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musica di Lexithimie
audio-visual installation, 2016 ( projectors, 2ch sound system, loop 3’80’’ )
Un prelievo visivo tra infiniti prelievi possibili, dove una porzione di mondo scelta dalla
nostra sensibilità e astratta dal suo contesto, acquista nuovi valori; qui la temporalità,
sfaccettata in tre diversi momenti – tre diversi prelievi con un loro particolare spazio-tempo
– si condensa in una manciata di minuti da esperire in un unico istante.
La contemporaneità di tre diverse situazioni equivale alla sospensione del tempo.( M.Lolli )
Introducing Somaphone
instrumentarium for audiovisual performance
the hardware/software toolkit is part of the SOMAPHONY interactive A/V performance
commissioned by Intel®
Antony Rayzhekov
Katharina Köller
Dimiter Ovtcharov
Nikola Malinov
filmed at ToStick Gallery, Vienna
(cc) Somaphonics 2015/2016
For the recently re-opened Danish Royal Jelling National Museum realised a projection mapping installation for the institution’s mythology room (assignment and creative lead: Art+Com studios).
Across several levels, outsized roots of the Yggdrasil tree – a legend in Nordic lore – served as projection surfaces for images, text and animations that bring the Viking mythology to live. Here, twelve essential tales from the realms of cosmology, magical items, crossing realms and Ragnarok are staged across three trees using a combination of illustrative character animations and abstract motion design. Switches between themes and areas are underscored by atmospheric colour changes of backlit rear panels spread across the entire room.
m box fleshed out the Art+Com storylines and brought them to life with details, designs and animations. In addition, m box brought in the m-wall media server to handle programming, feeds and on-site mapping adaptations.
Auftraggeber: ART+COM Studios / Vejle Kommune
Agentur: ART+COM Studios
Team: H. Breineder, J. Holzer, D. Huber, M. Retschitzegger, M. Schobel,
Format: 15 Minuten – Projectionmapping 3 × 1920×1200 Pixel
Sounddesign: picaroMEDIA / Peter Weinsheimer
Aufgabe: Design, Animation, Post Produktion, Programmierung, Technische Realisation vor Ort
// piece from AV album 'Bessonitsa II'
// sound
// please view in full screen (HD 1080)
// june 2016
// trailer for AV album 'Bessonitsa II'
// sound
sept 2016
This project is created by Waltz Binaire.
more information:
Artistic Direction: Christian Mio Loclair
Technical Research: Jeremias Volker
Music: kling klang klong
Kamera: Julian Voltmann
Photo: Felix Albertin
Commisioned by: Identitätsstiftung
OpenFrameworks 0.9
ofxXimea (Nathan Wade)
ofxBlur (Kyle McDonald)
ofxSpout (Elliot Woods)
dx11 (Mr. VUX)
Evvvvil Tweet Engine (evvvvil)
soap and milk is an interactive experience of data, allowing the observer to perceive social media as an overwhelming and organic figment. Each microscopic droplet represents a tweet that refers to the installation. Once an entity gets spawned – the viewer is invited to physically interact and explore its behaviour, till they vanish into a vivid setting.
Bessonitsa II :: 71$0!_I]493
Please view in HD 1080
june 2016
My experimental project shows the amount of people injured or killed from road accidents in Thailand by
extracting real-time data extracted from the Accident Data Center for Road Safety Culture: Thai RSC ( The number of burned matches in each line represents the amount of people killed each day.
using vvvv software
credits music Arapu, Mantra Collective visual Coté.ggml venue Arthotel promoter S.A.S.H.
Inner Space @ Arthotel Sydney
music Arapu, Mantra Collective
visuals Cote/ggml
promoter S.A.S.H. for #vividsydney
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