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Robotic shadow play – Kinetic light installation for the opening act of the IHK Luminale 2012
Interactive Robotic Presentation Tool for the ABB Roboteria in Friedberg
The MESO Team: Sebastian Oschatz, Nils Buhlert, Thomas Eichhorn, Nikos Mechanezidis
(c) 2012 by MESO Digital Interiors GmbH
credits Cinimod Studio, Mark Roberts Motion Control, Philips Lighting.
It is a given that light changes space, but in Walk The Light it becomes the visitor who determines that change in the lighting. Their movement through the Victoria and Albert Museum‘s Exhibition Road tunnel entrance directly controls this innovative lighting installation.
This experimental interactive lighting design project creates a band of white light that physically follows the visitor, forming a bright line of light tracking their journey. As one person passes, the white light jumps to the next arrival. Either side of the white band, washes of strong colour are pushed and pulled along the tunnel creating an ambient lighting effect that represents the overall ebb and flow of the day’s visitors. Throughout the day these colours shift in the hue and saturation as they respond to the prevailing direction of movement of the crowds.
Using a combination of technologies, including thermal camera tracking and Philips LED lighting mounted on a moving monorail, Walk The Light demonstrates lighting design’s increasing sophistication as it playfully – and beautifully — transforms the experience of arriving at the Museum.
Walk the Light is a site specific installation at the Victoria and Albert Museum commissioned for the London Design Festival 2012 and sponsored by Philips Lighting.
STRIPPER 2.0 is a Collaborative Multioutput VJ-Application which started from a live visuals project.
Experiences and needs from the classic VJing, animation, generative art and installations flow in.
Stripper2.0 was tested during the sound:frame festival at MAK (museum of applied arts vienna) and is currently under further development.
Music: CID RIM
Software Design: Woeishi Lean
Animation: Markus Wagner, Stefan Salcher, Martin Lorenz
Edit: Martin Lorenz
Band : M Flo Verbal and Taku
Agency : WhatiF
Technical, projection and live VJ : Digital Slaves
Content : Superbien
Quick interaction test of flux's Navier Stokes fluid dynamics plugin for vvvv. A Kinect point cloud of the area in front of the screen is deeply sub-sampled and used as input into the NS fluid motion shader.
Music: Chaos Pleasures by Mysteries of Science
We developed a prototype which combines Projection Mapping and Rotation.
Built with vvvv + Arduino. You can control the system via iPad or Handwheel. Mapping setup takes less than one hour.
Have a look at our work in progress channel:
Thanks to:
Elliot Woods ( for Padé Shader.
Mike McCauley ( for AccelStepperLibrary
At G8 Labs we are experimenting with rotated Projection Mapping. Here is our first attempt to generate the magic illusion of "looking into the cube".
See other videos of our Prototype here:
Check also:
Rotomap 3000
is a funky Visual Music Arcade Game with 3D Projection Mapping.
See it at PLATINE FESTIVAL 2012 in Cologne.
Made with vvvv and love by G8 Labs.
Better Documentation will follow soon.
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