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Main Stage of "PRIGL Festival" in Brněnská přehrada, Near Brno (Czech Republic)
Led Installation made by KinocirKus. 2352 LEDs (17 universes) controlled by DMX ArtNet with VVVV
Dome Projection in a church with live visuals done by
@desaxismundi and @velcrome for intolight.
This is from the closing event of DAVE 2015, a town-wide festival for club- and subculture in Dresden.
Participating musicians were
Used packs: dx11, vvvv-Dome, Noodles
credits ravazquez
credits vvvv and rhino
An update of recent scenography work by v4-user ggml.
Alexandrina band tour
Released July 29th 2016
Some of the planet's greatest Electronic, Ambient & Modern Classical musicians come together for this amazing cause.
Video By Matt Saunders @ Assembled Minds
Track : "Pegfy" by Bunai Carus
A collective spatial installation in complementary colours.
By changing red, green and blue ambient light the visitor is constrained to focus on the respective complementary-coloured design elements. This simple effect induces the illusion of motion in actually static pictures and objects. Various early Animation techniques are used to tell tiny stories, altogether creating an immersive visual experience in a contemporary moving-picture language.
Ljubljana edition was showing at the Galerija Vzigalica during the Lightning Guerilla Festival from 27.05. – 26.06.2015
RingGingBling started at sound:frame festival 2013. Since then it is evolving as ongoing collective experiment within the exhbition context.
Music by Cid Rim. The Track is called "Charge" from the Single "Charge / Kano".
Support the artist and buy the Track here:
A collective spatial installation in complementary colours.
By changing red, green and blue ambient light the visitor is constrained to focus on the respective complementary-coloured design elements. This simple effect induces the illusion of motion in actually static pictures and objects. Various techniques from the beginnings of animation are used to tell tiny stories, altogether creating an immersive visual experience in a contemporary moving-picture language.
vienna edition was showing at the hotel am brilliantengrund during the sound:frame festival 2013 from 12.04. – 21.04.2013
Nobody never gets to heaven and nobody gets no land. Terra nullius is the “geological” activity of a software entity, in the disembodied and abstract nature of a computer system. This activity creates the variables of its orography, whose movement can be well-read in turn as sound variables. This micro/macro universe is observed/listened from the intimacy of an alien eye/ear that attends (without any intervention) to its natural evolution. Inside an infinite scale, a minimal, uninhabitable, and impossible landscape gets created and destroyed, thanks to the fragile balance between opposite forces.
MESO Digital Interiors was asked to design and plan an interactive table to inform about Nikons digital imaging technologies at the Photokina 08 in Cologne. The interactive table was part of the new exhibition booth designed in aspect of Nikons Motto for 2008 “Discover”.
The MESO Team:
Sebastian Oschatz, Max Wolf, Jannis Kreft, Ingolf Heinsch
(c) 2008 MESO Digital Interiors GmbH
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