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Media Installation at Erbach Castle Museum / Odenwald / Germany
Art Direction and Motion Design for M Box
Endkunde: Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten Hessen
Agentur: Sichau und Walter
Konzept/Regie: Sabine Retschitzegger + Niko Wahl
Text: Niko Wahl
Creative Director: Martin Retschitzegger
Musik: m box / Michael Peter
360° Soundmischung: Taucher Sound Environments
Design: Armin Keplinger
Art Direction: Helmut Breineder
Format: 15 x HD / 5 Stelen / 10 x LED-Stripes / 20 Kanal Sound
Länge: 8 Minuten (Loop)
For more detailed information visit
credits microdee for emeshe
Themed around dog that was saved from this building doring huge flood in Pilsen, Czech Republic. Water is simulated in blender then played as series of mashes encapsulated in FBX file, worked like a charm but I am using low poly aesthetics to keep things fast and simple.
Because i am using Emeshe, i had to generate the first pass with classic camera instead of LookAtRect (shadows are mess otherwise), workflow for mapping looks like this: camera image, then distorted to make"ortho" image, then mapped with homography and set alpha fx with gradients as control
Video loop sample
visuals by Quayola & Sinigaglia
credits evvvvil - visuals / code oddjohn - music
Cynical-more-than-clinical raymarching distance fucking fields mixed with mundane polygonal noodle bullshit for lack of better post-modern essay-driven justification & mumbo-jumbo rhetoric to stroke the ego of the pretentious well-to-do norfolk-born east-london gentrificators & latte-sipping, designer-beard-stroking grueling pseudo-art clique.
Made for our own amusement, well, I was trying to impress this girl but she's only interested in weight-lifting and Ron Pearlman's gas tank.
Made in: TouchDesigner, OpenFrameWorks, CINDER, Processing using Spout, Resolame, MS PAINT, Microsoft Windows 95, Excel, Power Point to C++ exporter, Unity lame engine, EROTICA body fluid simulator, and half a sausage.
Watch the video and post it on your facebook or Pedro will kick the shit out of your hamster.
We are now taking bookings for your kids birthday parties, gas mask not included.
Special thankx to: VUX, Kyle McLean and Inigo Quilez.
credits dx11, InstancedNoodles, Emeshe, vAudio
Hello ravvvvers, I was asked to do a short video for Repitch recordings label, experimental techno label from Berlin!
I made a longer blog post on medium about my workflow and modules I used, check it out!
The Mylar Topology is an audio-visual performance work intended for panoramic projection (3 screen span) and spatial sound. The piece synchronizes binaural drones with generative video simulations of liquid forms (abstracted and distorted)
Best viewed in full-screen mode
The works' liquefied polychromatic psychedelia are minimal subjective interpretations of the reflective properties of Mylar sheets. After I saw Ira Cohen's lysergic film 'Invasion of the Thunderbolt Pagoda' I learned he filmed it by pointing his camera at reflections of distorted Mylar sheets to create visual effects. The Mylar Topology is both a reflection and distortion of a (non visible) luminosity point that exists beyond/outside the screen.
"Don't be shy, girl, step into my pad", in a city made with code and Egyptian love.
The buildings are generated using math equations & rendered in real-time while reacting to an audio track played live.
100% real-time generative 3d graphics, no post-production, broh.
Music: THE EGYPTIAN LOVER - "My house on the Nile" - 1984
Technique: Made in vvvv and HLSL. Audio responsive raymarching distance fields and polygonal particle systems.
Special thankx to: Inigo Quilez, Kyle McLean and UNC.
Zeit/fenster – an interactive Installation
(EN) Inspired by a legend about the Unterberg – which is rumored to have mystical powers, extraordinary time perceptions and even time holes – the interactive installation “Zeitfenster” (time window) enables an encounter with the past. And, at the same time, sends a message to the future. This creates a communication space with a different time. Between several viewers, communication chains can emerge which are passed on by viewers to viewers.
(DE) Inspiriert von einer Legende über den Untersberg – dem mystische Kräfte und außergewöhnliche Zeitwahrnehmungen bis hin zu Zeitlöchern nachgesagt werden – ermöglicht die interaktive Installation „Zeitfenster“ das Zusammentreffen mit der Vergangenheit. Und sendet gleichzeitig eine Nachricht in die Zukunft. So entsteht ein Kommunikationsraum mit einer anderen Zeit. Zwischen mehreren Betrachter können Kommunikationsketten entstehen die von Betrachter zu Betrachter weitergegeben werden.
Benjamin Hohnheiser
Concept & Realisation:
Benjamin Hohnheiser
Alessandro Maggioni
Benjamin Hohnheiser
Tebjan Halm
Matthias Husinsky
Daniel Huber
starry Background Motion Graphics:
Jörg Barton
Additional Mountain & Starry Sky Video Footage:
Layback / Mazwai, Christophe Tauziet / Mazwei
Extracted from collage, CC Attribution license 3.0 ,
documentation soundtrack:
Fobee – Tender Lips
very special thanks to:
Daniel Huber, Jörg Barton, Kerstin Unger, vvvv,
Schmiede Hallein, Rüdiger Wassibauer, Show2Go,
everybody in the video, and all other Smiths …
… but not to the cat
credits tamschick,borismicka,Arriyadh Development Authority,colorsound
High-ranking diplomats from 193 countries experienced a special media highlight during the General Assembly in New York 2016.
A 24 meter long LED wall immersed them in the modern metropolis of Riyadh, the capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
As a part of the event „A Day in Riyadh“, TAMSCHICK MEDIA+SPACE developed an interactive LED panorama for Boris Micka Associates. At the busy junction of the building the passing UN diplomats could have a look into the city of Riyadh: A window to another country, unknown traditions, a foreign culture.
Once the passerby approached the wall, people appeared telling their personal stories of their daily lives: Students, entrepreneurs, athletes, journalists, engineers, architects, doctors and professors did shine a light on the many facets of this modern city.
The installation connects the cities of Riyadh and New York with their two cultures and generates attention for the 5-day event, where experts discussed the economic, environmental, urban and social development of the capital of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Arriyadh Development Authority
creative direction, concept, design, script, storyboard, motion design, animation, editing, interactive programming, implementation, project management, greenscreen studio & location shooting
Not a Machine
Boris Micka & Marc Tamschick
Jan Peukert, Uwe Schlottmann
Mattis Völker
Dirk Ostkamp
Abraham Manzanares /colorsound-ixd
24 meter interactive LED wall
5 x Kinect tracking
6 x Computers boygroup
14-channel audio installation
vvvv community
credits Roberto Vitalini (@Bashiba) .:. Sebastiano Barbieri (@Noir) .:.
BASHIBA Human Machine
Live Music + Video Projection + Kinect + Yamaha Disklavier
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