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Akhmat Fight Show / Grozny Battle 6 went down on August 22 in Grozny (Chechnya, Russia) with Badr Hari vs. Ismael Londt headlining the event.

3000 m2 projection screen/24 projectors
3D mapping


NAOS, Friday, Sep 4th 2015 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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4-channel indoor mapping at Nobel Laureate Meeting 2015 for the Liechtenstein gala dinner in Lindau, Germany.

credits LAB BINÆR

The State Textile and Industry Museum »tim« in Augsburg is a wonderful place to dive into the worldwide history of the textile industry. (timbayern.de/en/)
Fashion always has been a big thing in the history of mankind but the conditions for the workers have been and still are pretty questionable:
Sweat, blood, dust, noise, chemicals, mechanical power and lots more of raw materials are processed in huge numbers.
An abandoned building called »Basilika« is one of the last remaining, not yet affected by the gentrification, contemporary witnesses of a time when Augsburg was a big player in the textile industry and it is placed vis-a-vis the »tim«.
In the context of an artist intervention for the fifth anniversary of the museum we created an audiovisual installation for this building.
The performance show takes about 10 minutes and is divided into two very opposed parts:
The first part interpretes aspects of the production process, is black and white and pretty noisy. It is controlled in realtime by an original punch card that normally is used to weave a towel with the lettering »Made in Augsburg« on a loom.
The second part is colorful, enjoyable and with a very contemporary style even though the footage are patterns of cloth from 1806 to 1988 which we digitalized for the project.
For the sounddesign we use samples of original weaving machines and analog synthesizers.
The artwork tries to illustrate the schizophrenia of the industry that is still pervasive although far away for most of us.

grafikbotanik, Monday, Aug 31st 2015 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

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The installation F O L D S is inspired by a theoretical examination of the correlation of the human body and the digital image.
The goal is to create virtual spaces, in physical reality, thereby not abstracting people from their own bodies and their relation to physical space around it. In contrast to the long pursued dream of virtual reality - to feel present in a synthetic world - ­the intent of F O L D S is not to transport the mind to a virtual environment, but to actualize the virtual in physical space and create a tactile experience.
Volumetric shapes and walls are created with light and fog, subdividing the space and remodeling it. Making these spaces shapeable through physical interaction with the body, creates a dialog between the body, the physical and the virtual. The perceived tactility influences the way, one moves through space, sometimes adapting to the constraints of the space, sometimes actively shaping the environment. These interwoven relations between space and the body reflect on the notion of Marc B.N. Hanson, who in his “New Philosophy for New Media”, describes such interactions as the very process that gives meaning to the arbitrary addressable space, that is the digital image.
The mirror is a central part in this arrangement­ it creates a virtual extension of both the physical and the digital. The room is not only expanded through the image in the mirror, but the light shapes are also cast back ­continuing the hapes in new directions and creating new spheres of interaction. The mirror is also opening new perspectives, literally reflecting on the relation of the body to the space.
In this total space, virtual and physical become one addressing mind and body to the same
extent and leaving room for interhuman interaction.

Master Thesis
Advanced New Media Studio Class
University of the Arts Berlin

Academic Adivsors
Prof. Joachim Sauter, Prof. Jussi Ängeslevä, Dr. Stephan Humer

"Submerging Blue-Black" by Podington Bear (http://podingtonbear.com/)


Michael Burk, Friday, Aug 28th 2015 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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A short impression of the Choreographic Coding which happened alongside retune conference at Uferstudios in Berlin in September 2014.

