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CINEMA VERTIGO presents “Lost in the FEARest”, a gentle blend of papercuts, electronics, programming and 2d animation.
Inspired by the Smiths’ fears, we created a surprising pop-up book. Through a magic torch visitors of the Werkschau 2014 could unveil spooky creatures, scary trees, and crazy guests hidden under the white paper artwork.

Cinema vertigo team and the Smiths worked closely with papercuts, animations and programming to create this analog/digital installation. The project was conceived, prototyped and realized in three days.

Mika Satomi - www.kobakant.at
Daniel Huber - www.ceeyaa.com
Benjamin Hohnheiser - www.benju.net
Alessandro Maggioni - www.atelierperela.com

Rasmus Roos Lindquist
Nica Junker - www.nicajunker.de
Kerstin Unger - www.kerstinunger.com
Benjamin Hohnheiser
Alessandro Maggioni

Mika Satomi,
Hannah Perner-Wilson - www.plusea.at
Alessandro Maggioni

vvvv programming:
Daniel Huber

Mika Satomi

Torch design:
Thomas Gnahm - www.trafopop.com

Video Footage:
Benjamin Hohnheiser
Alessandro Maggioni

Picea (Spruce) by Bartolomäus Traubeck - www.traubeck.com
taken from his amazing project “Years” - www.traubeck.com/years/

Thanks to:
Schmiede Hallein - www.schmiede.at
Jakob Barth - www.anoba-film.com
Jan-Nahuel Jenny
Rüdiger Wassibauer
vvvv - www.vvvv.org
Show2go - www.show2go.at
Frau Wurst

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schnellebuntebilder and kling klang klong developed an interactive framework to create synaesthetic experiences of sounds and visuals generated from body movement.

In their first collaborative work „MOMENTUM“ the user and his surroundings transforms into a fluid creature in an ever-transforming system of particles. A virtual reality, in which movement becomes sound and music and matter seems to dissolve.




visuals – schnellebuntebilder http://www.schnellebuntebilder.de
audio – kling klang klong http://www.klingklangklong.com

vvvv – http://vvvv.org
Max – https://cycling74.com/products/max
Ableton Live – https://www.ableton.com/de/live
Microsoft Kinect 2
TimlinerSA Next Generation – timelinersa-nextgeneration

CCL – http://choreographiccoding.org
Motion Bank – http://motionbank.org
Daniel Shiffman for http://natureofcode.com
vux for Kinect 2 - VVVV implementation
dottore for Particle Madness Workshop at NODE13 – http://node15.vvvv.org

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FormaX A/Vperformance@ Kikk Festival and Beautés Soniques FestivalLive Capture_Grand Manège,Namur.

FormaX is an A/V performance by Rawakari & Vision Nocturne. It also exists as an installation named Cubix.

FormaX is an audio reactive cubiq structure exploring visual and sonic spaces. This performance is part of a common audiovisual research between electronic music artist Rawakari (elf cut, thin consolation) & Vision Nocturne. The electronic sounds of Rawakari generates abstracts and hypnotic visuals creations onto the structure. Thanks to a smart interplay between optical and graphical elements the auidience gets lost in a minimal electronic landscape with complex and dreamy sounds.

This performance is organized in collaboration with Beautés Soniques.

Artists: Rawakari & Vision Nocturne
Realtime Motion graphic: Michaël VERLINDEN

Sound Design: Jean-François DELHEZ

Vidéo Capture :Sem Mathieu

Vision Nocturne, Thursday, Dec 18th 2014 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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schnellebuntebilder and kling klang klong developed an interactive framework to create synaesthetic experiences of sounds and visuals generated from body movement.

In their first collaborative work „MOMENTUM“ the user and his surroundings transforms into a fluid creature in an ever-transforming system of particles. A virtual reality, in which movement becomes sound and music and matter seems to dissolve.




visuals – schnellebuntebilder http://www.schnellebuntebilder.de
audio – kling klang klong http://www.klingklangklong.com

vvvv – http://vvvv.org
Max – https://cycling74.com/products/max
Ableton Live – https://www.ableton.com/de/live
Microsoft Kinect 2
TimlinerSA Next Generation – timelinersa-nextgeneration

Christoph Knoth for generating the logo-type – http://christoph-knoth.com/
CCL – http://choreographiccoding.org
Motion Bank – http://motionbank.org
Daniel Shiffman for http://natureofcode.com
vux for Kinect 2 - VVVV implementation
dottore for Particle Madness Workshop at NODE13 – http://node15.vvvv.org

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Time-lapse from 12 hours Videomapping performance during http://vj-festival.de 2014 (KunstKulturQuartier, Nürnberg)
Live performance with VVVV by your beloved Nic VjLuper and friends (http://kinocirkus.net)
Hexagonal structure by Honza Horky
Shot on weird technology build by Adam Široký
Editing by Kristyna Balaban
Music By: Philip T.B.C. - Soundless Homeless (Trusty RMX)

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dance-tech, 2014

A solo dance in which the biological functions of the performer’s body takes control over the interactive environment. In this instance, the dancer’s heartbeat, muscle activity and breathing are measured by sensors attached to the dancer’s body, with the visuals and sound generated according to her specific movements. It is with this unique process that the complex data can be created completely organically, thus creating a very intimate link between the dancer’s biological body and her immediate, networked environment that is produced in the background. Consequently, the idea of boundaries (that is, where her body ends and the environment begins) begins to blur in the performance. In this way, as a single experiencing entity, a new hybrid being emerges.

