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The Winner of Media Art & Design Award 2011

A research of media arts into the combination between projection mapping and interaction technique.

DELUSION is an interactive light installation which turns static floating tubes into virtual dynamic objects by using emitted light from projectors and sensors. The irritation of the virtual stream and its noise goes throughout the entire chapters as the core statement “breakout”. The audiences can experience animated tubes and they can communicate with the light installation through the sensors, which are placed in tubes. The original inspiration of the installation is the fuel rods from nuclear power plant.

When audience enters the room where the installation is installed, it will experience a virtual journey which interacts by a variety of chapters, between each interactive experience it will be composed with different animations with a abstract storyline. The process will be triggered by the sensors in order to continue the journey and participate the interaction like moving the hand to play noise or saying something to get a snapshot, these interactions follow the contents of each chapter.

More info / 禹罗:

Luo Yu, Wednesday, Aug 3rd 2011 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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The mall as a place of contemporary worship. The purchase replaces the Sunday ritual of praying, in queue at cash desk to receive the receipt, the host, the consent of the consumption. But what is the price of this consent? Today as never before, the private data are medium of exchange, our intimacy is sold, sacrificed at the altar of consumption. So the facade of a church is reconstructed in 3D with the aesthetics of the shopping malls. A group of “promoters” invites the passer-by to confess their sins in change of a note. With the note value corresponding to his confession, the visitor can go to the cash desk to buy a lot of the facade. Using a VVVV patch it is possible to extract the lot and slowly discover the interior of the church: there is a woman in search of her spirituality. In the days following the exhibition the confessions has showed anonymously at the center of the city.

exhibition (with contribution of Cariplo Foundation)
2009 Viral Project, Chiesa San Nicolò, Lecco

artereazione, Wednesday, Aug 3rd 2011 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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"Catch me, I'm an information" communicate the floating words. With his hands the visitors of the table touches the glass surface and grabs the typographical swarm who has just awakened his interest. Aligned with white lines that look like delicate probe of marine animals, spread of secondary information will be visible. Text, images and films on various subjects can be detected by the visitor.
The Ocean Explorer is an interactive table projection. Up to twelve visitors can view texts, films and animation on different topics. With headphones, visitors can also listen to the scientists under discussion. The five meters long and 120 centimeters wide, multi-touch table allows visitors to fish out information such as from a virtual pool of water and even go on an expedition themselves.

My job was the conception and realization of the whole design and content for the Future OceanExplorer.

CLIENT: Cluster of Excellence "The Future Ocean"
ROLE: Art Direction, Content-Development, Motion Design

Art Direction: Michel Magens, Tom Duscher
Technical Concept and Development: Chris Engler
Grafik Design: Michel Magens, Jan Kiecksee, Tom Duscher
Coding: Chris Engler, Jan Kiecksee
Motion Design: Michel Magens, Chris Engler, Tom Duscher
Project Management: Manfred Schulz, Tom Duscher, Annika Wallaschek
Construction: Manfred Schulz, Julia Fuchs, Erik Neubert


Michel Magens, Wednesday, Aug 3rd 2011 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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ICH² - Intermedia dance performance for Planetaria.

In cooperation with the whole team my job was to develop the script of the show.
In addition to the conception part i designed and implemented several 3D scenes which has to be understood as digital stage sets for the planetarium show.

ICH² (Me to the power of 2) is an interactive dance performance especially developed for fulldome projection as used in modern digital planetariums. The performance combines expressive modern dance and 360° interactive motion graphics.
In this way ICH² is a very unique piece of the emerging genre called Digital Theatre, in which digital media technology enables alterable and imersive stage settings.
Nominated for the "Digital Sparks Award 2008"

It is part of us all and understood as the program that we are made of: The genetic code. We see in it the essence of the individual, the source of identity and a modified definition of the self.
«The modern concept of the gene led to the perception, that the body is not a static, given entity, but – similar to computer software – a set of commands, a program, that can be handed over to the next generation.»
Christina von Braun’s quote expresses the confusion of modern man, who is discovering the benefits of technological progress as well as genetechnology’s threats.
Paradigm shifts of man’s destiny and everyone’s ability to reproduce as well as other social changes thereof make us ask the question:
What is our individuality beyond the mere analysis of our datasets? Will it be possible to program formerly only imagined versions of our real bodies? What if our individuality will be simpliy cloned away? What if our self will be enhancend into a second self made of flesh and blood, looking identical?
Are these questions, born in the controversial science of genetechnology new?

The contentual discussion that ICH² has, is based on the assumption that these questions have been around since the age of man.
The known issue of duplication/reproduction in relation to the artificial production and enhancement of human life is reappearing within a new set of paradigms of modern technology.
The cross-media dance performance is including latest research as well as an array of forms of encounters with the other self: in dream and in shadow as well as on media from mirror over film to digital imagery. The theatre, which the body lets take place on the stages of subconsciousness and media is merged with the „sans-frontiere“ virtuality that emerges within the reality of the theatre’s space.
Which art form would be better to transcend this act than dance? Contemporary dance uses modern media to accelerate the pervasion of virtuality and reality.

