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Interactive installation for Red Mountain Energy and Premium Engineering stand at MIOGE '11 exhibition. The project has won MIOGE award as best technical stand solution.
Features: Realtime and rendered FullHD 3D animations, Kinect hands motion control
3D: antokhio, alex joss, m.gaydamaka
programming and interactivity: eps
june 2011
We are the VVVVING.
Tae Uk, Kim
Han Seul, Kim
2011. 06. 24 ~ 2011. 06. 26
Art & Design building 7F,
1 Hwayang-dong, Gwanghin, Seoul, Korea.
PenCon stands for "pen constructor" and is an alternative way to use a
CAD application. We've tried to revive the feeling of drawing while
using CAD software.
Those complex applications are used to create 2D and 3D constructions
and models. We have set our task to find a more intuitive way to use
CAD software, as well on software, as on hardware perspective.
The target audience are engineers, who primarily work in engineering
and design. So we have tried to analyze the functions based on their
needs, to find new approaches.
The drawing-board and a pencil have been the main tools for engineers
back in the days, without computers. The range of tools was fairly
comprehensible and straightforward to use. Today, with CAD, we have a
lot more opportunities a and way more accurate method of constructing
3D models. The downside of this is, is that the hard- and software-
interface became more complex at the same time.
With our concept, we have tried to solve this issue and bring back the
feeling of real drawing to CAD.
To achieve that goal, we have decided to use a Cintiq Wacom tablet. It
is controlled with a pen, with which you can draw directly on the
tablet's screen. Also, the pen offers some more functions and the tablet
holds some more interface elements, such as buttons and sliders, which
we can use for zooming and other important functions in CAD.
With this hardware interface we've been able to develop concepts to bring
back the feeling of drawing and replace the mouse and keyboard with
the pen and the tablet.
To evaluate our ideas we have built several little prototypes, with VVVV,
for different usecases.
HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd
Interaction Design
6th Semester
Project team:
Jan Barth
Roman Grasy
Prof. Hans Krämer
Prof. Steffen Süpple
credits Jan Barth, Roman Grasy
PenCon stands for "pen constructor" and is an alternative way to use a
CAD application. We've tried to revive the feeling of drawing while
using CAD software.
Few videos for the Honeycomb Factory project in E-Fest, tunisia, 2011, hopefully I will have more footage soon and make a proper edit ;)
Setup was a hefty 6 meters by 4 meters hexagon wall (9*7 tiling), Each piece had a different depth to provide an enhanced experience. It has been built on site in 3 days using 200 pieces of polystyrene.
Every piece is a double sided mesh, with texturing/animations activated trough midi controller, todomap vvvv plugin.
Setup, Animations, projection and content all generated live with vvvv (No video content). Animations are all fully audio reactive.
Original idea, 3d programming, content: Mrvux
Structure building, content: Haythem Z
Some of the bands while performing:
Thanks again to E-Fest organizers, all people who helped to make it possible.
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