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Short-ish render of project created in vvvv.
Still making only baby steps particularly in learning to move from using fixed pipeline shaders to programming HLSL effects...
The first media fassade projection mapping on half-timbered houses.
For the event 'Waiblingen leuchtet 2011' we made a audio-video show at the beautiful market place in Waiblingen. Three 15.000 Christie projectors played a synchronized show to enchant the audience.
Some clips from the rehearsal and the show day.
Orbe is a Multimedia platform play in which most of the media content is interactive .
Duration 45 mins.
It,s a history about the inner and outer being and the way both influence and evolute togueter.
Orbe was part of the Bad-Bilbao festival and was shown on the 30th of november.
Director: Zigor Gorostiola Sauce
Interpretation: Ena Fernández
Interactive Designer,Programmer: Abraham Manzanares
Musical Production: DJ Amnsia
Therapeutic dance: Izaskun Zelaia
Assitant helper : Itzi Recalde Fragua
Video: Pablo Fernández, Iñigo López
Video resourses : Pausa digital
Thanks to all + :
Zigor for his effortless will of making things.
Irene Pereira for caring.
Izaskun Fernandez in place and show help .
Jesu y Piti for sharing their place .
Music of the video :
David nod - Noised -
This video only shows a short part of a longer incoming installation, which explores the relationship between 2 Harmonic waves in different graphical/musical ways.
98 pair of points trigger notes depending on the collision position in the Y axis.
Panning depends on the X position.
For this piece the phase and velocity of booth waves are synchronised to collide in a harmonic chord.
In the installation it would be possible to see/hear more complex relationships with longer running time.
The chaotic converges in harmonic, the complexity converges in simplicity.
Programmed in VVVV.
September-October 2011.
Brief extract from 10 hours of videomapping projection over a structure 4mt X 3mt made by me
video textures are partially generated in real time, input or ambient sound responsive. Software: VVVV
Event: GTFCKD Djs Marathon (Výstaviště Holešovice, Praha, 3.9.2011)
Edgar Varèse
Arcana for large orchestra
Visualization by Rainer Kohlberger
Full concert version of the actual performance:
Rainer Kohlberger & Wilm Thoben 2011
Produced during the exhibition 'Shift'
Site specific installation at 22PRESENTS showroom Prague
Thanks to HB-Laser for providing the laser!
Praxis Berlin 2011
Ozri 2011, the Asia-Pacific's leading spatial industry conference, was held from 12-14 October in Melbourne, Australia- and drew its biggest crowd in its 25 year history.
We were commissioned by Haycom AV to produce this 3240x1080 video and other event assets, which they projected onto three massive 15 metre x 5 metre screens using six-edge blended Christie projectors.
The brief was to 'chart the progression of maps throughout the ages whilst referencing the event and it's unique direction.'
Techno track uses excerpts from 'This time with Soul' by EJG (CCBY)
In this piece I was interested in mitigating the experience of 2 disparate video projections, one featuring dramatic imagery and one featuring more mundane or banal actions or scenes. These two videos are projected on the exterior of a space. A viewer sits in this space and vertical portions of each montage stream into the room and are projected on the interior walls. These narrow strips of light are not entirely readable; they are transformed into movement, color, and light.
I want my viewer to reflect on the loss of meaning and discernment created by the simultaneity and fragmentation of these projections, potentially prompting reflection about contemporary culture. I also desire to create an aesthetic/formal experience for the viewer.
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