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This video is a cutup of excerpts of the performance/installation "Delta Aurigae" at sound:frame festival Vienna.
Delta Aurigae is an installation which deals with the periodic coalescence of opposite aggregate states, based on and structured by the rhythm of a double star system like the constellation Auriga.
A world populated by meanders and monoliths, meteors and menhirs that draws inspiration from ancient astrology which was using rock formations and natural objects to decipher the universe and measure it’s cycles.
Delta Aurigae is a hybrid between installation and performance, a stage with a life of its own. In idle mode it shows a slow and majestic flow like a glacier, where fringes blur and relations vanish.
A monolith itself, Delta Aurigae is a 4.5m high triangle with a real-time projection.
Made with VVVV & Reaktor.
o-O-orbiting the delta skelta
In merry barycenter go-rounds.
Let’s build a whole city of glass houses, only a stone’s throw away
To regard the light night sky, dive drown
Dissolving vis-à-vis-viva equators
In our monolitheral observatory.
We will, we will…
more here
Thanks to: sound:frame, Michael Grossauer & polypod, woei, joreg & vvvv, leo & ben (Bildwerk), Pomme, Gerald Moser, Romana Kleewein
UdK Berlin
Intermediales Bewegungslabor.
Campus-Kollision 2. bis 6. Januar 2012
Prof. Nick Haffner: Projektleitung.
Arístides García: Projektleitung, Konzept, Programmierung.
Nikola Pieper: Technische Leitung.
Emilia Pfohl, Marine Bertrand, Hanne Müller, Marieke Hohberge, Swann Nowak.
Juan Gabriel Harcha : Tanzer
Hannes Mück : Kamera
Musik: Volta do mar, Sound after day
Special thanks to Dottore, Mr Vux, Unc, and the VVVV developers.
Laborwoche 2011 - Hochschule für Gestaltung
Dieser Kurs ermöglichte Einblicke in Medieninstallationen mit mehreren Beamern.
Es wurden Projektionen auf verschiedenen Oberflächen und Geometrien erarbeitet. Ziel des Projektes war es, die Installation live zur Musik zu synchornisieren. Diese wurden mit Hilfe von den Programmen vvvv und Vertigo, mit welchen man zeitgleich und direkt vor Ort Objekte bespielen und verzerren kann, realisiert.
Kursleitung: Andreas Brendle
Anika Raiser Beneke Traub Daniela Perkuhn Elisa Eichner Enis Terzioglu Eva Hajdu Fabian Fischer Fabian Schroebel Johannes Preibisch Laurens Rinke Mouna Bouafina Nicolas Esslinger
Kamera und Schnitt: Mouna Bouafina
Programming: Andrej Boleslavský (CIANT, Prague)
Supervision: Pavel Čejka (VICE)
Cover design and animations: Alica Gurinová, Luke Tomski
Stop-motion animation: Michal Kubíček
Music: Elektrabel
Video: Dan Adnan, Klára Jakubová, Henrich Žucha (h21 studio)
Special thanks: Matěj Činčera, Marek Grabovský, Jan Ott, Martin Svoboda, Jan Šmíd, Zuzka Těťálová&Botas, Roman Trochta, Zdeněk Zahradník, Tomáš Zilvar
Technologies: VVVV, LEGO Mindstorms, reacTIVision, Arduino, iPad, Kinect, TouchOSC, C#
Round Mapping Pushes the Borders of Video Mapping
You have probably never had a chance to see this: an Interactive video-mapping on a rotating object while the video is synchronized with rotation itself.
Last summer this brand new technology called 'round mapping' came up by accident from collaboration between CIANT (International Centre For Art and New Technologies) and VICE in Prague when preparing a stop-motion animation for new cover design video spot of Lemond, the czech liquor.
Andrej Boleslavský, the interaction designer said, “I realized it is possible to create a software that could automatically change mapping according to current position of the object of screening.”
The team constructed a standing box with all the hardware inside, that is easy to move.
Pavel Čejka from VICE said, “Also it allows to change the product on the top of it. We are able to replace the bottle of Lemond for anything else. We just need some time to map it and work with layers.”
When it comes to interaction, the viewers may control the rotating object wirelessly via iPad offering numbers of features.
Follow Round Mapping at
Live audio reactive visual mixed with my vvvv based software CLONEMIXER.
music : Dislocated - I am a Machine
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