The piece is primarily concerned with the merging of the biological and technological, resulting in the loss of a clear distinction between the two. It attempts to develop new understandings of the human identity in the light of the current changes and possibilities of the technologically mediated transformation. It redefines the human form as it is framed by its clearly defined corporeal body (an entirely organic form) and mediates the human essence between the material and the metaphorical. It looks at the apex at which “living” may become something other than biological.

Through the speculation on the intervention between biology and the modifying corporeality, a bio-techno enhancement of the human being is transferred onto non-­biological platforms, which raises multiple issues revolving around the nature and identity of one’s self (essence, consciousness, intelligence, life, embodiment, identity and the body).

concept: mária júdová
choreography, dance: markéta kuttnerová
visuals: andrej boleslavský, mária júdová
sound design: petr zábrodský
lighting design: robert palkovič
sensing systems: andrej boleslavský
costume: kristýna nováková

camera: šimon havel, zdeněk kajer, nina sčamborová
editing: mária júdová
music: kerridge, death is upon us

thanks to: káťa blažková, bluberry, jakub hybler, eliška jurkovičová, miloš vojtěchovský
supported by: nadácia intenda, famu, lunchmeat, druna, institut intermedií

see more at mariajudova.net

maria judova, Thursday, Dec 18th 2014 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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A real-time audio-visual performance work that uses a bi-directional communication between audio and visual systems to create colour-shape-sound modalities. Made with VVVV.

see another except here: https://vimeo.com/70807939

Stills of the piece can be found here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/transphormetic/sets/72157634748662955/

Seditions: http://www.seditionart.com/paul_prudence/artworks

Paul Prudence, Thursday, Dec 18th 2014 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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Train to shift your focus in an augmented world with this media-challenged table tennis game.
Pingtime takes a look into how realtime generated computer responses are affecting reaction time in fast gameplay situations.

Sergiu Doroftei _concept, Bogdan Susma _hardware, Ion Cotenescu _program, Silviu Badea _sound
Rokolectiv _space, vvvv _toolkit, Kimchi & Chips _emgucv, www.3dlp.ro _pixels, Dinu Ivancu _audio, flux _fluidgpu, Hiva _irmod, Tom Wilson _tapes, Rodi Cotenescu _film

videogram, Thursday, Dec 18th 2014 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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– A kinetic installation in space –
– Rediscovered time –

G8 LABS of LICHTFRONT/GROSSE 8 are exhibiting their first kinetic installation as part of the Passagen 2013 forum at Interior Design Week in Cologne.

The installation CL:0C is a perpetual motion machine. It is in constant motion and mostly under its own power. In its whirring mutation, it is constantly stimulated by random pulses from its control unit. Such electronic stimulation leads to quiet moments within the functioning and progression of CL:0C itself, but also in the eye of the beholder. The resulting stop-motion effect is no illusion of motion but one of cessation. CL:0K’s tentacles only lie still for a few seconds at a time.
CL:0C operates using elements of light, sound and motion, primarily acting as a kinetic element in space. The unfamiliar use of both analogue and digital aspects changes the whole room. Familiar two-dimensionality is transformed by the 28 elements of CL:0K into a full three dimensions of length, breadth and depth.
During the various phases of the transformation, each of the elements changes its position in space and the way it is perceived in an ostensibly labyrinthine choreography. For brief moments there will be a sense of structure and shape, until CL:0C in its continuing mutation once more discards them.
Unexpected pauses interrupt the mutation and project film stills into a space with no screen. While their vivid colours echo on the retina, the viewer then rediscovers time. Analogue digits extend into all dimensions of the space, awakening in the viewer once more the sense of how quickly time passes – CL:0C.

Grosse 8, Thursday, Dec 18th 2014 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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Real-time audio-visual performance work created in 2012.
Sound design and generative video synthesis by Paul Prudence.

Stills of the piece can be found here:

CyclotoneSpin-up Finale cound be found here:

Paul Prudence, Thursday, Dec 18th 2014 Digg | Tweet | Delicious comments on vimeo  

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~3mth ago

joreg: vvvvTv S02E00 is out: Sensors & Servos with Arduino: https://visualprogramming.net/blog/2024/vvvvtv-is-back-with-season-2/