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LIVE SET excerpt:
flying through a real coordinates based Stars and Solar System 3D.
release info:
Every place, in which the human being lives, imposes you to choose. We are continually bombed by voices that try to check us and more our mind digs in the depth of own heart, more we hear the necessity to go over the barriers that are built. This way we are and so we will stay. We walk in a crowd of voices and we are continually looking for a something that can maintain us hungry and rebellious against our bossy Ego.
The instinct sometimes helps us and brings out. Human beings and the emotions belong to ourselves. We sometimes need the silence to really understand what we want and in which we obviously believe. Imagine you, as in a metaphor of the life, to find you in front of the choice among two doors: one left half open and the other wide open. From the left half open one a thread of light that emanates safety goes out, essential element for the human being.
That wide open is dark, it transmits insecurity and not for this it arouses less curiosity. The curious man is the man of the myth of the cavern of Plato; man that puts in danger his own certainties to follow his own instinct and to seek that element new main point for his mental growth. This man will always choose the dark room and what he will find inside, it will always be distinguished according to the emotional state in which is found.
The EP of Dubit and Scalameriya contains this meaning, music as metaphor of the life contained in the antithesis between safety and curiosity.
Words by Lorenzo Salmi
A1 Dubit, Scalameriya - Instinct (Original Mix)
B1 Dubit, Scalameriya - Prowl (Original Mix)
B2 Dubit, Scalameriya - Instinct (Dadub Remix)
Artwork by Julien Vassiades:
Mastered at Soluxion Lab:
Video Teaser by Didif:
Direction: Miguel Monteagudo / Fabiana Daly
Design: Fabiana Daly, Miguel Monteagudo
2D Animation: Fabiana Daly / Miguel Monteagudo
3D Animation: Miguel Monteagudo
Music / Sound Design: Matías Monteagudo
special thanks to:
Kevin Vaisman
live 3D
notes from the release:
Dubit Untitled002 / CONNECTION 2013
The Humans need communication and connection with others in order to develop a clear view of their living environment for understand themselves and for be happy of not be alone.
This project is the connections between minds and places, voiding distances and evolving in communication.
DIDIF has made the Live 3D animation that synchronizes the frequencies and Dubit generated the Hz.
Untitled002 is the second step of a series of Audio compositions connected to generic projects such Video, Sound Design, Media etc.
Presented by
SOLUXION LAB | Mastering / Sound Design / Mixdown
Download Untitled002 for free here:
Creative Director/ Art Direction: Lisbeth García, Miguel Monteagudo.
Animation Direction: Miguel Monteagudo.
3D / 2D Animation: Miguel Monteagudo, Jorge Vigas.
3D Dynamics: Miguel Monteagudo.
Retouch Assistant: María Coello.
Music and Sound Design: Matias Monteagudo (sacco Svd)
Creative Direction: Miguel Monteagudo, Kristian Estrada
Art / animation Director: Miguel Monteagudo
3D Animation :Jorge Vigas, Beto Acosta, Miguel Monteagudo
3D Dynamics / 2D animation: Miguel Monteagudo
Music / Sound Design: Matias Monteagudo (sacco Svd)
CCS 2013
We were invited by Mira Festival, to create a mapping visuals set, sharing the stage with Sistema.
We generated 2D and 3D clips, and audio reactive patches with Quartz Composer.
Track: Sistema – Unreleased Mandanga
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Facade mapping for the 75th anniversary of Wolfsburg.
Scharf & Weiß
... for the 75th anniversary of the city of Wolfsburg we created a projection mapping using the Alvar Aalto Cultural Centre as projection screen. Focusing on mainly abstract graphic elements we created a story around the building and the city it is built in. Together with our partners, desaxismundi and the sound designer Audionerve we developed an eight and a half minute show staged as the climax of the anniversary celebration event in the city centre.
Creative / art / animation Director: Miguel Monteagudo.
3D / 2D Animation: Miguel Monteagudo, Jorge Vigas. Luis Villalobos, Oscar Escauriza, Beto Acosta.
3D Dynamics: Miguel Monteagudo.
Music and Sound Design: Matias Monteagudo (sacco Svd)
This is 100% homemade visuals, 100% CloneMixer the software I programmed to play and create everything you will see. All the mix is pure improvisation as I don't use any kind of presets.
There are no video loops, it's all programmed and generated content in realtime.
This session has been recorded live... at home ! 25FPS here because of my video camera... 60FPS live (makes a big difference).
This time, Red/Black/White only, for a deep and dark trash techy style :)
Music : Niereich | Mastertraxx Underground Techno Podcast
Real-time audio-visual performance work created in 2012.
Sound design and generative video synthesis by Paul Prudence.
Stills of the piece can be found here:
Cyclotronintro can be found here:
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