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Cklone is a Kinect realtime rigging tool for VJing purpose.
Applies Player movements to a 3D object in real time.
Step 4: Adding Environment + Data Smooth + Render performance optimization
Performance Test 1
i7 / 8 GB / Intel HD4000 - Nvidia 740
Software: VVVV
Render: DirectX 9
Min: 15 fps (Some flicks are due to screen recorder)
Max: 60 fps
Ave: 40 fps
3D Design: Martina Ampuero
VVVV / Kinect Developer: José Vaaliña
Production: Eyesberg audioviual creations and interactivity
Project details:
Kimchi and Chips, 2013
Projection, Nylon string, Code
An architectural web of threads subtends a null space. It hangs abstract and undefined, a set of thin positive elements segmenting the dark negative space between. Dynamic imaginary forms are articulated into the physical volume by the material of this thread, and the semi-material of the light. The visual gravity of the filaments occupying the space between.
A 2D canvas is reduced from a surface piece into a line segment, but then constructed into another dimension, a volume. Light creates contrast and order on the lines to articulate digital matter. Digital forms inhabit the interconnected boundaries of space, becoming incarnate as visual mass.
The artists reference Picasso’s light painting, and Reticuláreas of Gego who’s work offers a contemplation of the material and immaterial, time and space, origin and encounter and art and technology.
Line Segments Space was presented at Seoul Art Space Gumcheon in 2013 as part of Da Vinci Idea exhibition of new works.
Line Of Sight (a ‘live install’ edition of Line Segments Space) will be presented at Resonate 2014 in collaboration with artist Andreas Müller and composer Jan Nemeček.
Mimi Son
Elliot Woods
Junghoon Pi (
Realtime laser animation mapped in sync onto video projection.
No optimisation yet, just first map/sync test.
Controller design and programming by Vladimir Ponimash (Lviv).
vvvv plugin by mr.Vux, programming by Vadim Epstein.
I made this visualisation in my 2nd term of my Bachelor's Degree in Interactive Media Design ( ) with the tool VVVV. (/)?
Lecturer: Daniel Maaz, Strukt ( )
Music: One Day (Wankelmut Remix)
I do not own any rights of the music. All copyright goes to its respective owner.
3D stuff rendered on laser (RGB + 40kbps chinese scaner). Geometry with transformations and other parameters are thrown to laser controller as JSON objects and computed/drawn at driver level.
Controller design and programming by Vladimir Ponimash (Lviv).
vvvv programming by mr.Vux.
based on the initial implementation of bullet physics in vvvv (credits: vux), i extended the plugins to make vehicle physics really working. the hardest bit of work was tweaking all the parameters to achieve pseudo-realistic behaviour of the car.
this extension will be published in one of the upcoming addon pack releases.. still some work to do, code cleaning, creating new nodes, making decisions which parameter should be real-time etc.
Standen am Ende des Designprozesses früher statische Gegenstände, so sind es heute zunehmend Interaktionen – Dinge, die sich verhalten. Das verändert nicht nur den Gestaltungsprozess grundlegend, sondern auch Ihr Leben als Gestalter!
Zunehmend steuern Sie nonlineare Prozesse, die auf ein Ziel zuführen, das am Anfang des Prozesses nicht exakt feststeht. Sie nähern sich diesem Ziel iterativ in interaktiven Skizzen und in der Arbeit mit Prototypen. Sie nutzen dafür neue Werkzeuge wie vvvv und Arduino. Und Sie entdecken in der Arbeit mit Prototypen spielerisch Antworten auf Fragen, die Sie noch gar nicht gestellt haben.
Das Buch »Prototyping Interfaces« führt Sie allgemeinverständlich in vvvv, Arduino, Tracking-Verfahren und Display-Technologien ein. Auf dieser Grundlage eröffnet es Ihnen anhand unzähliger Praxisbeispiele die Möglichkeiten des Prototyping und erschließt Ihrer Kreativität damit vollkommen neue Dimensionen. Es sichert Ihnen die Führungsrolle im Designprozess, kann Ihre Eintrittskarte in die Agenturen sein, von denen alle gerade träumen – und es eröffnet Ihnen Welten, die Sie heute noch für Science Fiction halten. Die Zukunft liegt näher als Sie glauben!
Prototyping Interfaces – Interaktives Skizzieren mit vvvv
Jan Barth, Roman Stefan Grasy, Jochen Leinberger, Mark Lukas, Markus Lorenz Schilling
336 Seiten mit vielen Bildern und Illustrationen
Gedruckt auf drei verschiedenen Papieren
Mit internationalen Best-Practice-Beispielen, Grundlagen, Programmcodes und Ergebnissen
Format 20,5 x 28,5 cm
Fadengehefteter Festeinband mit Prägung und kapazitivem Sensor
erschienen im Verlag Hermann Schmidt Mainz
Sprache: Deutsch
ISBN 978-3-87439-843-5
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Broke For Free – Something Elated
Not too long ago, the outcomes of a design process used to be in the form of a static medium. Today it is increasingly interactions – things that have a behavior. This not only fundamentally changes the design process, but also your life as a designer!
You are increasingly driving nonlinear processes, which are aiming towards a goal, that is not exactly defined at the beginning. The approach to this goal is very iterative through interactive sketches and by working with prototypes. Therefore you use new tools like vvvv and Arduino. And by working with prototypes, you’ll discover answers to questions that you haven’t even asked before.
The book »Prototyping Interfaces« introduces you to vvvv, Arduino, tracking methodes and display technologies, in an understandable way. Building on top of that, it opens new dimensions for your creativity, through many practical examples and the endless possibilities of prototyping. This enables you to be in a leading position of the design process and can be your ticket to the agencies that everybody dreams about – and it opens new worlds of possibilities that you think are still science fiction today. The future is closer than you think!
Prototyping Interfaces – Interaktives Skizzieren mit vvvv
Jan Barth, Roman Stefan Grasy, Jochen Leinberger, Mark Lukas, Markus Lorenz Schilling
336 pages with several illustrations
Printed on three different papers
With international best practice examples, interviews, foundations, programing codes and samples
Size 20,5 x 28,5 cm
Hardcover with embossing and capacitive sensor
Language: Up to now only available in german language
Published by Verlag Hermann Schmidt Mainz
ISBN 978-3-87439-843-5
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