festival Resonate, director at Working Architecture Group and he lectures at a number of universities in the UK.

ScreenLab Residency is supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council of England, the University of Salford and FIRM. ScreenLab Residency MediaCityUK 0x02 is a University of Salford project. Other related initiatives from the University of Salford include Sonic Fusion Festival, Believe, Creative Hive and Secret Gardens Festival. ScreenLab Residency MediaCityUK participates in the Quays programme of events, encouraging interest in cultural activities within the Salford Quays area.

Admission to the ScreenLab 0x02 presentation and As Yet Impossible discussion is free.

Find out more about ScreenLab Residency 0x02 MediaCityUK at:

To find out more about the As Yet Impossible series, go to:

Travel to MediaCityUK:

elliotwoods, Monday, Nov 26th 2012 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

Who UAMO e.V.
When Thu, Feb 21st 2013 - 19:00 until Sun, Feb 24th 2013 - 19:00
Where Einstein, Munich, Germany

(English text below)

Bis zum 31.12.2012 können unter www.uamo.info Arbeiten für das UAMO Festival 2013/München eingereicht werden.

Alle eingereichten Arbeiten sollten einen Bezug zu dem Thema "PLAY TIME" haben.

Die Einreichung von Arbeiten zum UAMO Festival 2011 ist kostenlos.
Es können Arbeiten aus allen Kunstbereichen eingereicht werden.
Die ausgestellten Arbeiten werden innerhalb eines Katalogs, der zum Festival erscheint veröffentlicht.

Die Arbeiten werden während des Festivals in den Ausstellungsräumen und/oder innerhalb des Screenings gezeigt.

UAMO (a Munich based non profit art organisation) is searching for artwork dealing with the 2013 festival subject "PLAY TIME".

Until the 31st of december 2012 you can apply at www.uamo.info art festival 2013/Munich.
Submitted work will be installed in the exhibition and/or shown at the festival screening.
All submitted work should refer to the theme "PLAY TIME".

All submissions are free.
All exhibited work will be presented in a limited edition catalogue.

Apply now at:

UAMO, Tuesday, Nov 20th 2012 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

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~4d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S0204 is out: Custom Widgets with Dear ImGui: https://youtube.com/live/nrXfpn5V9h0

~4d ago

joreg: New user registration is currently disabled as we're moving to a new login provider: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/reclaiming-vvvv.org/

~12d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E03 is out: Logging: https://youtube.com/live/OpUrJjTXBxM

~14d ago

~15d ago

joreg: Follow TobyK on his Advent of Code: https://www.twitch.tv/tobyklight

~19d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E02 is out: Saving & Loading UI State: https://www.youtube.com/live/GJQGVxA1pIQ

~19d ago

joreg: We now have a presence on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vvvv-group

~26d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E01 is out: Buttons & Sliders with Dear ImGui: https://www.youtube.com/live/PuuTilbqd9w

~1mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E00 is out: Sensors & Servos with Arduino: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/vvvvtv-is-back-with-season-2/

~1mth ago