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Gemeinsam mit Klub7 und Clemens Behr haben wir im Rahmen des Coke SoundUp Festivals am 2. Oktober 2011 das Happiness Monument am Brandenburger Tor gestaltet. Die User konnten über Youtube ihre Gründe, an eine bessere Welt zu glauben, schicken und diese wurden von uns visuell umgesetzt.
Wir haben die verschiedenen Character aus den Klub7-Illustrationen animiert und diese vorgerenderten Clips durch generative Animationen und Visuals ergänzt. Bespielung und Projektion wurde mit der Software vvvv und Vertigo umgesetzt. Da sowohl Illustrationen als auch Installationen erst vor Ort live entstanden, war es für uns besonders spannend, mit der Projektion auf das sich ständig verändernde Kunstwerk einzugehen.
Kunde: Coca Cola GmbH Deutschland -
Agentur: McCann Erickson Deutschland GmbH -
Animation/Mapping/Projektion: /
Filmmaterial: / /
Musik: Skyence “Weak Hand” -
Anläßlich der Verleihung des Deutschen Werbefilmpreises im Schauspiel Frankfurt am 19.11.2011 wurde eingeladen die Havana-Club-Lounge mit Visuals zu bespielen.
MIMPI is an experiment with abstract generative image and simple multiuser interactivity.
Everyone can have an influence on the image with tilting an iOS or Android device.
Sound by Lazyfish is also realtime synthesized and forms a whole with the image, receiving parameters via OSC.
Audience interaction with the installation becomes a kind of collective game or even meditation, depending on participants' mood and actions.
First installation at MEL space.
Alexander Stavtsev
Nataly Solovieva and MEL space
Vadim Smakhtin
Alexey Shcherbina
Interactive lab
We made a guitar live visualization in the course audiovisual design. We used VVVV, a Roland VG-99 and 200 meters of cable.
Florian Friesinger
Sven Stumm
Fabian Fischer
Supported by:
Veldana Sehic
Thanks to:
Andreas Brendle
Prof. Michael Götte
Hochschule für Gestaltung
Schwäbisch Gmünd
WS 11/12
credits see box below..
The GS Caltex pavilion is presented as a immersive light ensemble which, at first glance, is reminiscent of an outsized rice field. 380 fiber blades sway like grass in the wind with a height of 18 metres (59 feet). Touching activates individual sensitive blades and illuminates them. A centrally located star-shaped, mirrored pavilion building is optically withdrawn in its entirety. Via raised corners of the star, the visitor can gain access to the also mirrored entrance area on the ground floor. The centre of the pavilion is on the upper floor; a seven-metre-high round room with panoramic projection. Poetic images in a reduced black-and-white aesthetic convey the company’s readiness to assume responsibility with regard to sustainable energy concepts. (Text: Atelier Brückner)
Fragments of the Elastic Bond show at PAX.
Video feedback is fun! Made in vvvv, and run using tonfilm's Svvvvitcher.
This program (vvvv patch) receives random color data/live feed from COLOURlovers' APIin the form of #HEX(adecimal) values & visualises this data in real time.
For this demo, I've chosen to proceed with the 'random pallettes' option:
00:00-01:05_The data/live feed is been renewed every 10 seconds
01:25-01:42_The data/live feed is been renewed every 3 seconds
01:42-02:42_Full screen
// note: This is the first attempt/experiment from a series of data visualisation videos that will be uploaded in the near future & will be combined with GPS/geolocation visualisation.
Thanks for stopping by.
realtime GPU particle simulation.
MRE (multipass render engine)
software: software
runs at 60 fps
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