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Realtime live graphic composition done with C-MiX.
Music : NeedForMirror - Riptide
Recorded with AverMedia LiveGamer Portable
credits Music: Roberto Memoli Visual: Luca Moroni
Interactive exhibit to demonstrate the BMW Laserlight.
The MESO Team:
Valerie Vogt, Benjamin Schiek, Johannes Scherg, Paul Schengber, Sarah Schmid, Klaus Peter Texter, Nikos Mechanezidis, Sebastian Oschatz
Music: Denuevo by Imi
(c) 2014 by MESO Digital Interiors GmbH
credits Artist: Rio Grande Concept: aufderlichtung Technical Execution: WE WILL SEE Production Company: büro bewegt Patching: Florian Burchett Photos: Yvonne Schmedemann
Watch the video here:
complete Patch and Documentation is up here:
credits bit_arTék
vvvv is an excellent development environment
We can establish the bridge between the human and the machine that rhythm is part of the signal: one must know how to read it.
credits S. Retschitzegger, M. Retschitzegger, J. Holzer, W. Glökler, H. Richter, D. Huber, A. Hernandez, J. Schmidt, A. Manzanares, S. Rosinski, M. Steinbeck, N. Matveiev
At IFA 2014, Telekom launched its new Magenta 1 pricing scheme via a large-scale mapping production. Based on a concept and architecture by q bus, the Magenta 1 CI was staged in space to impressive effect using hundreds of physical “trixel elements” affixed to the stand’s exterior surfaces as well as a central sculpture.
m box brought these trixels to life via generative projection mapping – and then combined these projections with large-scale embedded moving images. To this end, the m box vvvv based media servers served a total of 48 projectors with graphic modules – all generated in real-time. This generative feed enabled flexible adjustments of the contents on location and optimization for spatial effects.
The basic atmospheric visuals (several scenic loops) were regularly interrupted by an immersive 1-minute “Magenta Eins” production: Throughout this interlude, the entire trade fair booth underwent an even more striking media transformation due to further dimming of the lights and a synchronized 360° soundtrack.
In addition, m box also programmed and designed audio-reactive modules for band PAs and a stage performance with laser tracking controls for the central media sculpture.
Interactive data visualization of research 'Transport Network and Social Network: Motion and Emotion'
Moscow Urban Forum 2013
Research is the collaboration between Thomson Reuters, Mathrioshka and MegaFon
Сommissioned by the coordinator of complex research 'Archaeology of the periphery' consortium bureau Meganom and Institute Strelka
Alexei Novikov
Ekaterina Serova, leader
Philipp Kats
Oleg Kiselev
Irina Maslova
Andrey Lukashenkov
Sergey Khristolyubov
Vadim Smakhtin
Eduard Haiman
Sergey Lyubashin
Music: Sanmi - F_D1 / FF`Space Release
Artistic research of the city environment via visualization of the hidden data layers in the first person.
This approach gives us a subjective presentation of an objective data about the city, where real information from sensors as important as point of view of researcher.
Visualized layers: sound noise, noxious gases, luminosity & hue, magnetic field, air pressure, humidity, temperature.
Credits: Eduard Haiman, Vadim Smakhtin,
also Vlad Nakoryakov, Suren Badalyan
Moscow, 2013
Music by Jon Hopkins
At IFA 2014, Telekom launched its new Magenta 1 pricing scheme via a large-scale mapping production. Based on a concept and architecture by q bus, the Magenta 1 CI was staged in space to impressive effect using hundreds of physical “trixel elements” affixed to the stand’s exterior surfaces as well as a central sculpture.
m box brought these trixels to life via generative projection mapping – and then combined these projections with large-scale embedded moving images. To this end, the m box media servers served a total of 48 projectors with graphic modules – all generated in real-time. This generative feed enabled flexible adjustments of the contents on location and optimization for spatial effects.
The basic atmospheric visuals (several scenic loops) were regularly interrupted by an immersive 1-minute “Magenta Eins” production: Throughout this interlude, the entire trade fair booth underwent an even more striking media transformation due to further dimming of the lights and a synchronized 360° soundtrack.
In addition, m box also programmed and designed audio-reactive modules for band PAs and a stage performance with laser tracking controls for the central media sculpture.
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