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It is a given that light changes space, but in “Walk the Light” it becomes the visitor who determines that change in the lighting. Their movement through the Victoria & Albert Museum‘s Exhibition Road tunnel entrance directly controls this innovative lighting installation.
This experimental interactive lighting design project creates a band of white light that physically follows the visitor, forming a bright line of light tracking their journey. As one person passes, the white light jumps to the next arrival. Either side of the white band, washes of strong colour are pushed and pulled along the tunnel creating an ambient lighting effect that represents the overall ebb and flow of the day’s visitors. Throughout the day these colours shift in the hue and saturation as they respond to the prevailing direction of movement of the crowds.
Using a combination of technologies, including thermal camera tracking and Philips LED lighting mounted on a moving monorail, Walk The Light demonstrates lighting design’s increasing sophistication as it playfully – and beautifully — transforms the experience of arriving at the Museum.
Walk the Light is a site specific installation at the Victoria & Albert Musuem commissioned for the London Design Festival 2012 and sponsored by Philips Lighting. It is located in the V&A Exhibition Road tunnel entrance, and runs from 14 – 23 September 2012
Live audio reactive visual mixed with my vvvv based software CLONEMIXER.
Music : Truth - Radiation
Soap bubbles filled with smoke are used as floating, bodiless projection surfaces. They show common dreams and desires, which too often burst like bubbles.
For this first Prototype we invented a combination of a fog and bubble machine. A bellow creates the bubbles by blowing the smoke through a tube, which was moistened with soapy water before. To enable the cameratracking in the dark, the soap bubbles are illuminated with infrared and also filmed with an IR camera. The position, size and movement of each bubble is recognized in the visual programming toolkit vvvv. Finaly a short-distance beamer projects the images on the calculated positions.
Lorenz Potthast & Fabricius Seifert
HfK Bremen 2012
Prof. Roland Lambrette
Music: Veddaskeer – Scenery of blurred Edges
Thanks: Markus Walthert, Malte Stiehl, Florian Born
Experiment with particle made by Martin Zrcek and some pixel shader. Everything is generated in realtime with vvvv.
Live audio reactive visual mixed with my vvvv based software CLONEMIXER.
music : Genotype - Breaking The Rules Of Sound
Live audio reactive visual mixed with my vvvv based software CLONEMIXER.
Music : Who Is That DJ - Androgena (Original Step)
Interactive installation for Red Mountain Energy and Premium Engineering stand at MIOGE '12 exhibition. This year we moved from Kinect to multitouch screen + iPad.
Features: Realtime and rendered FullHD 3D animations, mutlitouch screen + iPad app
programming and interactivity: mr.vux, antokhio & eps
iPad programming: mr.vux
june 2012
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