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credits Roberto Vitalini (@Bashiba) .:. Sebastiano Barbieri (@Noir) .:.
Interactive Art // Live Recording
Everything we see is atomized. Our boundaries, the skin that separates objects and people is gone.
Notice to Vimeo users: to see the particles you might need to watch this in its original resolution (4k) or at least 2K.
3D data: Microsoft Kinect
Spatial Sound + sonic events + Real-Time Rendering: Bashiba + vvvv
Programming: #bashiba #noir
Interactive installation created by Dimana Sofianska, Dolce Villegas, and Tara Salibi.
Resuscitate: revive (someone) from unconsciousness or apparent death, make (something) active or vigorous again.
The theme of this installation is to show the potential of abandoned spaces using a fusion between architecture and media. Our initial perception of abandoned space was that they were negative, dangerous, scary, and avoidable. But as we went through the journey of physically exploring one of them, we gradually grew more comfortable with the space and towards the end we understood how those places may be considered as exciting and appealing adventures. But unfortunately as you take a step back from the hype, these spaces are in reality a waste of opportunity.
The installation not only metaphorically trans¬lates the experience of being in an abandoned space, but also shows the potential of those places with infinite possibilities when they are properly maintained. We made use of different elements such as light, shadow, transparent and translucent materials to portray the abstraction of an abandoned space which was the main inspiration of the forms used in our model and video. The video tells the story of creating a vibrant city out of the shattered structure. Once the city is alive, it deconstructs again to reinforce the idea that it could be something beautiful but the reality is that it is just an abandoned place. As the Spanish architect Santiago Calatrava said: “You see the first goal in this space was to deliver something beautiful where such an ugliness was there before, to deliver something optimistic looking to the future where so much sadness and depression was there.”
The installation works by pointing a flashlight on the physical model of the abstracted structure to create a shadow on the wall; then a light sensor picks up the light to trigger (using VVVV) the video projected on the wall. The model is set in a box to recre¬ate the experience of the unknown and to encourage the desire to discover. To further immerse the user in the audio visual installation, the sound that includes recorded samples from an abandoned space, is played through headphones that the user wears throughout the experience.
This installation aims at bringing consciousness to people about abandoned spaces and the potential that they can have in the future only if they are taken care of.
credits didi bruckmayr aka sinus and florian berger aka flockaroo. raum.null
rendered realtime in vvvv and custom openGl engine with spout by didi bruckmayr aka sinus and florian berger aka flockaroo (check him in shadertoy!) credits: dx11, instancenoodles, particles unplugged, raw raymarching by sinus
audio: raum.null
Hello Devvvvs, this is my first time i post my work in here, i'm from Indonesia (are there anybody else from Indonesia too in here? hehe).
The visuals created by using vvvv and reacts to the audio and midi inputs from the ableton.
The musician play some midi notes in ableton while using the A.I. Duet and then
the A.I. Duet send back the midi response to ableton, and all the midi from ableton send to vvvv using osc (thanks to ((oscdevices-ableton-m4l-vvvv-tools.))
Im still learning vvvv and really open for any suggestions and critics.
I learn so much from this forum.
credits Andrej Boleslavský aka @id144 ― digital artist | Mária Júdová ― digital artist | Patricia Okenwa ― choreographer | Soňa Ferienčíková ― dancer | Roman Zotov ― dancer | Carmen Salas ― creative producer | Miles Whittaker aka Demdike Stare ― musician
Dust is a virtual reality piece which invites the audience to experience dance performance from the perspective of eternal particle travelling in the space.
“As an improvisational tool, VR can inspire creative movements; as an educational tool, it can record choreography and encourage public engagement, and, for us, it is a tool for endless artistic expression.”
Mária Júdová, Andrej Boleslavský.
This is a short video documentation about our experimental studies about the interplay and interaction between sound and and reflection as preparation for the project called TWITCH. We, three students of the Muthesius academy of fine arts and design, worked one semester on this issue . The result is presented here:
by Katharina Graff, Henrik Von der Lieth and Hermann Hartung
Realtime generative piece made for outdoor terrace projection, Gazgolder Club, Moscow 04.03.2017
Music: Hybrid Laisureland - Gentleness Color
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