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Who id144
When Sat, Mar 12th 2016 - 10:00 until Sun, Mar 13th 2016 - 18:00
Where OpenDot , Via Tertulliano 70, Milan, Italy

During the workshop we will investigate the potential of Kinect’s sensors used by artists and designers. These sensors allow us to develop a whole range of unexpected, contactless interaction solutions, both for public and private spaces.

We will explore technical principles behind Kinect and other depth sensors, comparing alternative solutions and trying different revolutionary applications of this affordable device: from 3D scanning to special effects, from gesture recognition to custom tracking solutions, including a virtual reality experience with Oculus.

Yet, we will take a close look behind the scenes of successful interactive installations that use depth cameras; in order to demonstrate these possibilities we will use the VVVV environment (however a previous knowledge of this tool is not mandatory).

During the workshop, recommended to designers, artists and developers, we will prototype together a simple interactive installation.
(Please, bring your own laptop, ideally a PC or Mac with Bootcamp, and the Kinect sensor, install VVVV in advance if you can.)

Workshop is led by Andrej Boleslavskýhttp://id144.org

Capacity is limited to 12 seats, book your ticket athttp://opendot.fikket.com/event/opendot-workshop-kinect-with-andrej-bolevslasky

id144, Thursday, Mar 3rd 2016 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

Who Mapping Festival
When Thu, Apr 28th 2016 - 18:00 until Sun, May 8th 2016 - 18:00
Where Geneva, Switzerland

Mapping Festival 2016 // 28.04-8.05 // Geneva

True to its spirit of community and experimentation, the Mapping Festival returns with a unique range of workshops for its 12th edition

Both beginners and experts will once more be invited to explore a variety of subjects with an emphasis on new technologies and effervescent creativity, under the guidance of renowned specialists from all over the world.

The six workshops will be spread over the two weeks of the festival, which is taking place from April 28 to May 8, 2016 in Geneva.

The deadline for registration is April 1, 2016. Check out our website http://www.mappingfestival.com for more information and register via the dedicated form!

Mapping Festival 2016 // 28.04-8.05 // Geneva

Sound Spatialisation in Immersive VR Environments /// 4-6.05 ///

C. Miltiadis (AT), A. Xydis (CH) et D. Shammas (CY)

Thanks to head-mounted displays and Kinect sensors, this workshop will explore the spatialisation of sound in a virtual reality setting, created in Unity 3D.

Visual Show Workflow /// 4-7.05 ///

Pfadfinderei (DE)

This workshop will focus on video and motion graphics production with classic timeline and composing techniques, following the steps of a standard workflow.

Deep Browsing /// 29.04-1.05 ///

Nicolas Maigret & Maria Roszkowska (FR)

This workshop is an introduction to deep web browsing and aims at pooling a data bank based on shared contents. Each participant will be equipped with a secured, anonymous browsing kit.

Visual Programming /// 4-7.05 ///

Pfadfinderei (DE)

Relying on Quartz Composer, this workshop will guide participants through the development of a visual idea, going from 2D and 3D compositing to integration of shaders and extended software.

Robotics and Electronics (ages 13-17) /// 30.04-1.05 ///

D. Romero Calderón (FR)

Intended for teenagers and youngsters between 13 and 17 years old, this workshop will teach them how to playfully build "moving robots" using drinking straws, a robotic kit and micro-servomotors.

Controlling Audiovisual Systems /// 29.04-2.05 ///

Playmodes (ES) / In collaboration with Resonate

By working practically with timelines, algorithms and simulators, this workshop will address different strategies for controlling and composing complex multimedia systems.

Mapping Festival, Thursday, Feb 25th 2016 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 3 comments  

Who elliotwoods, ales9000
When Sat, Jan 16th 2016 until Sun, Jan 17th 2016
Where OpenDot, Via Tertulliano 70, Milan, Italy

A workshop on spatial calibration using Rulr, an open source standalone tool for offline calibration task, created to work with realtime graphic environments such as VVVV (and shared many ideas with VVVV!).


Ti interessi di Video Mapping? Vieni a conoscere Elliot Woods, guru mondiale del Video Mapping e creatore di Rulr!

Rulr è un nuovo sistema ideato per calibrare in tempo reale dispositivi tecnologici, quali macchine fotografiche, proiettori, Kinect e Motion Tracking System, per facilitare il dialogo con lo spazio circostante e creare esperienze visive sempre più immersive ed interattive. La calibrazione può essere esportata su framework di sviluppo grafico come openFramework, VVVV e Processing.
Il workshop intensivo della durata di due giorni sarà preceduto da una OpenTalk venerdì 15 gennaio presso il nostro fablab.

