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Cedric Kiefer
Tobias Nusser, Arístides García (lasal)
Christopher Warnow
The data wall is the centerpiece of the new headquarter of Stockholm based payment company Klarna; visualizing their world wide business activity in real-time.
Artist talk by Tebjan Halm & Elias Holzer -
Duration 01h00min38sec
Tebjan and Elias are two developers of vvvv, a live-programming environment
commonly used to implement large scale media projects and digital art.
It's been used for around a decade and cultivated by a strong international community.
In the past few years they've been eagerly working on a complete rewrite of vvvv,
which lead to a new visual programming language in combination with a development
and runtime environment. In their talk they give a short introduction into the
key features of this new language internally calling “50″.
Watch Scope's website for upcoming shows and artist archive /
Thanks to Panke e.V. for hosting Scope Sessions! /
Thanks to Servando for Intro Sound!
credits Visuals and Editing by APMOHNKA | Directed by Prince$$ ドーナツ
I did some basic visuals and we recorded this video for a friend of mine:
Optimised and revisited version of my glitch shaders made for Circle of Light mapping festival in Moscow ( Made entirely in vvvv with a lot of hlsl shaders. No post production or editing, just added audio track on top.
Music: "Kangding Ray – Thar"
A quick screencap from workInProgress. Another foray into the possibilities of visual instruments. I'd really like to outsource the overall movement of the tubes to an orchestra's conductor.
Heavily inspired by (and made possible through) the work of Natan Sinigaglia. VVVV and midicontroller. Again, all realtime, no postFX, straight recording
Music is Nest - Lodge
A closeup of the interactive animation in the measuring instrument for "therefore I am"(
The animation can be explored by turning a knob. Ranging from chromosomes to DNA this simplified journey allows to experience an ever preciser measurement. Though the animation is linear, it contains generative elements and the camera motion is influenced by the speed of turning, so the animation looks and feels different every time and suggests a live view into the blood sample.
Made with vvvv.
Performance 14.11. at festival ProToTyp
Brno, Richard Adam Gallery
interactive perforance vith vvvv software
Concept, media: Vladimír Burian
Concept, motion: Marie Svobodová
Music: Nèro Scartch
production: Marie Trefná
00:00 - 01:28 perofmance
01:28 - 03:53 freestyle with ambient music is well known for its rocking parties worldwide,astonishing club ¡¡.
For the Opening season Party 2013, was in charged of visuals and interaction for the event.We created custom software for all the led devices bars and stage, filling those with a mixture of generative and linear visual content,as well as Interactive scenes to react with the dancers.
//Lineup Space Opening Fiesta 2013//
//More pictures from the Party//
//Visual Design and Production//
Alfonso Ares
//Motion Graphics and Vj,s//
Efren Murcia
Alvaro Martin Treviño
//Custom software: Led Control,Generative Content and Interaction//
Alvaro Martin Treviño
Abraham Manzanares I
Big Thanks To :
Alma Vacas
Music of the video:
Surfin (Nice7 Remix)
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