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Im Rahmen der Orgelnacht 2015 haben wir auf einer speziell angelegten Licht- und Videoinstallation "live" das Konzert visualisiert. Mittels VVVV und Resolume wurden generative Programmierung und Live-Effekte moduliert.
Words → fancy numerology → numbers 1-9 → notes in scales → Reason
Each line is one distinct piano (or whatever instrument)
Short words make short notes and vice versa. Random velocity.
First two lines drive the particles' movement (much room for improvement here), third line makes the blur.
CLIENT: Technoform Bautec, Kunststoffprodukte GmbH
OUR TASK: concept, design, programming and technical implementation
Feel the way the shapes work… This interactive installation invites everyone to experience “aerodynamics” and the beauty of the current when colorful particles meet excellent object design.
Installation was presented during the Signal festival, Prague 2014
Find out more at
This interactive environment is based on geometry exploration, and how using this path can disrupt our perception.
Graphical patterns, visual illusions, dynamic geometry tesselations are algorithmically generated in realtime by the system with the help of the observer.
103 paper pyramids as a canvas to play with, changing the shape constantly like in an illusory metamorphic dream.
Sculpture Design, Grasshopper
3D Projection Mapping, Interactive environment, VVVV
Camera, Video Footage & Support, Pablo Geso.
Music, Tupperwear, Catanga.
Arístides García (Lasal) Krake Festival, Berlin, August 2015.
credits dominikKoller
'Unknown Forms Of Face' looks for faces in random images.
A random image - usually looking like static noise - could possibly display anything (including a portrait of you). It just isn't very likely that you are going to see anything recognizable at all. However, when creating a large number of these images, it becomes more likely that some of them contain information distinguishable by the human eye - faces, for example. Running a face detection algorythm, those images are filtered out, and if you look (very) closely, you can see (human?) faces looking at you out of the gray randomness.
Unknown Forms of Face has been awarded a Honorary Mention at the Prix Ars Electronica 2015, category 'u19 - Create Your World'.
It was in the exbhibition of the the Ars Electronica Festival 2015.
I also made a comparison of different frameworks, just for me to have an example of their differences and advantages. Realized in:
credits thanks tmp for
A meditation on the state of our own diminishing environment is transformed here into a contemplation about environments outside of our blue green planet and the potential consequences of reaching them.
The installation uses the contrast between the material used (cold, inanimate and perpetually repeated) and the landscape (live, organic, and unique) which the shaped materials represents.
Each visitor can explore their own unique human footprint on the surface of Mars and simultaneously reflect on the relationship humanity has with its surroundings, both immediate and in the distant future.
Play with the shader: cellularautomata-dx11.texturefx
credits Instance noodles powered
Geometrica Studio, based on Madrid gets a new shape...
After long time trying to grow a business brand , i decided to create my own label... reasons are various, mainly focused about missing people around using the same tool (and ideas...) as me.
Actually i started with a new project based on promote and create new media arts under 4v around Spain and everywhere... Sounds interesting but i still keep my commercial clients as well.
After Node, even that i was another observer, lot of ideas came to my mind, and i just can say thanks to everybody who are part of this community.
I post this as an "update" info blog, just to show my last work.
"Human Roots its an interpretation of the relation between human technology and nature, covering reality with instances of earth material."
Thanks a lot to everyoneishappy for instance noodlees:
"the best way to make people understand concepts its to unify them"
Thanks a lot to colorsound too, a big mate and inspiration for me.
Images are rendered originally at more than 4k so i wish to see them on paper soon, for an exposition in madrid.
This is just a preview of human covered models.
Here is my new website, powered by vvvv.js , so better experience in chrome desktop browsers.
Premiered at Berlin Atonal 2015.
Samuel Kerridge, Andrej Boleslavský & Mária Júdová controlling a system of live coding that responds in real time to the audio source, a system of intense lighting surrounds the performer, creating a sense of motion acting as a counterpart to the sound. The illusion of a moving shadow.
Light design Andrej Boleslavský & Mária Júdová
Documentation Theresa Baumgartner, Zoya Bassi, Mária Júdová
Thanks to Berlin Atonal, Hayley Walker-Kerridge, Marcel Weber, Mike.H
All rights reserved.
Rehearsal is a responsive system based on motion tracking technology which was made possible with the Kinect Sensor and visualized with vvvv software. The participant is invited into an environment where their silhouette is abstracted and projected onto opposing surfaces composed of lines. These lines suggest a rigid and regimented architecture. However once the participant begins to move, the rigid lines become fluid and respond, warp and fluctuate while sounds begin to resonate in response to the participants gestures. The data collected from the gestures of participants is forwarded to a synthesizer over Pure Data and processed according to the user interaction.
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