Scott deLahunta, Jeanne Charlotte Vogt, Florian Jenett

The participants | Michael Baumann, Till Bovermann, Oliver Connew, Arístides Job García, Ersin Han Ersin, Johannes Helberger & Felipe Sanchez (Kling Klang Klong), Amelie Hinrichsen, Mária Júdová, Anton Koch, Markéta Kuttnerová, Alessandra Leone & Hen (StratoFyzika), Mark Matthes, Lea Pischke, Antony Rayzhekov, Marko Ritter, Nick Rothwell, Joshua Rutter, Stavros Skouras, Bela Usabaev, Simon Weckert, Wooguru

Video | Mária Júdová and Florian Jenett
Music | Nostalgia of an ex-gangsta-rapper by Deef

The lab was co-organised by Motion Bank and NODE Forum for Digital Arts.
Thanks to support by HZT Berlin and Native Instruments we were able to meet at Uferstudios in Berlin with other movement hackers and practitioners to discuss and work on projects, ideas and challenges.

more info choreographiccoding.org/#lab-retune-2014

maria judova, Friday, Aug 28th 2015 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

In a digital culture of apparent, virtual and intangibles realities, of artifacts without soul and disembodied thoughts, Angels (Tribute to Giordano) is a software entity located in the unlikely boundary between a spiritual dimension and other purely technological. If a cyborg is a cybernetic organism result of hybridization between a machine and a body, tell me, how do you imagine the hybridization combining the meaning of the notion of spirit with a technological genesis of 0s and 1s?

Patxi7, Sunday, Aug 23rd 2015 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

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Musical biofeedback and movement composition for two actuators and an audience

by Antoni Rayzhekov & Katharina Koeller

Trailer 2014 - 2015
including footage from
ATALAIA Artes Performativas Festival - Ourique Portugal 2014, Old City Prison
NODE15 Festival for digital Arts - Frankfurt Germany 2015, Mousonturm Theater
Zagare Fringe Festival - Zagare Lithuania 2015


Cover Photo by Jessica Schaefer

Powered by VVVV, Senstage, MAX/MSP, Ableton

raijekov, Tuesday, Jul 28th 2015 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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8 universe,32 glow sticks.
In this demo I use a mp3 file to control the led.
I'll use midi to control the light next time

Jeff Zhu, Tuesday, Jul 28th 2015 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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Joshua von Hofen
Studienprojekt, 2014
Wie sieht ein Ton aus oder wie hört sich ein Bild an?
Die Arbeiten entstanden als experimentelle Versuche, sich dieser Fragestellung zu nähern. Ton und Bild agieren in einem Zusammenspiel, dass sie als Einheit wahrnehmen lässt. Das Gehörte entsteht nur als logische Konsequenz aus dem Gesehenen und umgekehrt. Generative Grafiken, die Klänge durch zufällige Konstellationen und Bewegungen erzeugen, aber auf der anderen Seite auch klar komponiert sind. Mit Kreisen und Linien werden Bilder generiert, die mit unserer Wahrnehmung spielen. Die reduzierten Formen und der Verzicht auf Farbigkeit legt den Fokus auf die Bewegungen und die dabei entstehene Geräuschkulisse. Mit jeder neuen Szene wird eine neue Form und dadurch auch eine neue klangliche Szenerie kreiert. Der Sound besteht nicht aus klassischen Elementen, sondern setzt sich in Anlehnung an die digitale Erzeugung aus Sinuswellen, White Noise-Rauschen und kurzen Klicklauten zusammen. Das Bild visualisiert in abstrakten, grafischen Formen die Erzeugung dieser Klänge.

Szenische Gliederung:

Die Arbeit entstand im Rahmen des Projekts „Sound and Vision”.

Betreuende/r Dozent/en:
Prof. Tom Duscher, Christian Engler und Martin Sperling

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joreg: vvvvTv S0204 is out: Custom Widgets with Dear ImGui: https://youtube.com/live/nrXfpn5V9h0

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~2mth ago

joreg: Follow TobyK on his Advent of Code: https://www.twitch.tv/tobyklight

~3mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E02 is out: Saving & Loading UI State: https://www.youtube.com/live/GJQGVxA1pIQ

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joreg: We now have a presence on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vvvv-group

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joreg: vvvvTv S02E01 is out: Buttons & Sliders with Dear ImGui: https://www.youtube.com/live/PuuTilbqd9w

~3mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E00 is out: Sensors & Servos with Arduino: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/vvvvtv-is-back-with-season-2/