Costo: 190€ iva inclusa (sconto studenti 15%)

Guarda un po’ di video qui e scopri qui tutte le magie di Elliot Woods e del suo studio www.kimchiandchips.com

Iscrizioni a questo link.



elliotwoods, Friday, Jan 8th 2016 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 4 comments  

Who symbioticcube.com / Equipo Para
When Thu, Dec 17th 2015 - 02:35 until Thu, Dec 17th 2015 - 02:35
Where Equipo Para, www.equipopara.org, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Germany

We are happy to present:



Audio-Visual Concert

Coupled with Release of Monome Compilation on Symbioitccube.com on 17.12.2015


We will try to make a live stream but not 100% sure

tekcor, Wednesday, Dec 9th 2015 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 1 comments  

Who agalloch, 3eyesnuts, lecloneur
When Sun, Dec 13th 2015 - 13:30 until Sun, Dec 13th 2015 - 18:00
Where Shanghai Conservatory of Music, 20 Fenyang Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai, China

Meet the local scene in a very nice venue.

lecloneur, Sunday, Dec 6th 2015 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 1 comments  

Who antokhio, eps
When Sun, Nov 29th 2015 - 18:00 until Sun, Nov 29th 2015 - 21:00

Hi, we will be hosting lectures on cg-event Moscow.



antokhio, Friday, Nov 27th 2015 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

Who Julien Vulliet, Ekaterina Danilova, Alexandra Gavrilova
When Tue, Dec 8th 2015 - 10:00 until Tue, Dec 8th 2015 - 20:00
Where Garage Education Center, Krimsky Val st. 9/4 , Moscow, Russia

Audiovision Lab

Идея сопоставления звука и видео, музыки и графики столь же актуальна сейчас, как и столетие назад. В стремлении к синергии музыканты и художники ищут взаимосвязь между визуальной и аудиальной парадигмой.

Мастерская Audiovision Lab проходит в рамках Polytech.Science.Art Week Политехнического музея в партнерстве с Музеем современного искусства "Гараж" при участии Александры Гавриловой (Россия), Julien Vulliet (Франция), Екатерины Даниловой (Россия). Кураторы: Наталья Фукс, Алексей Щербина (Россия).

Мастерская Audiovision Lab посвящена разным методам визуализации звука и примерам их реализации в программной среде vvvv.

Результатом практической работы видеохудожников станет серия визуальных сетов, которые в рамках цикла «Музыка и технологии» Polytech.Science.Art Week дополнят выступления таких музыкантов, как Abelle (Россия), Gunnar Haslam (США), Synaesthesia band (Мексика/Россия), Art Crime (Россия), «Новые композиторы» (Россия) и участников мастерской SuperCollider (Россия).

Мы набираем участников до 30 ноября включительно. 2 декабря будет опубликован список прошедших отбор – они смогут посещать мастерскую бесплатно. Количество участников ограничено, не более 10 человек.

Регистрация: https://goo.gl/w0Kwtn

Для участия в работе мастерской необходимо:
владение интерфейсом vvvv;
компьютер с операционной системой Windows и установленной программой vvvv;
свободное владение английским языком.

Проект Audiovision Lab создан при участии Электронной гостиной Политехнического музея и Международного фестиваля современной музыки и медиа-искусства MIGZ.

Audiovision Lab является событием программы ежегодной международной фестивальной недели Polytech.Science.Art Week, посвященной взаимодействию искусства, науки и технологий. В этом году Polytech.Science.Art Week организована в партнерстве с Музеем современного искусства «Гараж» и пройдет с 7 по 13 декабря. Куратор – Наталья Фукс.

Подробнее: http://psa2015.polymus.ru/

fedorpolymus, Friday, Nov 27th 2015 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

Who Martìn Romeo | Luca Frogheri
When Sat, Dec 5th 2015 - 11:00 until Tue, Dec 8th 2015 - 18:00
Where Officina delle Zattere, Fondamenta Nani, Dorsoduro 947, Venice, Italy

Sound Production Sound

Since 2011 Toolkit Festival has been organizing meetings with international artists who move in the field of experimentation with new art forms related to interactive technology.

The training of December 2015 provides for two workshops: interactivity of the body with Kinect camera and smart fabrics Wearable technology.


Workshop "Digital Body": 5-6 December - H. 11.00-18.00

By Martín Romeo

The workshop provides the tools to build a project based on the use of multimedia (digital sets, audio-visual performances, interactive installations, etc.). The following topics will be tackled: problems and phases in the construction of a process, from production to staging, in order to realize one’s artistic work. The workshop explores in terms of both theoretical and practical points of view, the aspects that make up a show of contemporary dance or an installation. It aims to further understanding of the differences in the creation of these two art forms, namely the manner and timing by which the elements are used and combined: body, music and image.


