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Node Forum for Digital Arts - Festival for Digital Culture and Creative Technologies
26.June - 2.July, 2017
Frankfurt am Main, Germany

woei, Monday, Jun 12th 2017 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

credits Roberto Vitalini (@Bashiba) .:. Sebastiano Barbieri (@Noir) .:. www.bashiba.com

BASHIBA Darkness Generative Ocean

BASHIBA Darkness https://vimeo.com/bashiba/darkness

Real-Time Procedural Environment
Generative Art
4k Resolution


Bashiba, Friday, May 26th 2017 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

credits Jia-Rey Chang & Peter Gate


This is the first time I used vvvv to create a real-time interactive visualization with live performance.
“The Deep Sound of Maramures” took place on 10th MAY at Control Club, which is the famous hotspot of Bucharest.

In the project of “The Deep Sound of Maramures”, with the unique geometric graphic style and spatial related artistic philosophy, several visual effects along with Peter Gate’s (Petru Pap) composition were created. A sequence of spatial visual elements was inspired by Peter’s “The Deep Sound of Maramures”. They (music and visual) are not fixed forms; they are alive. In order to make the audiences experience a unique journey, the approach is to create visually alive elements to follow the emotion of the music. It is not a common background visual effect running through the concert, but rather a set of real-time interactive resulting images interacted with the live music performance. For example, in the scene of “sea waves”, the speed and the curvature of the waves will be lively-generated in accordance with the live music. It illustrated a journey of a bird’s fantasy through different spatial environments from the nature of earth to outer space, from concrete landscape to abstract imagination…etc. While adding the time dimension of the music, it generates a 4D immersive space for people to fully engage in the show. This video represents the teaser/short version of the whole interactive sound/visual performance.

More info and images:http://www.archgary.com/works/tdsom/

archgary, Thursday, May 18th 2017 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

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first prototype/tests of an ar torchlight system.

Elektro Meier, Tuesday, May 16th 2017 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

Hi folks. I'd like to share the video we've been working on for the last weeks with my buddy Kevin Hughes.

It's for the song "El triunfo del amor" by the patagonian artist "Shaman y los pilares de la creacion".

It was made capturing the raw kinect ( V1 ) data with the MS Kinect studio and then processing it with the PointcloudBuffer (DX11.Pointcloud Kinect) .
It was all captured with a blackMagick and then edited in Adobe Premiere.
The background footage was filmed in Patagonia Argentina.

parabola, Monday, May 15th 2017 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 1 comments  

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Here is a walkthrough of features new to vvvv and vl.

For more details see the announcement: vvvv50beta35.5
and the changelog: change log vvvv50beta35.5

vvvvleaks, Thursday, May 4th 2017 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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Find more on http://vrdust.org.uk

DUST is a Virtual Reality piece which invites the audience to experience dance performance from the perspective of eternal particle travelling in the space. It immerses the audience in the immediate presence of the dancer and within a unique visual and aural scenario.

DUST aims to transform the way people see and experience contemporary dance through a 4 minutes long immersive virtual reality experience. The project explores the boundaries between the virtual and the real-world experiences and advances research in the fields of participatory performance, human-computer-interaction and VR technologies.

The piece is inspired by how almost every element on Earth was formed at the heart of a stardust, so our bodies were. Drawing inspiration from these eternal particles being part of our bodies just for incredibly short moment, as well as the motif of the unthinkable world expressed by book of philosophy In the Dust Of This Planet by Eugene Thacker, Dust seeks to reimagine our perception of body, space and time with the use of digital technologies. It merges real and virtual worlds to produce new environments where physical and digital co-exist and interact in real time. More specifically, it combines the live stream with volumetric capturing of dance and virtual environment which has been created by photogrammetry, and in doing immerses the viewers visually, as well as physically and emotionally. This way, it also explores new forms of engaging the audience and creating the narratives through the creative partnership between performing arts and new media.

