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credits Author: Matteo Massimi
COLLAPSE is a tangible media player that interacts with the objects placed over the glass. Every object, named 'lapse', is a simple piece of wood with an icon that identifies a particular music genre. The software, developed in VVVV, recognizes via REACTIVISION the presence of the 'lapses' and reproduces the music-playlist selected. Just choose a music genre, take the right lapse and put over the glass. The user can change the song by rotating the 'lapse' , change the volume with the 'mainlapse' or reproduce the songs contained into an external device (like USBkey, ipod ecc...). COLLAPSE is cool for parties, live events, music festivals, pubs and lounge bar.
Adding a projector, it can reproduce also video files projected where needed and allow the user to control the animation itself (animation type, colour,effects, animations position/mapping directly via the position and rotation of the 'videolapses').
COLLAPSE is going to be a collective tangible DJ/mixing station....check
for updates and software download.
the credits of the songs belong to their rightful owners
Sky Sailing - A Little Opera Goes A Long Way
Maroon 5 feat. Wiz Khalifa - Payphone
Carl Perkins - Blue suede shoes
Ehime Daruma crea conexiones consigo misma desarrollando un comportamiento público, extrovertido, y otro privado, de recogimiento. A través de la proyección del ser que habita su espacio y de su propio funcionamiento físico, bascula entre el estímulo exterior y su tendencia al ensimismamiento. Irremediablemente atraída hacia alguno de estos dos polos (como si de un castigo eterno se tratara), se busca en la presencia y en el movimiento del otro, o en su ausencia. A la vez, induce al espectador a actuar en función de los vínculos que establece con esa conducta, provocando el deseo de ver cómo se mueve, o de permanecer invisible junto a ella.
Autor: Patxi Araujo
Edicion video: Funtsak
Software: VVVV, CCV 1.5
Thanks to Dottore for Particles GPU Shader
Cinimod Studio have an installation running in London during the Olympic period that transforms the iconic London Eye ferris wheel into a giant Kinect controlled lighting show.
The Mood Conductor is an interactive installation enabling a single user at a time to be empowered to express their mood on an unforgettable architectural scale. It is the first time a large public landmark within London has been controlled directly by members of the public. The Mood Conductor allows participants to control the 640 light fixtures on the EDF Energy London Eye from a platform on the London Eye Pier.
vvvv is a hybrid graphical/textual programming environment for easy prototyping and development. It is designed to facilitate the handling of large media environments with physical interfaces, real-time motion graphics, audio and video that can interact with many users simultaneously.
Interactive Realtime Image Synthesizer is a powerful software platform for realtime image synthesis,
video compositing and spatial media design.
MESO is working on the border line between technology and design — offering an integrated view on digital media system design.
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credits elliotwoods mimison
A hemisphere of 5,500 white blocks occupies the air, each hanging from above in a pattern which repeats in order and disorder. Pixels play over the physical blocks as an emulsion of digital light within the physical space, producing a habitat for digital forms to exist in our world.
A group of external projectors penetrate the volume of cubes with pixel-rays, until every single one of the cubes becomes coated with pixels. By scanning with structured light, each pixel receives a set of known information, such as its absolute 3d position within the volume, and the identity of the block that it lives on.
The spectator is invited to study a boundary line between the digital and natural worlds, to see the limitations of how the 2 spaces co-exist. The aesthetic engine spans these digital and physical realms. Volumetric imagery is generated digitally as a cloud of discontinuous surfaces, which are then applied through the video projectors onto the polymer blocks. By rendering figurations of imaginary digital forms into the limiting error-driven physical system, the system acts as an agency of abstraction by redefining and grading the intentions of imaginary forms through its own vocabulary.
The flow of light in the installation creates visual mass. The spectator's balance is shifted by this visceral movement causing a kinaesthetic reaction. For digital to exist in the real world, it must suffer its rules, and gain its possibilities. The sparse physical nature of the installation allows for the digital form to create a continuous manifold within the space across the discreet blocks, whilst also passing through each block as a continuous pocket of physical space.
The polymer blocks are engineered for both diffusive/translucent properties and to have a reflective/projectable response to the pixel-rays. This way a black can act as a site for illumination or for imagery.
The incomplete form of the hemisphere becomes extinct at its base, but extends through a reflection below, and therein becomes complete. It takes inspiration from nature, whilst becoming an artefact of technology.
For the “Innovationen 2012” event, hosted by the austrian newspaper Der Kurier, Strukt was asked by Büro Wien to create an impressive media setup. The location of choice, the Hofstallung at the Museumsquartier in Vienna, imposed some limitations that had to be considered. The room is very long and narrow and has a low ceiling without any possibilities to mount projection screens or projectors. Because of the painting on the ceiling we had to be very careful during the design process to create a balanced overall impression that was consistent with Der Kurier’s corporate design.
To use red as the main color was an obvious choice, the position and shape of the projection screen was a little harder to figure out. In the end we decided that the most fitting shape was something that mirrored the ceiling. We added the curved design the projection screen. With some tricks it was possible to suspend the screen in the air without any obvious columns.
After creating all the background animations we edited the content for the presentation and created a versatile presentation system for the award ceremony that also took place that evening. After the official part of the evening was over, a VJane took the stage and the projection screen behind her was transformed into a surface for party visuals.
Client: Der Kurier
Agency: Büro Wien
Agency PM: Leila Kassoume
Project Manager: Thomas Hitthaler
Creative Director: Thomas Hitthaler
Designers: Iris Wieder, Daniela Leitner
Programmer: Woeishi Lean
Documentation: Wolfgang F. Maier
At Strukt we are constantly researching new technologies and ways to use them for projects. When we got access to the eyevis transparent LCD screen, we immediately had some ideas that we wanted to realize. This video showcases some of the concepts and possibilities: multi-layer screen set-ups that surround real objects, tracking-based custom user experiences or see through content – a lot of things are possible with this great peace of technology.
A very special thank you note goes out to the guys at Eyevis who let us play around with their product!
Strukt Research Lab Members:
Set-Up & Documentation: Barbara Mozdyniewicz, Stefan Lechleitner
VVVV-Programming: Robi Hammerle, André Motz
P.S.: It was very hot these days in Austria. ;-)
This is preliminary testing of NVidia PhysX implementation in vvvv.
Spread of rigid bodies falling onto ground plane.
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