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Kazantip is an electronic music festival that takes place every year in front of the Black Sea in Ukraine. I've been invited ten days to VJ with the most talented VJ team I ever met, in the craziest place I've ever seen...
Every visual are realtime 3D and mixed live with my homemade software CloneMixer 3.0.
This video is dedicated to this amazing VJ team I played with : VJ Jago (Poland), Amoeba (UK), Eps (Russia), VJ MG (Russia), Antokhio (Russia), Mr Vux (France), Devon Miles (Germany), Torston (Germany).
Thanks to M.Gaidamaka for the video footage.
Music : Tactic Tech - Calgary
Digital Design++++Lighting Sculpture+++DLP projection WIP01
Project by Verlinden Michaël
Supernova combines and synchronises laser, projection and sound. Within the exhibition space hangs a single glass ball. A laser forms a large cone around the ball which gradually minimise into a single beam. This beam is precisely directed onto the centre of the ball therefore refracting the laser throughout the room. Instantaneously a sub-frequency bass tone is also activated. Precisely mapped to the laser is a projected white circle. This process loops indefinitely.
This work attempts to give a momentary and meditative abstract visual and sonic imprint of the elemental makeup of our environment, the aesthetics of technological synchronisation and the duality and connection of quantum and cosmic space.
Laser programming - Jayson Haebich
Filming - Carlo Zeccola
This is an interactive effect entirely made with vvvv. This video has no post-production on it at all, it is 100% generated in realtime.
The idea : if there is someone in front of the controller the spray/ball will transform into the Spectral and you can control it with your Kinect.
Then, if there is nobody, the Spectral will transform back into the spray/ball and move around.
You can download all the source patch here : spectral-kinect
SENSESCAPES is an interactive 360° installation at the Grassi Museum For Applied Art Leipzig.
At the end of the new exhibition "From Art Nouveau To The Present Day", museum visitors can dive into graphic interpretations of the displayed stylistic eras. Several compositions appear, play sounds and constantly change themselves by the movement of all people in that 100m² room.
Credits Installation:
Technical Direction:,
Interior Design:
Credits Dokumentation:
Camera: Marvin Hesse, Carsten Nacke, Anna-Maria Schneider
Sound: Triberg - Amess (Skyence Remix)
made with vvvv, runs in real-time
Elektronikus zenei liveactek, workshopok, sound system, vizuál - megalkuvások nélkül.
Segíts, hogy létrehozhassuk!
Music: Banyek -
Live audio reactive visual mixed with my vvvv based software CLONEMIXER.
Music : Kaleidoscopio - Voce Me Apareceu
Letters escape from the magic keyboard as you type on it. They melt into the physical environment and bounce back on the keyboard.
Done in vvvv (
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