Mária Júdová and Andrej Boleslavský ― concept, design, creation
Patricia Okenwa I NMC ― choreographer
Soňa Ferienčíková ― dancer
Roman Zotov ― dancer
Carmen Salas ― creative producer
Miles Whittaker I Demdike Stare ― musician

DUST has been produced by Carmen Salas with the support of the Arts Council of England.

maria judova, Thursday, May 4th 2017 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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some graphics and VJ pieces, old and recent, rendered and performed live

used footage

l'enfer movie, fashion photo

tokee 'numbers'
compiled 03.2017

eps, Thursday, May 4th 2017 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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Find more on http://vrdust.org.uk

DUST is a Virtual Reality piece which invites the audience to experience dance performance from the perspective of eternal particle travelling in the space. It immerses the audience in the immediate presence of the dancer and within a unique visual and aural scenario.

DUST aims to transform the way people see and experience contemporary dance through a 4 minutes long immersive virtual reality experience. The project explores the boundaries between the virtual and the real-world experiences and advances research in the fields of participatory performance, human-computer-interaction and VR technologies.

The piece is inspired by how almost every element on Earth was formed at the heart of a stardust, so our bodies were. Drawing inspiration from these eternal particles being part of our bodies just for incredibly short moment, as well as the motif of the unthinkable world expressed by book of philosophy In the Dust Of This Planet by Eugene Thacker, Dust seeks to reimagine our perception of body, space and time with the use of digital technologies. It merges real and virtual worlds to produce new environments where physical and digital co-exist and interact in real time. More specifically, it combines the live stream with volumetric capturing of dance and virtual environment which has been created by photogrammetry, and in doing immerses the viewers visually, as well as physically and emotionally. This way, it also explores new forms of engaging the audience and creating the narratives through the creative partnership between performing arts and new media.

Mária Júdová and Andrej Boleslavský ― concept, design, creation
Patricia Okenwa I NMC ― choreographer
Soňa Ferienčíková ― dancer
Roman Zotov ― dancer
Carmen Salas ― creative producer
Miles Whittaker I Demdike Stare ― musician

DUST has been produced by Carmen Salas with the support of the Arts Council of England.

maria judova, Thursday, May 4th 2017 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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Teaser Selection Officielle Festival PLZ IV edition

Extract des Videos

A Portrait of Rafel Delalande Valentin Petit 3:12 France ok tag
Sigint Phil Hastings 3:48 Usa
Neutra's dream Stephen French 3:47 Usa
Suspension Neil Kendricks 2:34 Usa
Hornz Anna Dukhonina 2.25 Russian Federation
Panic Attack khaled alwarea 11.24 Syrian Arab Republic
Sky Pacers Harvey Goldman 8.10 Usa
Where I am is Somewhere Else Sebastian J Lowe 8.08 Denmark
The Lake Veta Geraskina 5.32 Georgia
Crossroads / The Beauty of Gemina Tonio Krueger 4.26 Switzerland
Zen Filip Kalczyński 2.59 Poland
Pagans Mariel Cortés 3.43 Mexico
Liserica Delfina Mayer 2.55 Germany
Interface Mel Hsieh 2.28 - Taiwan
Blank Ashka Kedziora 1.51 United Kingdom
20 Coups de pied Dimitar Dimitrov 6.00 Bulgaria
Its Not The End of The World - The Hide Marielle Tepper 3.28 Usa
Miasma Scott Fretwell 1.05 Canada
Detour Anna Radchenko 3.19 United Kingdom
3 Words For Paris Cokau 3.52 France
Cosmos Alexan Kevork Sarikamichian 4.06 Argentina

Nadia Popoff - Seven Nights


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~1mth ago

joreg: END OF SHOUTBOX! As this page has is now legacy, it will no longer feature new content. For latest news, see: http://vvvv.org

~2mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S0204 is out: Custom Widgets with Dear ImGui: https://youtube.com/live/nrXfpn5V9h0

~2mth ago

joreg: New user registration is currently disabled as we're moving to a new login provider: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/reclaiming-vvvv.org/

~2mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E03 is out: Logging: https://youtube.com/live/OpUrJjTXBxM

~2mth ago

~2mth ago

joreg: Follow TobyK on his Advent of Code: https://www.twitch.tv/tobyklight

~2mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E02 is out: Saving & Loading UI State: https://www.youtube.com/live/GJQGVxA1pIQ

~2mth ago

joreg: We now have a presence on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vvvv-group

~3mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E01 is out: Buttons & Sliders with Dear ImGui: https://www.youtube.com/live/PuuTilbqd9w

~3mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E00 is out: Sensors & Servos with Arduino: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/vvvvtv-is-back-with-season-2/