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credits Depart (Leonhard Lass & Gregor Ladenhauf), supported by Node & Native Instruments
Brief documentation of our installation at Node15
Interactive installation commissioned by NODE15. ( )
The multi user experience let's the visitors immerse in the leitmotif of the NODE15 Forum for Digital Arts.
"The work literally plunges you into the immateriality of the digital and invites you to playfully experience how code can change a physical sensation."
See contribution: wrapped-in-code
credits lightproject,geometrica,colorsound
For the occasion of desalia 2015 festival, in a remote beach of dominican republic, we were in charge of the stage design,visual,concept and technical of the gig.
The design was based in a realtime volumetric light sculpture Dj booth and a backwall of light tubes, two screens of 11 meter x 7 and four lasers of 25 watts.
All the system was originally created in vvvv, Using DX11 Visualization techniques, artnet as the main communication protocol between devices to synchronize a visual show for the festival opening.
For the dj booth, 150 m of digital Led strip with 72 rgb pixels per meter were used
for the main show.
Most of the parts in the show were in sync by a timecode master control to create interesting sceneograpghic results.
To drive the dmx fo the booth, 78 universes were used from a single computer,giving
us total control in 3d of the ilumination.
The event was Produced by, and programmed in vvvv by and
credits one-week student project at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd, Workshop held by avaos. Thanks to the 19 enthusiastic participants!
17K was invited to teach at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd.
It was a one-week workshop with a controversial dispute on Facebooks privacy policy.
With 19 students we brainstormed a game we could build in four days.
The programming was done in vvvv with the connection to Facebooks API.
We designed a pirate theme to strengthen the data thievery image and named our
game „Captain Facehook“.
Real time experiments generated with vvvv, a visual live-programming environment.
Sequences are driven by sound and/or midi controllers in live.
Music by Placyde - An Everlasting Journey In The Middle Of Nowhere, Solid Shape Records
VVVV official website
More pics here
This video shows an application I created using vvvv and The New York Times's fantastic article search API. It started out as a small student project at Burg Giebichenstein Halle but has become larger and larger in my personal time. It visualises the amount of news that was published about each place in the world on every day since 1980.
I hope I can do a web version or a really big projection one day, meanwhile please just watch this beautiful video with beautiful music by Podington Bear.
credits Creative Concept + Sound Design : Roberto Vitalini (@Bashiba) // vvvv programming : Sebastiano Barbieri (@Noir) // (c) 2015
Real-Time Motion Graphics
1 million particles, 4K Video Resolution (3840x2160)
credits Achim Stromberger
Each easter sat we throw a party and light a big bonfire. It was too rainy, so I made a digital substitute for our guests:
Multiuser and simple fire logic.
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