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5 October 2016
SwissTech Convention Center, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Performance at "La Soirée de l'Espoir" event, organized by IRP Foundation.
Visuals by Natan Sinigaglia
Music by Maurice Ravel
Performed by Maxim Vengerov and the International Menuhin Music Academy Orchestra.
Wendt & Kühn is a traditional manufacturer in the Ore Mountains. Ever since 1915, it produces painted wooden figures and music boxes by hand, that find aficionados and collectors all over the world.
On time for the company's centenary a new center of information was opened at their headquarter in Grünhainichen, Saxony. Visitors can now explore the entire process -from the forrest to the cabinet- and try their hands on all steps with our interactive exhibits.
Report of the art residency we did in August 2016 in Kanazawa, Japan.
a collaboration between the artists Joanie Lemercier and Atsushi Ichikawa
Organized by the UNESCO creative cities of Kanazawa and Enghien-les-Bains.
Artist production: Juliette Bibasse
A coproduction from the Centre des arts d'Enghien, a subsidized media arts center
Nicolas Bernier - 6Pst
Yair Elazar Glotman - Blessed innitiative
/04 Xanax interlude (Relax!)
/05 Delirium juice & taste of jewelry
16,000 x 2,500 x 1000 WHD
Two scenes of kevlar rope face one another tensioned to 5000kg. The audience is presented with highly parallel lines which contrast the darker space, building panoramic moire patterns. Video projection is used to address each line with digital pixels, activating visual matter within the volume of string.
This second edition of the 483 Lines was commissioned by the ACT Festival, Gwangju 2015, continuing to celebrate and interpret the non-constructive aspects of the NTSC television format.
Curated by HOLO
Commissioned by Asian Cultural Centre, Gwangju
Sound design by Junghoon Pi
Videography by Kimchi and Chips
Thanks to Julian Ott, the students of Yonsei digital media design course, Soyoung Lee, Yoona Yang, Jin-Yo Mok, Filip Visnjic
This MTV Ident takes us on a colorful ride through a landscape, brought to live by sound reactive plants.
We teamed up with our long time creative buddies, Kling Klang Klong, to create this generative world, filled with abstract vegetation and wondrous sounds.
The growth is triggered by the different noises of the soundscape, unfolding an otherworldly botany.
The animation was rendered in a real time environment, developed in vvvv.
Combining real time physics, parametric plant design and a dynamic, sound reactive growth system, allowed us to draft and design the motion graphics intuitively at interactive framerates.
Go here for High Quality Video and more Images:
Instance Noodles Pack by
Generative projection piece from the "Myth & Math" series.
Graphic allegory about origins and reasons, addiction and reliance, passed and unborn, ephemeral and everlasting.
Vadim EpsteinEps
music & sound
Guest artists & assistants
art guidance
Alexander KhalyavinJoss
Yulia Rubis
3D staging
Special thanks to Julien Vulliettmr.Vux & Kyle McLean for shaders & techniques.
Created for ArtVision Modern videomapping contest // Moscow Light Festival 2016
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