Endless creations
Introduction to Vvvv software, learning functions and main features that will be used during the workshop days. It will be shown how to program in real time, starting from the connection of multiple webcams to map and modify the surroundings by one’s presence or movement, making them interactive. With reference to the personal experience of each participant, situations and spaces to pursue a strategy of production and projects presentation will be identified.

Interactivity and body image

Kinect camera will be introduced to connect real and virtual reality: recognition of the human skeleton, identification of its movements in space and use of the infrared. Participants will be given the knowledge to understand the operational characteristics, in order to create a relationship with the image. The latter follows, responds and interprets according to its change and the parameters that the artist –director has preset in the software, assuming some matches.


Each participant should be equipped with his own computer running Mac or Windows and have the latest version of the Vvv software (free download from www.vvvv.org).

The workshop is open to artists, students, professionals or people interested. Knowledge of the software used is not required.

Workshop "Wearable and e-textiles": 7-8 December - H. 11.00-18.00

By Luca Frogheri

The workshop on interactive textiles and wearable technologies aims at providing the basic tools to approach a project using some of the textile technologies today available and the prototyping board Arduino Lilypad.


The course will start from the first theoretical and practical basis to handle Arduino, using kit textile sensors and will end with the realization of a practical project. Textile sensors are made of conductive fibres and are placed in the middle of two realities that share many basic values but where electronics and crafting hardly meet. This intermediate position opens a window on several developments and projects hardly possible before.

The program: Introduction to Arduino environment and Lilypad, first practical tests and approach to programming. You’ll be able to figure out how to start managing digital and analogical sensors and actuators in practice, thereafter starting to work with textile components discovering their typical features. The differences between various smart fabrics and textile sensors will be dealt with, finally creating a small project.


Regular attendants are asked to bring their own laptop on which the software has been previously installed (free download from www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software).
No problems with different operating systems. The workshop is addressed to students, professionals, artists, fashion enthusiasts, interested in experimenting on a field somewhere between fashion, design and development of interactive projects.


Martín Romeo is a multimedia Italian artist grown up in Argentina, whose research is directed to interactive art, ranging from video installations to dance performance. He created several cultural projects and is the artistic director of the Venice Film Festival and screening Toolkit Festival in Trieste. He teaches at ISIA and the Academy of Fine Arts in Urbino and implements workshops in different settings, both educational and cultural.

Luke Frogheri, interaction designer, develops interactive projects for communication or artistic purposes. He has been teaching courses and workshops for interaction and wearable technologies for some time, he developed the project Eyewriter Italy and is working with several Italian EyeWriter FabLab.


Send your application to toolkitfestival@gmail.com, indicating the workshop you intend to follow.

PARTICIPANTS: Min. 7 / Max. 15

WHERE: Officina delle Zattere - Fondamenta Nani, Dorsoduro 947, Venice

Martin Romeo, Wednesday, Nov 25th 2015 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

Who João Correia
When Wed, Mar 30th 2016 until Fri, Apr 1st 2016
Where Porto, Porto, Portugal

EvoMUSART 2016

5th International Conference on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired
Music, Sound, Art and Design

30 March - 1 April 2016
Porto, Portugal
Part of evo* 2016
evo*: http://www.evostar.org

            1. DEADLINE EXTENDED : 11 November, 2015


      • PAGE LIMIT : 16 PAGES

Following the success of previous events and the importance of the field of evolutionary and biologically inspired (artificial neural network, swarm, alife) music, sound, art and design, evomusart has become an evo* conference with independent proceedings since 2012. Thus, evomusart 2016 is the fifth International Conference on Evolutionary and Biologically Inspired Music, Sound, Art and Design.

The use of biologically inspired techniques for the development of artistic systems is a recent, exciting and significant area of research. There is a growing interest in the application of these techniques in fields such as: visual art and music generation, analysis, and interpretation; sound synthesis; architecture; video; poetry; design; and other creative tasks.

The main goal of evomusart 2016 is to bring together researchers who are using biologically inspired computer techniques for artistic tasks, providing the opportunity to promote, present and discuss ongoing work in the area.

The event will be held in April, 2016 in Porto, Portugal, as part of the evo* event.

Important Dates

Submission: 11 November 2015*
Notification to authors: 04 January 2016
Camera-ready deadline: 18 January 2016
Evo*: 30 March - 1 April 2016

Publication Details

Submissions will be rigorously reviewed for scientific and artistic merit. Accepted papers will be presented orally or as posters at the event and included in the evomusart proceedings, published by Springer Verlag in a dedicated volume of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. The papers which receive the best reviews will be nominated for the Best Paper Award. The acceptance rate at EvoMUSART 2015 was 27.9% for papers accepted for oral presentation, and 25.6% for poster presentation.