The performance ICH² combines dance and media art with complex content and attractive use of cross-media. Art and technology synergetically combine to a creative game on duplication and variation. ICH² is merging the components into a hybrid amalgamation, which creates a digital space of possibilities, which is not only reflecting the perspectives of genetechnology, but offers the visitor a new space for experience.
An intruiging atmosphere is created by the interaction between stage and the projection onto the dome. A unique installation for an extra-ordinary space: a planetarium including a 360 degrees moving image projection. State-of-the-art projection technology is merging with dance theatre and interactive media into a fascinating wholesome piece of art, is modifying it and allowing a completely new kind of production: dancer and media together create an artistic space that involves the audience in a new way. The impact of the imagery and the intensively short proximity of the performers, forms a high level of immersion.
Hardly has a visitor been closer to the dancers. This turns standard planetariums into experiental Digital Theatres, in which man and technology can be part of a unique symbiosys.

CLIENT: Developed during my studies at Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design
ROLE: Script-Development, 2D + 3D Motion Graphics

Artists / Authors (Students):
Alexander Brauch, Student, Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Christian Engler, Artistic and scientific employee, Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Jens Ewald, Student, Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Manuel Klauser, Student, Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Michel Magens, Student, Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Patrick Müller, Student, Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Jan Reiss, Student, Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Sven Lütgen, Artistic and scientific employee, Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design

Employees of the University:
Prof. Tom Duscher, Centre for Media, Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Christian Engler, Artistic and scientific employee, Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Sven Lütgen, Artistic and scientific employee, Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Prof.in Dr. phil. habil. Petra Maria Meyer, Centre for Theory, Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design
Mario Schröder, Choreographer, Ballett Kiel


Michel Magens, Wednesday, Aug 3rd 2011 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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In the beginning, there was light, white light. energy. Then the universe evolved as a thick net of energy microwaves. Their constant, coordinated movement produces even now a cosmic symphony. The elektro-kokon is the first energy concentration, the matter confroning for the first time with the invisible antimatter.
A camera is mapping the carpet from above. VVVV is used to track the black color and connect it to sound and video, so that: the more the blacks in the frame, the more the frequency (sin, delay) and pixel (spins, vibes) variations. The performer is producing transformation with his body, with the position, the exposition, the speed of his body. The dancer is “playing” his own music to dance and manipulating the video environment around him.

Sch10 Design Festival, Fabbrica Saccardo, Schio VI www.schiodesignfestival.it
Tool-kit Festival, Galleria A+A, Venezia http://toolkitfestival.tumblr.com/
Athens VideoArt Festival, Technopolis, Athens http://www.athensvideoartfestival.gr/

dance _ gonçalo cruzinha
multimedia design _ mariano leotta, emanuele foti
sound design _ ex-directory

shooting _ tommy ilai, id creative lab
editing _ born holmer

artereazione, Friday, Jul 22nd 2011 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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/Interactive audio-visual performance/
/Sound generation from chemical process/
/Tracking of chemical process/

Solvation - a molecular-dynamic process. Enveloping the
active substance molecules of fat.
CH3 (CH2) 14COOH - a key component of milk fat, palmitic acid
C12H25SO4Na - detergent (sodium dodetsilsulfonat)

This presentation is completely live. An artist adds various reagents in small portions to a chemical process to the fluid phase floating on the surface of a liquid. Thus, the color, shape, and texture of the fluid components are dynamically changed and create artistic
abstraction. The process, transmitted through the web-camera, generates sound by given algorithm. The interaction of chemical components and milk creates a process of fractal nature. Solvation - enveloping the activesubstance of fat molecules in milk. Each process takes several minutes. A computer program captures the dynamics of the situation and creates LIQUID~DO

"LIQUID~DO" may be associated with LIBIDO in the context of energy deliberation from a liquid substance, the chemical process. The energy is interpreted by the sound. The potential of the liquid is represented by the
sound. If in a human it is "sexual potential", then in a liquid it is different. We are interested in the nature of self-organization, both visual and audible, and the way these two areas interact with each other in a liquid system.

/ julia borovaya - art / behance.net/LIQuiDplaceII
/ sergey kasich - sound / www.SoundArtist.ru
/ vadim smakhtin - programming /www.vadimsmakhtin.com
/ mikhail simunin (science deputy chairman of

   joung scientists community of MIET)- chemical 
  © LIQUID~DO  2011
Julia Borovaya, Friday, Jul 22nd 2011 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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cathartic and childish, ironic and disturbing, the carousel is the symbol of the fair. a post-modern carousel, material and immaterial. steel circular tubulars hold up a sheet where the surreal characters of the carousel are projected:
contemporary tarots showing and exorcising the taboo. the taboo is the limit that allows the society to be like that. anyway, only who is ready to overcome this limit, entering in the carousel, could trigger the mechanism of exorcism and contamination. but be careful. not take it too serious. a toy awaits you in the center of the carousel and if you bow in front of it the carousel will rotate too fast becoming grotesque.

project: mariano leotta, alessandra senso odoni
illustrations & graphic design: alessandra senso odoni
motion design: dario lazzaretto
multimedia design: mariano leotta
music: davide fasulo

villa comunale, salerno (italy)

artereazione, Friday, Jul 22nd 2011 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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johannes ldc guerreiro and i had the chance to play the whole night in the kunstmuseum stuttgart with our www.openvisuals.de project.

tonfilm, Thursday, Jul 21st 2011 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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joreg: Follow TobyK on his Advent of Code: https://www.twitch.tv/tobyklight

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joreg: vvvvTv S02E00 is out: Sensors & Servos with Arduino: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/vvvvtv-is-back-with-season-2/