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Here is a walkthrough of features new to vvvv.
For more details see the announcement: vvvv50beta35
and the changelog: change log#node 233265
credits Roberto Vitalini (@Bashiba) .:. Sebastiano Barbieri (@Noir) .:.
Music flowing through the body of the pianist
4k, real-time 3D point cloud interactive rendering
Music (ambient piano): Nhung Nguyen - Winter's stories - 07 #7
Nhung Nguyen, musician & sound artist based in Hanoi, Vietnam.
credits ion cotenescu, silviu visan
זאַמד is pixelpushing in dx9
What user experience does a race car need?
For the latest Hyundai concept RN30 we designed and built the display systems, simulating a lap on the Nürburgring based on real telemetric data. One screen is in the steering wheel, the other sits behind it on top of the column. The map moves dynamically with its rotation - a feature taken from the artificial horizon in airplane instrumentation. Introduced at this years Mondial de l'Automobile in Paris.
The MESO Team:
Max Wolf, Anton Kluev, Sarah Schmid, Benjamin Schiek
(c) 2016 by MESO Digital Interiors GmbH
BASF contacted us on short notice to develop exhibits for the designfabrik booth at the 2016 “K” fair.
Within just a few weeks we designed and built three modular showcases highlighting experimental new BASF performance materials. Each module was equipped with sensors, motors, a high resolution screen and a projector. They presented Elastollan® multilayer film, a multilayer stretch material, a rotating spiral of Translucent Ultramid® swatches and a shower of Spherical Ultramid® granules to the visitors, who were invited to touch the material samples.
The MESO Team:
Max Wolf, Sarah Schmid, Sebastian Quader, Sebastian Kujas, Joerg Obenauer, Timon Skerutsch, David Rittershaus, Romina Marsico, Ulrich Schneider, Johannes Lemke, Nils Weger
(c) 2016 by MESO Digital Interiors GmbH
For the market launch of the adidas Ace 2016 soccer shoe we helped create a so-called digital spray painter together with our friends over at Cromatics and Neongrau.
Taking a conventional and combining it with a laser and an infrared cam we built ourselves a nice little tool for some night-time guerrilla light graffitti on the walls of Berlin.
Bunai Carus - Skelet-1A/V Live
Recorded live at Transient Festival 2016, Cabaret Sauvage (Paris)
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