Submitters are strongly encouraged to provide in all papers a link for download of media demonstrating their results, whether music, images, video, or other media types. Links should be anonymised for double-blind review, e.g. using a URL shortening service.

Topics of interest

Submissions should concern the use of biologically inspired computer
techniques -- e.g. Evolutionary Computation, Artificial Life,
Artificial Neural Networks, Swarm Intelligence, other artificial
intelligence techniques -- in the generation, analysis and
interpretation of art, music, design, architecture and other artistic
fields. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • - Generation
  • Biologically Inspired Design and Art -- Systems that create

drawings, images, animations, sculptures, poetry, text, designs,
webpages, buildings, etc.;

  • Biologically Inspired Sound and Music -- Systems that create

musical pieces, sounds, instruments, voices, sound effects, sound
analysis, etc.;

  • Robotic-Based Evolutionary Art and Music;
  • Other related artificial intelligence or generative techniques in

the fields of Computer Music, Computer Art, etc.;

  • - Theory
  • Computational Aesthetics, Experimental Aesthetics; Emotional

Response, Surprise, Novelty;

  • Representation techniques;
  • Surveys of the current state-of-the-art in the area; identification

of weaknesses and strengths; comparative analysis and classification;

  • Validation methodologies;
  • Studies on the applicability of these techniques to related areas;
  • New models designed to promote the creative potential of

biologically inspired computation;

  • - Computer Aided Creativity and computational creativity
  • Systems in which biologically inspired computation is used to

promote the creativity of a human user;

  • New ways of integrating the user in the evolutionary cycle;
  • Analysis and evaluation of: the artistic potential of biologically

inspired art and music; the artistic processes inherent to these
approaches; the resulting artefacts;

  • Collaborative distributed artificial art environments;
  • - Automation
  • Techniques for automatic fitness assignment;
  • Systems in which an analysis or interpretation of the artworks is

used in conjunction with biologically inspired techniques to produce
novel objects;

  • Systems that resort to biologically inspired computation to perform

the analysis of image, music, sound, sculpture, or some other types of
artistic object.

Additional information and submission details

Submit your manuscript, at most 16 A4 pages long, in Springer LNCS format (instructions downloadable from http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-793341-0)

Submission link: http://myreview.csregistry.org/evomusart16/

      • NEW Page limit: 16 pages ***

The reviewing process will be double-blind; please omit information about the authors in the submitted paper.

Website: http://www.evostar.org/
Facebook: fb.com/evostarconf
Twitter: twitter.com/Evostar2016
LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/groups/EVOstar-1908983

Conference chairs

Colin Johnson
University of Kent, UK

Vic Ciesielski
RMIT University, Australia

Publication chair
João Correia
University of Coimbra, Portugal

anonymous, Thursday, Oct 29th 2015 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 0 comments  

Who Kopffarben, Julia Schäfer, Johannes Schmidt & Brunhild Fischer
When Fri, Oct 16th 2015 - 19:30 until Sun, Oct 18th 2015 - 20:30
Where Forum Factory, Besselstrasse 13-14, 10969 Berlin-Mitte, Germany

Kopffarben - Festival of Lights


We hereby invite all of you to our visual concert during the Festival of Lights in Berlin.

Let yourself bewitch of our extraordinary visual concert. We combine the charm of painting and the fascination of light with spherical sound of the flute to a rousing cosmos. The legend of Orpheus develops before your eyes into a living painting.

see you,


Friday: 16th of October / 19:30
Saturday: 17th of October / 19:30
Sunday: 18th of October / 19:30


Forum Factory
Besselstrasse 13-14
10969 Berlin-Mitte

we thank our sponsors





here are an video from last year

kopffarben, Wednesday, Oct 14th 2015 Digg | Tweet | Delicious 2 comments  

anonymous user login


~4d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S0204 is out: Custom Widgets with Dear ImGui: https://youtube.com/live/nrXfpn5V9h0

~4d ago

joreg: New user registration is currently disabled as we're moving to a new login provider: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/reclaiming-vvvv.org/

~11d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E03 is out: Logging: https://youtube.com/live/OpUrJjTXBxM

~13d ago

~15d ago

joreg: Follow TobyK on his Advent of Code: https://www.twitch.tv/tobyklight

~18d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E02 is out: Saving & Loading UI State: https://www.youtube.com/live/GJQGVxA1pIQ

~18d ago

joreg: We now have a presence on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/vvvv-group

~25d ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E01 is out: Buttons & Sliders with Dear ImGui: https://www.youtube.com/live/PuuTilbqd9w

~1mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E00 is out: Sensors & Servos with Arduino: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/vvvvtv-is-back-with-season-2/

~1mth ago