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A site-specific audiovisual installation realized during three days in Revine Lago (Italy). The work plays with the elements of Revine Lago's landscape, subverting the relationship between the artificial, vertical elements of the poles of the lake dwellings and the natural horizontal background of the lake. The projection mapping underlines the contrast between nature and artifact, reshaping the normal relationships of dimension, distance from the observer, content and orientation. An invite to reflect about the chance to invert the logic of appropriation and colonization of spaces.
Setup: paper stripes, video beamer, DVD player, two speakers.
The idea of this Robotic Exhibit is to create a realistic impression of a high dynamic drive on the display to explain BMW’s xDrive Technology.
The MESO Team: Sebastian Oschatz, David Brüll, Katharina Mayrhofer, Jens Anschütz, Nikos Mechanezidis, Friedrich Söllner
(c) 2011 by MESO Digital Interiors
Super-Kamiokande Geodesic Display with a real-time controlled robot in the center for BMW M
The MESO-Team: Sebastian Oschatz, David Brüll, Thomas Eichhorn, Katharina Mayrhofer, Johannes Scherg, Nikos Mechanezidis, Friedrich Söllner
(c) 2011 by MESO Digital Interiors
BMW Individual – A real material browser
MESO realized the interaction screen and heart of the sculpture, where the user can browse, filter and choose from the multitude of material combinations.
The MESO-Team: Sebastian Oschatz, Katharina Mayrhofer, David Brüll
(c) 2011 by MESO Digital Interiors
This robotic Exhibit displays real material samples with the help of real-time driven microscopes at the robots tool. The user decides which material he wants to explore and controls the zoom factor and the position of the microscope. Additional animated illuminations on the ground area visually connecting the user interaction point with the selected material.
The MESO-Team: Sebastian Oschatz, Nils Buhlert, Katharina Mayrhofer, Nikos Mechanezidis, Johannes Lemke, Johannes Scherg, Jannis Kreft, David Brüll
(c) 2011 by MESO Digital Interiors
credits pics by
stage design including light and mapping on styrofoam at pratersauna, vienna, 15.11.2011. live: azari & III + when saints go machine
Tweener Types & Tweener Modes Demonstration
As an example of the function of the RT/RML. Just one string is sent by TCP/IP to start the movement. This triggers movement along a Bézier curve with certain tweening parameters.
The MESO-Team: Sebastian Oschatz, David Brüll, Jochen Leinberger, Nikos Mechanezidis, Tebjan Halm, Elias Holzer, Friedrich Söllner, Martin Wagner
Robotic Interaction Sketches
On behalf of BMW, MESO researched and developed the basis for a platform for interactive exhibits. One of the main components in the first stage of the project is the Real-Time Robotic Motion Library (RT/RML). This enables highly aesthetic sequences of movements to be implemented by ABB industrial robots in any kind of programming environment.
Industrial robots have traditionally been controlled by a fixed program which lets them work as efficiently as possible. The robot typically works self-sufficiently and is linked to the surrounding machinery via simple interfaces (sensors, light cabinets, contacts).
Interactive exhibits, however, have other requirements.
Some prototypical examples of RT/RML applications from the MESO laboratory are shown in this video.
The MESO-Team: Sebastian Oschatz, David Brüll, Jochen Leinberger, Nikos Mechanezidis, Tebjan Halm, Elias Holzer, Friedrich Söllner, Martin Wagner
(c) 2011 by MESO Digital Interiors
Visuel: vision nocturne
Music: Rawakari
Camera: Vincent Deveux, Gilles Labarbe
Editing: vision nocturne
In den Katakomben des Mannheimer Schlosses wurde dieses Jahr zum Schlossfest einzigartige Videokunst geboten. "an und für sich" ist eine Zusammenstellung von Exponaten aus den unterschiedlichsten Spielarten der Kunst, die sich allesamt im gemeinsamen Thema wiederfinden: Transformation.
Swen Seyerlen war auch eingeladen. Er entwarf dafür ein weiteres mal ein Papier-Objekt und zitierte die barocke Bauzeit des Schlosses mittels soundreaktiver Mapping-Projektion und LED-Beleuchtung.
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