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A l’occasion du Mondial de l'automobile 2016, AUDITOIRE a imaginé et conçu le WIND TUNNEL pour lequel AC3 STUDIO a assuré la production. Le WIND TUNNEL, une expérience interactive et immersive à la découverte des dernières innovations PLASTIC OMNIUM.
Production : AC3 STUDIO
Sound Design : Nicolas ZUBER
Scénographie : Vincent COUTELIN
Contenus Vidéo : Benjamin CHASSAGNE et FLAB
Interactivité Globale: Jean Remy PEROT
Captation vidéo et montage : Pascal MONTARY et Adrien LACHAPELLE
Kian Khiaban
Serge Hoeltschi
Render Support
Refik Anadol Studio
Cinema 4D, After Effects
Some stuff im working on atm. Mixed media book with some new paper-mechanical interaction ideas. This is a very first prototype.
credits emeshe by Microdee, noodles by everyoneishappy
Showcase of my visuals for Sote, my interface that is made for Steam controllers, 8 main items, every item has 8 toggles/radio buttons, and under every item one value that can be assigned to 12 parameters like hi mid low / beat / lfo or controlled manually, one more thing that i will probably add is mapping these values to certain range, and i will probably use this interface for more visual cooperations to come. Done in vvvv with emeshe and a little bit of noodles !!! Sound is from Next // Advanced Music Festival performance from 2015
credits Roberto Vitalini (@Bashiba) .:. Sebastiano Barbieri (@Noir) .:. BASHIBA Zen
Real-Time Music Visualization by Roberto Vitalini
Sonic Events from "Die Waldstätte" DampSchiff Symphonie by Cyrill Schläpfer
4k real-time rendering : #bashiba #noir
Combining mobile robotics and projection mapping, Phyxelbots explores the future of playful learning environments. Merging digital spaces of information, with physical spatial interaction, a community of kinetic interactive objects perform in response to human gesture and can also organise into pre-coded configurations. Experiments in the Lab have explored their potential applications as teaching aids, narrating stories, participating in group educational games (such as colour mixing seen in the film), and serving as personal companion devices for children.
The project was developed by Menglin Wang and Somya Chaturvedi as a part of their Masters in Architecture B-Pro programme at The Bartlett School of Architecture.
credits Production & arrangement: Thomas Li Visuals: Motorsaw @sunep Guitars: Anders Remark
sunep made the visual side to the piece "Golden Mirror"
On 11 November 1965, J. Beuys walked, in the context of an art exhibition, with a dead hare in his arms, hugging and whispering to her. He called it How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare. His face was bathed in honey and gold dust, and a foot wrapped in felt dragged a copper plate over the floor. Everything was prepared to understand the potentialities and connectivities –both symbolic and physical- of that encounter like a shamanic and performative act; also as an arrangement of elements or data that would allow cross flow meanings and information. A whole combination of alchemical transits and thoughts...
We thought he was who explained the works of art -the meaning of art- to the dead hare. What we never knew, and now we speculate with this, is that he might be asking to the hare: please dear, could you explain it to me?
3th International Festival of Musical Experimentation After Cage
October 18, 2016. Iruña/Pamplona (Spain)
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